Chapter 74

280 10 17

I have no wifi

Kill me


-Third Person POV
"Graser" Stacy says, sighing quietly. "Yeah?" Graser responds, curiosity lacing his voice.

"We need to talk"

Place: Ontario Jail for women
Time: 2:47 am
Cell block B3
"Mhm" Sydney Kricken, imprisoned for 6 homicides and attempted murder of Stacy Hinajosa looked at one of the guards. "You have what's mine?" She asked the taller man. "Yeah, where's my money?" The man with the holster and gun asked, brow arching. "Right here" The girl responded, taking quite a few 100s that where stacked from beneath her pillow. "Phone?" Sydney asked, a smirk plasted on her face. "Here" He responded, handing her a small bag. "You tell no one about this, or Ill be having a little meeting with you. Okay?" The brunette batted her eyelashes, before the guard rolled his eyes. "Go on, bitch" He spat, and she flipped her brownish blondish hair, before taking out a smartphone out of the bag.

"You thought this was over? You though wrong"


"Graser.. We haven't talked about what happened back when I was at the hospital.. I've been itching to talk about it, and I.. I.." Stacy sighs, closing her eyes. "I know how you feel.. I.. I kissed you.. You kissed back.. And I don't know what to think about it.." Graser said lowly, looking down. "Yeah, um, Graser? D-Do you.. Like me?" The green eyed girl asked, looking up. "Yeah, you're a great girl Stacy.." He said, eyes meeting her's. "No, like.. Like like me.." Stacy mentally rolled her eyes. Graser took a deep breath.

What if she doesn't like me back? She seems very uncomfortable..

"I do. I love you so much, and I care so much.. I'm sorry"

"Sorry? For what?" Stacy scooched closer to Graser.

Graser blushed, embarassed.
"For being so annoying, and clingy, and paranoid and-"

"Hey" Stacy cuts him off, making him look up, his cheeks tainted pink.

"It's fine, I undestand, you just worried about me. And jealousy is natural.. And it's actually kinda sweet.." Stacy giggles nervously, looking at Graser.

Graser grabs her chin lightly, pulling her closer. Stacy places the tips of her fingers on Graser's cheek.




Stacy's phone rings, showing the caller ID as Brayden💋.

Stacy begins reaching out for it, before out of the corner of her eye seeing Graser frown.
"Fuck it" She says, before turning her phone screen down and turning to Graser, pulling him into a kiss.

Graser at first doesn't react, obviously surprised. But in a matter of seconds he collects his thoughts and kisses back, pushing Stacy onto the headboard.

"I love you" He mumbles between kisses.

"Mhm" Stacy agrees, but doesn't say it back.


"Crap, crap, crap!" Stacy shrieks, stuffing french toast into her mouth.

"How did you forget today was the flight?!"

"I don't know!"

Stacy rushes to brush her teeth while Graser rushes to put on his shoes.

"Hurry up!" Stacy yells from the bathroom.

"Right back at ya" Graser responds sarcastically, grabbing Page food bowl and her food. [A/N I almost wrote Page and Molly's food bowls i feel like a monster]

"Where's Peony?"

"What do you mean 'where's Peony'?!"

Right on queue, Peony comes rumbling through the backdoor's doggy door.

Little Peony is about 3 months old, and she looks like a husky version of Molly, only with one blue eye and one brown one. Her tail is a more perked up, and she is less furry. Exactly like Wolf's body. But, her fur has the exact texture of Molly's, her colors matching, and if you cover her blue eye, you feel like if you're starring into Molly's eyes again.

Maybe that's why Stacy can't be around her for too long.

Stacy loves Peony, yeah, but it's still hard for her to remember Molly so vividly.

"Wait, found her!" Graser yells back, as Stacy comes running down the stairs.

"Milque!" Stacy calls out, while pulling a light gray hoodie with 2 white lines on each arm and the california flag in white on the front.

"Stacy we're in Canada, and you're not even going to Cali" Graser says, holding back a laugh.

"Shut it" Stacy rolls her eyes playfully. "Time?"


"Okay, flight is at 11:45. We still have time to drive to the airport" Stacy sighs, grabbing Milque off the counter. She sets his, Shadow's, Marley's, Max's, and Milque's plates by the scratching post tower.

"Ready?" Graser asks, grabbing Stacy's bags and loading them onto the car.

"Yeah" Stacy nods, running back inside. She kisses Page's forhead and Peony's head, petting Milquetoast before heading out.

She locks the door, and Graser is waiting in the car, looking at his phone.

"Lets go" Stacy says, while getting onto the car and buckling her seatbelt.

Graser sets down his phone, turning the wheel and pushing the gas pedal.


"Stacy.. Do you really have to leave?" Graser's mood seemed to sadden a little.

"Somethings going on with Bee.. She needs me. I'll be back in a week, it's not that long" Stacy giggled, pecking Graser's cheek. Graser smiles, pulling her into a hug. She tightly hugs back, but not as hard as last time she left.

This time, he knows she's coming back to him, sooner or later.

Im a fucking disgrace.
A fucking failure to all of you.
One week left of my vacations before school, and only one chapter?
Im sorry.

I dont have an excuse.
But last year it was only this story.
This year its:
This story ("Luck" A #Gracy FF)

#Starker VS. #Gracy: Running out of time

"Flowers and Tattoos" Punk!Phil x pastel!dan

"Canine" Fantastic Foursome (Phan & Kickthestickz)

Phan One-shots

"30 Days to fall in love" Phan Modern Mediaeval AU

"Our colors" Phan Soulmate AU

"The Telling" Dan, Phil & Louise

Blame me for starting fanfics that I can't keep up with. Alot of them are going to start after this book finished

Im sorry for being a flop :(

I promise I won't work on any other fics i haven't started other than flowers and tattoos

im sorry

timmy likes it

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