Chapter 14

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A/N Enjoy! Btw there might be some UNFRIENDED SPOILERS (well duh)
Stacy POV:
"We are watching... UNFRIENDED!"
Oh gosh no... Im not good with scary movies.... I curl up between Bee and Dul. "Oh no..." I hear Bee whisper. "You're not good with scary movies neither?" I whisper to her. "Nope" She says scared. "Dont worry Bee" Straub tells her and hugs her. Aww. Me and Dul sit still and dont say anything. "Stace, Dul, you 2 ok?" I hear Parker say. "Oh, umm yeah" Says Dul. She's not scared, she is really tough. "Stacy" I hear Graser say. "Oh, um yeah?" I respond snapping out of my thoughts. "You ok?" He asks. "Oh y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I say, awkwardly. "Mmmm.... Ok" He says sitting between my legs on the ground in front of me (A/N She and Dul are sitting o the couch). Parker comes with 5 bowls of popcorn. He hands Bee and Straub one, Me and Dul another, Devon and Tomahawk who are sitting on the other couch another bowl. One for Graser and Him and the last one, slightly bigger for H, Grape and Rusher. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, lets start" Graser says as Parker sits the same way as Graser but with Dul. "Oh my gosh...." I whisper as the movie starts.

Time skip-----
We all scream as one of the teens in the movie sticks his hand into a blender. "Oh my gosh... oh my gosh..." I whisper to my self. Dul left to the bathroom a few minutes ago, and she hasn't come back. I just cant take it anymore. I get up and run upstairs. Half way through the hall, I notice that the bathroom door is open, and the inside is empty. "Huh" I say to myself as I continue heading towards my room's door. When I get to my room, I see Dul sitting in the corner of the room, which is also the corner of her mattress. She is sitting down, grasping her phone.Wait... She is crying. Dul is crying... DULJUICE is crying! She NEVER crys. There are tears streaming down her eyes and she is quietly sobbing. "Oh my gosh Dul" I say, surprised. "What's wrong?" I say sitting besides her putting my arm around her. "Dbsjakakskjxj" She says, between sobbs. "Umm.... what?" I ask. "Oh," She says nervously. "Oh come on Dul, I know its not that..." I say. She is not weak about movies. She never crys during sad movies. Never crys in fact. Never that I've SEEN her cry... "Ok fine..." She says. (Btw I dont know if this is true...) "My mom is really, REALLY sick... and she might die"

A/N Dont worry, its not the end, (idk why you'd think it was) But plot twist? Cliffhanger? No? Ok.
Love you my wolf pack. You ARE strong, you WILL make it...

Set goals for yourself, or you will be working for someone who does.

P.s. Do you like these little messages at the end?

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now