Chapter 33

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Joon chuckled as he carried Jin toward their house. As soon as they got in, Mason was in tears and wouldn't leave Jin's side, which meant that the Doctor, who was an Alpha, couldn't get close to Jin. It took Jungkook picking Mason up and carrying him away. "Baby, I know you want to be there, but you keep growling at the doctor, and he needs to help Jin." 

Mason smacked Jungkook's chest with his tiny fists, "Can't my Doctor help him? He's a Beta and super nice."

Jungkook sighed, and it made Joon laugh. That baby Alpha had his hands full with their Omega, that's for sure. "Baby, your Doctor is only for pregnant Omegas and dealing with pups. The Doctor who's in there with Jin deals with betas and alphas when they are injured. Do you want Jin to get better?"

Mason sniffled and nodded his head. Joon wanted nothing more than to go over to him and hold him, kiss his wet cheeks, and let him rest against his chest as he rumbled for him. But he can't do that. "Of course I do; I love Jin."

Jungkook kissed Mason's cheeks and wiped his tears away. "Then let the doctor fix him up, and I promise you Joon will let you stay with Jin tonight."

He popped his head up and looked at Alpha. Joon was far enough across the room that he wasn't a threat. "Can I, Joonie? Please, Alpha!"

Don't cry; you are a True Blood Alpha. "Of course, baby, anything to make you happy." Joon turned to Tae and asked him to hold Mason because he needed to speak with Jungkook. When the two of them got to his office, Joon looked at him, "You know what this means, right?"

"I don't want to leave him," he said softly.

"I know you don't, but it's a dangerous journey. We were so lucky that nothing happened last time, even more since we had Mason as a stowaway. But look on the bright side, now you get to help get things for your pup."

Jungkook's eyes went red, and he swayed a little on his feet. "Oh yes, I want to do that. I want to see how happy my Omega is with what I picked for our pup."

Joon was trying his hardest not to be jealous, but he was. "We'll give Jin a few days to heal and then go."

"Okay, I'm returning to Mason since I won't see him for a while."

Jin's teeth were clenched in pain as he looked at the Doctor, "Hurry the fuck up, please. My Omega is upset, and I can't help him until you leave."

The Doctor rolled his eyes, used to the seven's attitudes. "Seokjin, you have a massive gash across your torso. It takes time to clean it and sew it up."

"Fuck it, I'm a werewolf, and I won't die from this anyway. Just go, I need my Omega."

"Don't make me knock your ass out, Seokjin," the Doctor yelled.

Jin gave him a blank face, "Like you'd do that to the True Bloods, mate."

"He might not, but I damn sure will." Yoongi scoffed from the doorway where he was watching everything. "Let him do his job, and you can have Mason all to yourself tonight."

His head popped up, and he grinned at Yoongi, "Really? JK is okay with that?"

Yoongi's shoulders shrugged, "he's the one that suggested it. But I'm not sure if he'll be able to stay away the whole night. Even more, since he's replacing you on the shopping trip."

"That's fine; I'm fine as long as I get some time with him. Jimin has been overly possessive with him like he's the damn father of the pup."

The snort that left Yoongi made Jin laugh, which made the Doctor smack the Beta's arm and scold him. "Be still, Seokjin."

"I'm injured, stop hitting me asshole." Then he glared at Yoongi, who put his hands up in surrender.

'Sorry, but yeah, he's finally found someone to baby and bottom, and now he's letting his Dom side bleed over into daily life. I woke up the other day to him prepping me because he wanted another piece of this ass.'

Jin rolled his eyes, 'Don't want the doctor to know that you are bottom for a beta?'

'Fuck you, Jin.'

'No thanks, I'm injured.' 

Yoongi flipped the Beta off and left the room while the Doctor finished. He finished in about 25 minutes, which was about 24 minutes too long for Jin. As soon as he left, Jungkook carried Mason into the room. 

He hopped out of his Alphas arms and ran straight into Jin's, the Beta didn't care that he was injured and that having Mason laying on top of him squeezing the life out of him hurt more than anything he'd ever experienced. He had his Omega in his arms, and that's the only thing he cared about. "Are you okay, Jinnie?"

Jin kissed the top of his head, "I am."


"I promise. Give me a few days, and I'll be back to normal." He was already starting to heal. "Will you take a nap with me, baby?"

His dark eyes looked into Jin's. "Of course I will." He turned to look at Jungkook. "Alpha, stay, please."

"Of course I will baby, I'll even help our Beta feel better."

Said Beta rolled his eyes; Jungkook would think of that at a time like this. Not that Jin didn't want it, he was right, it does make him feel better and he always sleeps better when Jungkook does it. He rolled the two of them to the side, Mason still against his chest as close as possible, and Jungkook slid in behind the Beta. He pulled Jin's pants down and slowly pushed his way in.

That's how they fell asleep, their Omega in Jin's arms, Jungkook as deep in Jin's ass as he could get with the Alpha's arms wrapped around both of them. This is heaven right here. Jin sent up another thank you to the Moon Goddess for this blessing. Most werewolves can't function with multiple mates; it would be even more complex when they share a fated mate. 

But it worked for them. It shouldn't have, and it probably only did because they met and mated before they found Mason, and all of them loved each other fiercely. Now that Mason is here, they are complete. She has blessed them more than they deserved. 

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