Through her eyes

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A/N Hai! You excited for this chapter? You better, cuz things about to get real.. Or, at least as far as Stacy knows.. Or thinks..

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
I turn off my phone, and get up. It's still storming out. Our little meetings always have the best weather (sarcasm). I shake my head and put on a sweater, the same combat boots I wore the first time we met. I put on black pants and grab my phone.
Not this time
I dig into my desk's storage, and pull out a pocket knife.

(My friend Anahy aka YammyLlama is sitting next to me and she says hi)
My dad gave me the knife on the night of my first date, because he wanted me to be
"Safe". I run my finger on the side of the blade. "If you dare touch me, you will be sorry" I whisper. "Stacy?" I hear Graser ask from the door. I jump and quickly turn around, setting the knife on the desk behind me, on my attempt to hide it. "Oh! H-Hey Graser.." I say, closing and stuffing the pocket knife in my back pocket. I look down and frown, and run to him and hug him. "Huh? Well, are you feeling better?" He asks, hugging me. "Yeah.. I-I feel better" I smile up at him. "Im sorry I yelled at you and stuff" I say. "It's okay. I understand what you just went through. It was alot" He says, and smiles. "Yeah" I say. "You going somewhere?" He asks. "Oh, no. Just gonna edit a little ye know. If you need me, just knock. If I dont answer I am probably sleeping" I say. "Alright, ima go edit as well" He smiles, and leaves. I close the door and lean into it. "Phew" I sigh, and wait a little, until I know Graser is set up and distracted.
Okay... Now
I open the door slighly, and look out. No one. I slide out and close the door slowly, to make sure theres no noise. I tip-toe down the hall and see Graser's door is open, so I tippy toe over and look around the corner. He is on his computer, his back facing me, with his headphones on. Good. I quickly make my way across the hall and down the stairs, and out the door.
I run to the woods, and take a diffrent route, the one to a rickety old cabin near the river pretty far from where we met last time. I see part of it, so I slow down. I make my way to the porch, no one ever comes here. I look around. "Stacy" Kricken says, coming from the darkness into my viweing point. "Kricken" I say, pointing my flashlight at her. "What do you want" I say, grasping the pocket knife. "For you to suffer. In other words, I wont stop until you're dead" She chuckles, and I launch at her. I throw the knife at her, but the moment I look up, its blade is halfway into a tree trunk. "Kricken, why are you doing this?!" I ask, into the darkness that is my vision. "You dont know how much it hurts to know that you love some one and that they will never love you back. It completely shatters your heart to see them showing affection torwards someone else. It hurts Stacy, it really does" Kricken growld from the shadows. "You can't make someone love you. Its just not how it works!" I say, grabbing my pocket knife from the tree. "Do you remeber this?" She asks, and comes into my vision, holding a needle like the ones that they use at the doctor's.
I feel a stab, one diffrent to all the others, and I get a little dizzy. "Kricken.. Stop" I plea, but not budge. She's gonna kill me.
I remember that one stab. Not with her pocket knife, with.. The needle?! "What does that have in it?" I ask, stepping torwards her, holding the blade. "Mmm.. You may never know.." She laughs, and im left alone infront of the cabin, in the darkness of the forest, the rain falling down like a waterfall. I fall to my knees, and cry. "Get out of my head" I cry, silently. "Get out"

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I take my headphones off, and get up from my chair. I yawn and stretch, it's already 9:56 PM. I walk out of my room and knock on Stacy's, but not budge. "Mmh.. She must be asleep" I say to myself. I walk downstairs, and over to the kitchen. I grab some bread and peanut butter spread, and make myself a peanut butter sandwich. Delicious. When I hear the door being opened. I quickly turn around, ready to strike, when I see.. Stacy? She's all wet, her hair sticking to her face, and her eyes look puffy, like she's been crying. "Stacy! Omg, I thought you were in your room! W-what happened?! Where did you go? Are you okay?! I-" "I dont wanna talk about it!" She yells, and runs upstairs, slamming her door.
Okay, this is getting out of hand
I put down my sandwich and run upstairs, and knock on her door. "Hey Stace, can you open?" I ask, and wait for an answer. "Go away!" She yells. "Stacy, at least talk to me! Or go take a warn shower, you could get a cold!" I say, and she creaks the door open. I push it open. "Stacy, what happned?!" I ask, and Stacy flat out ignores me, grabbing her clothes and her towel. "Stacy, please" I say, and put ny hand on her shoulder. "Dont touch me" She scowls. "Stacy.." I say, my voice cracking. She just leaves.

Something is going on.
Somthing really bad.

And I am going to find out what it is, and fix it, even if it costs me my life.

Filler chapter is filler.
Idk, sorry for such a lame chapter. Anyway, what do you think is happening to Stacy? What was in the needle? What do you think Graser will do? We shall find out later! Anyway, have you checked out ny new Gracy Moments book? Its basiclly pictures, tweets, videos or anything that is #Gracy! Not Mineclash, unless theres a REALLY #Gracy part, even though the whole vid is a #Gracy moment xD
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it!
Sorry for any spelling errors, didnt check it over

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