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"I can't let her"
"I deserve him"
"I can't let her"
"I own him"
"I can't let her"
"...she has to die"

A/N Yay! Another chapter! I have a few announcements at the end, but I'll let you read the chapter first. Enjoy!

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I pick up the necklace, which is still in good condition. I look around, looking for whoever tricked me into running into this. "I.. Who's there?" I back up and bump into somthing.

-=+=-Third Person POV-=+=-
"I- I just don't know.." Stacy sighs, folding a black sweater into her blue bag. "Somethings off.. I just don't know what" "All you need is some rest. So many things have happened" Dul says, through the Skype mic, which is on speaker. "Yeah, I find it weird how so many bad things where just.. Thrown at us. I.." The brunette sits down, holding her head in her hands. "I love Grase and all, he's awesome but.. I.. I don't think I'll pull through.." "Stacy, don't say that.. You will. You and Graser will make it through just fine" The girl on the other line encourages. "You say it like we're together.. We're not.." Stacy pouts slightly to herself, snatching an orange plastic container. Her pills.

"But, you two kissed like, twice!" Dul says, brushing her hair out of the way as she writes more stuff down for an upcoming video. "Besides, we know you two are like, this" Dul says. "Im crossing my fingers real tight right now" Stacy lets out a light laugh, one you don't hear too often nowadays, as she looks at her monitor.

"Huh, yeah" The green eyed girl keeps fetching stuff out of her closet and stuffing it into her blue bag. "Hey.. You sound worried. Almost guilty.." Dul frowns, eyes unsticking from her piece of paper and looking over at her screen. "I.. Graser and I had an arguement and he left and I don't know where he went and i'm worried because last time one of us walked out of the arguement that person almost got killed and I don't want Graser to get hurt" Stacy's words spill from her mouth like a cascade, making it difficult for Dul to keep up.

"What was the arguement about?"

"Graser needed to talk to me and I was talking to Rusher. Graser should be more patient in my opinion" Stacy shrugs, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. "Rusher. Always Rusher. Graser is your roomate, possibly best friend with benefits, he's like, your other half. You guys haven't sat down and talked, have you?" Dul frowns, resting her elbow on her table. "No.. Not really.." Stacy's eyebrows furrowed together as it all began to make sense.

"We haven't sat down once to truely talk and.. You know.. Process everything."
That was the moment Stacy put it all together.

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I bump into something.

A tree.

I flinch at the touch, but then mentally hit myself for bumping and getting scared of a tree.

I hold the necklace in my fist, and look around. Whoever was there, is no longer. "Shit" I mutter, as a cloud of hot breath leaves my mouth.

I run back.


-=+=-Third Person-=+=-
Graser gets to the door and makes sure no one is around, unlocks it, and runs in.

He slam the door shut, before locking all 3 locks. "Stacy!" Graser calls out, running upstairs. He pants, as he opens the wooden door of the brunette's room. "Oh" Stacy says, looking at the panting boy. "Call you later Dul" "Ha, looks like the realience of two lovers" Dul snickers, before Stacy hangs up the Skype call.

"Graser, you look like you just ran a marathon, what the hell is going on?" Stacy's eyes widen with worry, cupping Graser's cheek in her hand.

"Someone -pant- is -pant- out there -pant- reflective-" The boy stops to catch his breath, as Stacy gasps slightly. "Glasses. Reflective glasses" Stacy finishes for him. "Y-yeah, how'd you know?" "I saw him outside my window one day. Yeah, he looked shady but who was I to judge?" Stacy frowns. "They led me to this" Graser says, opening his fist and revealing the golden necklace, blood sticking to it like rust.

"I.. Oh my god.. Oh my god" Stacy's eyes get watery as her face turns sickly pale. "I was wearing that the night Kricken.. Oh my god" The girls cheeks are streaked with tears. "Graser, thats my blood!" Stacy says, about to break down. "It's alright Stace, calm down" Graser reaches out for Stacy, but the scared girl flinches out of his touch. "Graser, how can I be calm?! Someone is out there, could attack at any moment! You expect me to be calm?!" The girl snaps at his, gritting her teeth. "Stacy, I-" "I thought this whole Kricken thing was over! I-I thought it was over!"

"Well, apparently it isn't, you're leaving to Utah soon, just leave it while you're over there and I'll figure something out" Graser sighs, pressing his mouth into a straight line. "You're going to be here alone though, what if-" "Stacy" Graser says, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm going to be fine. She can't hurt me, it's me that she wants. And you'll be with the girls all week. It'll be fine. Just stay close to them" Graser hugged Stacy, as her eyes fluttered close and she melted into his grasp.
They both knew things where about to go downhill, but they refused to belive it.

Hey guys!
Long time no see
Well, guess who's rushing to get this chapter out because they have no time next week before the Mexico trip? Me!

Got my hair re-dyed because im going to L.A. tomorrow to my aunt's, and her NEWBORN! Yay for new baby cousin!

It's 12:09 AM and I have to leave to L.A. at 5 AM tomorrow, oh whale 🐳

Guess who's planning a Punk!Phil x Pastel!Dan Phanfiction for this summer? Me! Also a short Phan story called One-Night, details later :D

And, the famous yearly Mexico Trip

Yeah, im leaving on Friday 8th of June :/ and coming back the 9th of August or something :/ More details next Author Note

Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it


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