Chapter 58

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Once his hips started to shudder a bit, Joon palmed his ass and squeezed it as he helped him chase his release. He came, and it was amazing; he was out of breath as he collapsed onto the bed next to him, "Alpha, I don't, wow."  

Joon chuckled, "That good, babe?"

"Better than I could have ever imagined." The Alpha grabbed him and pulled him on top of himself; he wanted to kiss him so badly. Joon kissed him until he was rock hard; he nipped his way down Joon's chin. "Can I now Alpha? Please."

"Please, Hobi, I want and need your knot so badly. Can you give it to Alpha? And mark me again while your knot is inside me?"

His eyes slid shut, and then he pushed the Alpha to the side and held him as his little spoon. He thought he'd immediately slam into him, but Hobi didn't. He ran his hands all over Joon's body, petting and cooing at him. He told Joon he loved him and how great of an Alpha he was. Once his rumbles started, he grabbed his leg and pulled it over his hip, but he still didn't start.

He just kept up his pets, praises, and coos. He started kissing his shoulders as his hand caressed Joon's thigh that he had pinned up. "Are you ready, Alpha?"

"So ready," the Alpha whimpered. Hobi had calmed his wolf to where he was on his back, tongue out and tail wagging in happiness. He pushed in, and while it hurt a bit, he didn't even care. He could feel just how happy his Beta was to do this, and that was enough to make him not even notice the sting. Once he was all the way in, he waited, "Move, Beta; I need to feel you, please."

"Anything for you, Alpha." His hips moved slowly, and it felt great. His hand wrapped around Joon's body, and he fisted him, his hand moving in time with his hips. His other hand was in Joon's hair, softly running his fingers through it. "I love you so much. You are such a great alpha and a great leader. You love us and protect us. You are so strong and beautiful. We wouldn't be the seven without you."

Joon was fucking crying, he had a dick in his ass and a hand on his own dick and he was fucking crying. Hobi seemed to sense it; he rolled Joon onto his back and kissed the tears away. "I'm sorry," the Alpha grumbled.

"Why would you be sorry? It's tears, Joon; you aren't made of stone. You've held in all of your emotions this entire time. I know you were upset about Mason not being able to be around you. I know you were upset when we lost the pup. Yet you stayed strong for us. You let us break down while you were the rock. But know, that we are here and we are strong too. You can lean on us if you need it."

Hobi started moving again, very slowly. "Come here, please," Hobi pulled him and spread his legs as wide as he could. He slid back in, and then Joon pulled his lips to his. He is not an emotional man, but maybe he can tell him everything he needs to say through this kiss. Hobi started moving faster, and they were moaning in each other's mouths. "I'm close, Beta, so close."

"Me too, Alpha," he groaned with his head buried in Joon's neck.

"Give it to me, Beta; give me your knot and mark."

He bit Joon, hard, the Alpha gasped and came all over their stomachs, then when he felt his knot he came again. "I love you, Beta, so so much."

Joon felt his tongue licking up the blood on his neck, "I love you, Joonie, my Alpha."

The Alpha pulled him against him and held him until his knot went down, "we should get cleaned up and go help Jinnie. Then, when we come back, I want you again."

"Of course, Alpha."

"Tae, if you don't stop jumping up and down like an excited 5-year-old, you'll never get to knot me."

Tae stopped his jumping to look at him, "Kook, I don't think you understand just how exciting this is. I've only been able to use my knot a few times. I may not have known that I was fertile, but I've been told my whole life that I shouldn't ever knot because it was pointless." He walked over to the Alpha and straddled his lap as Jungkook sat on the end of the bed. "Now I have a chance at pups, and my Alpha, my love, is letting me knot him. I don't think you understand just how monumental this is for me."

Why is he such a fucking idiotic Alpha? He's knotted Tae hundreds of times and not once did he think about the fact that he might want to do that too, it's in his DNA, he's a male werewolf after all. Jungkook can't even use the excuse that he could be doing it with the Betas, but that's not enough. He is his Alpha; he saved him and gave him this life, his mates. Because of him, Jungkook found Mason, and although they had lost their pup, there's another one on its way that he will love with his whole heart.

"Tae, I'm making you this promise right now. Every time I knot you, you can knot me. If you want to knot me, you can. I will never tell you no, that you can't be on top, that you can't knot me. I love you with my whole being, if this is something that will make you happy then it makes me happy. I want you, baby, I want your cock as deep as it can go, and I want your knot. Will you give me that?"

His hands went to Kook's ears; he pulled them back so his head was pushed back. His mouth covered the Alpha's as he started to rock on top of him, their erections rubbing against each other. "I love you so, so much. I will forever thank the Moon Goddess for making me want to stroll in the woods that day because she gave me you."

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