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A/N Sorry if this ends up being short... Enjoy!

Stacy POV
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry for that Dul!" I say shocked. "Thanks Stacy" Dul says, still crying. "Do you know the sickness that your mom has?" I ask. (A/N Again, dont know if this is true) "Yeah.. She has Celiac Disease." Oh my gosh... "She consumed gluten and wheat, not knowing that she had that disease. She likes living a healthy life, sort of" Dul responds. Then, I have a flashback
Stacy's Flashback...
(A/N I dont remember if this happened IRL to Stacy but I think she said it in her DogCraft Q and A episode)
Young Stacy: Mom! *crying*
Stacy's Mom: Its going to be ok, honey, dont worry. *also crying*
Doctor:  She will need emergency surgery
Stacy's Mom: Oh my gosh! Why?!
Doctor: We are not sure yet, but the studies made have reported small intestine sickness.
Young Stacy: Mom! I dont want to have surgery!! *cough* *Crying* *cough*
Stacy's Mom: Honey is for your own good its going to be alright *crying*
Doctor: We have to take her now
Stacy's Mom: Alright Doctor, *kisses Stacy's forehead* Dont worry, be strong.
Young Stacy: Alright mommy
Its all so blurry, I think I was about to pass out with the sleeping gas that they gave me. I slowly close my eyes and everything goes pitch black.
Nobody's POV
(A/N This means its just getting narrated)
Doctor: Ms. Hinajosa, Stacy has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, meaning she cant eat gluten or wheat.
Stacy's Mom: *Gasp* That is why Stacy needed surgery?!
Doctor: Yes. When people with Celiac Disease consume gluten or wheat, the small intestine attacks it, causing VERY serious damage.
Stacy's Mom: *Gasp* Will she be ok? Please tell me she will. *crying*
Then, Stacy's Dad arrives
Stacy's Dad: What happened?
The doctor explains what happened
Stacy's Mom: *crying*
Stacy's Dad: It will be ok, Honey.
Stacy's Dad pulls the doctor away from Stacy's Mom and talks to the doctor
Stacy's Dad: Will she survive?
Doctor: We, are unfortunately not sure
Stacy's Dad: Oh no...
After the surgery-----
The doctor comes through the doors, greeting Stacy's parents
Stacy's Mom: Oh doctor, please tell me my daughter is alright
Stacy's Dad puts his arm around her, as if saying: Brace yourself
Doctor: After 27 hours of surgery, Stacy WILL survive
Stacy's Mom: Oh yes!! Thank goodness, my baby will survive
Stacy's Dad: Thank you so much Doctor!
Doctor: You are welcome
Stacy's POV
I open my eyes slowly, and see alot of machines attached to me. I look around, a confused of what just happened. I see my mom sitting on the edge of my hospital bed. My dad is holding her hand, while sitting on a chair next to my bed. "Mommy? Daddy?" I say weakly. "Oh honey, how do you feel?" My mom says hugging me tightly. "I feel a bit dizzy" I say. "Thats normal" Says the doctor, "After all, she just came out of surgery" I gasp, my eyes wide. "Surgery?!" I say, shocked. "Oh, you dont remember?" My dad asks. I shake my head. "She will not remember what happened a few minutes before she went into surgery" Explains the doctor. "Ok"

End of flashback (or interrupted)
"Stacy!" Dul yells, shaking me. "*gasp* Oh im so sorry Dul" I apologize. "Stace, you were zoned out for about 10 minutes, and you look worried,and kind of sad" Dul says. "Im sorry Dul" I say embarrassed. "Its ok, but, tell me,whats wrong?" She asks. "Oh, umm... you know how, your mom has, that.. umm..." I then get cut off. "Disease? Yeah its ok to say it" She says, looking at me. "It just brought, some... bad... memories" I say, trying not to tear up. "OMG" Dul says, putting her hand over her mouth. "Im sorry, I didnt remember you had it too" She says. "Its ok.. all I hope is that it doesn't repeat itself...."

A/N Did you enjoy? Plz tell me in the comments, I feel like you guys dont really like this story, but I guess if you didnt you wouldn't  vote for it, do you like it? Any who, plot twist? No? I guess not.

Love you my wolf pack, you ARE strong, you WILL make it.

Everyone wants Happiness
No one wants Pain
But you cant have a Rainbow
Without a little Rain

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