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A/N I do NOT own anything aka the brands mentioned
Stacy POV
I wake up to the bright daylight. I feel really cozy and warm. I really like it, but I feel like i've felt this kind of warmth before I feel something around me and realize it's Graser's arm. All of a sudden I hear a whisper. "I love you Sta..." I look at Graser confused. Then I realize, he is sleep talking. He is so adorable! I wait for him to keep talking but all he said was ' I love you Sta...'. I wonder what he meant. Mmm... Then I yawn and quickly cover my mouth, trying not to wake him up. I take the part of the blanket that is covering me off and make sure I lower his arm slowly. Then I walk upstairs, to get my stuff and take a refreshing shower.

Graser POV
A wake up and dont feel and I instantly dont feel Stacy's warmth next to my body. I look around and hear the shower on. She must be taking a shower. I rub my eyes, my eyes not quite ready for the bright sunshine. Its hard to belive its this sunny after such a strong thunder storm 2 days ago. Its a very big coincidence, since when Stacy wasn't here, it was like a stormy day, but when she came, she lit up my day. She is just so... perfect and im, well me. Her beautiful brown hair sometimes in curls and sometimes straight, but it never fails to look gorgeous. Her green emerald eyes shimmering in the light. And her positive attitude. Why does she have to be so awesome? I really dont know why its so hard for me to tell her when all I have to do is say, Stacy I like you, do you like me back? Thats all. But im not afraid to ask, im afraid to get rejected. Im afraid she'll say no. Im afraid to screw it all up and all my chances with the girl of my dreams and who has stolen my heart. Now THAT'S what im afraid of. Not asking. Then I get a message from Parker.
P: Hey Graser
G: Hi
P: Whats wrong?
G: What? Nothing
P: Why u only put Hi instead of Hi Parker? ;-;
G: Hi Parker
P: Now thats more like it :D
G: Whatever. What's up
P: Oh yeah I need to tell you on the phone
G: Why u text me then?!
P: To make sure your not busy... with Stacy ;)
G: What?! No im NOT busy with her!
P: You sure?
G: Yeah.... as close as it can get was when Shadow filled Stacy's covers with cat fur so she had to sleep in another place.
P: Where?
G: In...
G: My room.
G: But nothing happened tho!
P: Yeah right! Seems like you 2 had a PRETTY busy night then ;)))
G: We didn't do anything!
P: Stacy and Graser sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..
G: Srsly?!
P: First comes marriage then the baby...
G: We DID NOT have sex!!!
P: Hehe ok ill call you its really important.
G: Ok
End of text-------------
But... what if we would've done it?... I get really excited for a minute thinking of Stacy and me actually... doing it. But she is too good for me and I know it. Then my thoughts get interrupted by Parker calling me.
Graser, "Hi Parker"
Parker, "Heyy Graser!"
Graser, "So what you wanna tell me?"
Parker, "Oh yeah about that..."

Stacy POV
I get out of the shower and realize I forgot my clothes in my room. Perfect. Just. PERFECT. I crack the door slightly open and look out. I hear Graser downstairs, probably talking on the phone. "Yeah its totally cool with me" He says. Cool with what? "Alright so who is coming?" Then I instantly know who he is talking to, Parker. I wrap my towel tight around my body and go running into my room. I close the door quickly and look over at my bed, just to see my clothes. I reach and grab my bra and underwear and put them on. Then I grab my shirt, shorts, sandals and a golden necklace. (Look at the picture at the start, thats her outfit) I get my hair curler and my hair dryer and start drying my hair. When im done drying it, I start curling it perfect curls. I've never been more worried about how I look in front of somebody. Specially in front of Graser. I look in the mirror while I apply make up. I do my mascara and make sure I look absolutely perfect, and head down stairs. On my way, Marley jumps into my arms, purring. I pet her as I head down stairs. I see Graser notice me and he instantly brightens up. I see him click on some button on his phone, then says out loud. "Good morning Stacyyy!" "Omg its Stacy?" I hear Parker say. "Put me on speaker!" I giggle at the fact that he already is. "You already are" says Graser. "Oh ok, HI STACY PLAYS!!! GOOD MORNING!!" He yells out. "Hehe, hi Parker. Good morning!" I say and sit on the couch, petting Marley. I look through my Twitter and news feed. Then I see a tweet from Joey. "What would happen if Wolf and one of Stacy's pups fell in love? @Stacysays" I giggle and reply, " #Wage #Wolly " Then Graser gets the notification. Oops. "Alright bye" Then Graser crawls over to me and puts his arm aroun me and his phone to my ear. "Bye Stacy, remember, keep it a secret, text ya later. Bye" Parker says. "Bye" I say and Graser ends the call.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now