Water Gun Fights and New Adventures

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A/N Hi there! Enjoy! :3

Stacy POV
"Ready... Set... GO!!"
Graser yells as we take off with our Nerf ( NOT MY PRODUCT) Water guns. We ran along the side walk, but then crossed the street and kept running on the other side. Eventually, we start seeing the forest in the distance. "Im gonna win!" I say, speeding ahead of Graser. "No!" He yells and speeds ahead of me. "No! I will win!" I say, running ahead of him and making it to the forest. "Woo!!" I say, happily. "Oh darn!" Graser says, frowning. "Oh its ok" I say hugging him. "Yay! You hugged me!" He says in a little girl voice. "Graser, I didn't know you were a fan GIRL" I say, giggling. "Hehe" He says and pulls me into the forest. "Ok so, we will run opposite ways for 5 seconds and then we will begin" He says. "Okay" I say, clutching my nerf gun. "Graser" I say with a smirk. "Yeah?" "Are you ready to lose?" I ask, giggling. "Yes! Wait, I mean No!!" He says. "Hehe Oh Graser" I giggle. Ok count her down Stacyyyy" He says, getting ready. I dig my foot into the soft dirt as I get ready to run."Ready... set... GO!!" I yell and run. "5..4...3....2.....1.... ATTACK!" We both yell. I hide behind a tree and turn my gun around the corner and get ready to shoot. When I don't see Graser, I run torwards the middle. Then I get a text.
Graser: Hai :3
Stacy: Wut? Were are you
Graser: Here
End of text.....
Just as I get that last text, Graser lunges at me from behind, shooting me with the water gun. "Ahhh" I scream as I turn around, and in attempt of walking backwards, i fall back.
Graser POV
As Stacy falls backwards, I try to grab her, but fail and fall right on top of her. I land between her legs and my hands land on her chest. That must hurt. "Ow" I hear her say. "Oh- uh- Sorry Stacy" I say, blushing.I put my hands on the dirt besides her and pushing myself up. As I get up, I extend my hand and she takes it, then I pull her up. "Oh thanks" She says, smiling and taking of the dirt on her pants. "Hehe your welcome" I say, and hug her. "Hey Graser" She says, pulling away. "Yeah?" I say curiously. "ATTACK!" she yells and shoots me. "Ah!!" I say, covering my self. I hug her again, keeping the gun between our chests. "Hehe" I say and laugh. She giggles and blushes. "Race ya back home!" She says and takes off running. "Oh its on!" I say and run behind her. We run all the way back home, and end up in a tie. "Oh.. that.. was.. a .. tie.." I say, catching my breath. "Yeah.." She says, tired as well. "Im gonna go take a shower" She says and goes into the house and right up to her room. I sit on the chairs near the counters, texting Rusher.
G: I know what you did
R: What?
G: Dont play fucking dumb, I know you were touching Stacy back in the breakfast place
R: Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't
G: Pervert
R: You are only fucking jealous you cant do the same due to your shyness
G: Thats not true
R: Oh yeah it is
G: Ugh shut up
R: .-.
End of texts.....
Ugh Rusher. Just him. He clearly likes Stacy, and wants to get to her before me. Ugh.
Time skip to the next day...
I wake up to the smell of hash browns and pancakes. Delicious. I get up, and get ready. I take a shower and head downstairs. I run up to her and cover her eyes, and in a little girl voice I say, "Guess" "Graser, we are the only people in the house" Stacy says. "Oh yeah huh?" I say and Stacy giggles.

Time skip 5 days later....
Rusher POV
"Dude, but he likes her" Parker says. "But.. I like her too. And they aren't a thing yet, so there is still chance"I respond "What if she declines? What if she doesn't want to go?" Parker asks. "Come on dude, help me" I says. "Ugh....Fine" He says, inviting Stacy to our TeamSpeak. "Let's invite Graser as well, maybe you 2 can make a deal" Parker says. "Good plan, do it" I say, excitedly. "Hey boys, how ya doing?" Stacy says. "Oh hey Stace" I say. "Oh hey Rush" Stacy says to me. "Hey guys" Graser says. "Hey" Both Parker and I say. "Hey Parker. Hey Rusher" Graser says. He seems to have forgotten our little texting argument. "So.. I wanted to ask you guys something.." I start off. "So you know how we were very sad about leaving each other?" I get greeted with Yeahs and yeses. "Well, since Stacy is my best friends thats a girl, and Parker and Graser are my best buds... I wanted to go to..."

A/N Heyyy there!!! So how ya doing? Good? Awesome! Bad? Well, trust me it will get better. Anyways, do you consider that a cliffhanger? Yeah? Lawl. Anyways, I just released the first part of my new ORIGINAL series, "WolfTerra" I woud love for some of you to check it out, and leave a rating if you liked it or not :3 Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it!

Forget all the reasons why it won't work,
And believe in that one reason why it will.

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