Reflective Glasses

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A/N Ye. Enjoy.

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
"I.. I.." Graser looks very, very nerveous, when I get a call. "Oh, it's probably Rusher, he texted me saying he wanted to talk.. Lemme answer it real quick" I say, picking up my phone. "Stacy, this is urgent" Graser says, pouting slightly. "Graser, it'll be quick" I say, smiling. "Hey Rusher" I say, blushing at his voice. "Stace-" Graser trys to say, but I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips. "Oh! About that, yeah, I'm going. No, it's fine. I can pay it. No, no really I can" I say, giggling and blushing. "You know what, whatever, forget it" Graser says, shaking his head and getting off my bed. He seemed angry with me.. "Hey, um Rusher? I have to go.. Yeah, call you later.. bye" I say, and hang up. I have to go talk to Graser. I walk out of my room, and head to his. I see that his door is shut, so I knock on the dark wood. "Graser? C-can I talk to you? Graser?" I call out for him, but he doesn't answer. Huh. I slowly open the door, and look through the small creak. "Graaserr" I say, rolling off the a and r a little longer. "Graser?" I question, and fully enter his room. I sigh, annoyed. "Zachary!" I yell, to see if he hears me from any place in the house. I decide to call his phone, just in case he's hiding.
Hey, it's Zachary Graser, if you have a massage, leave it after the ding. Ding!
I hang up. I didn't hear his ringtone, so I don't suppose he's anywhere near. Or his phone is on silent.
Stacy: Graser, it's not funny, answer the phone
Stacy: Graser, cmon I need to talk to you
Stacy: Zachary, please answer. Are you even in the house?
Stacy: Zaaacchhhhaarryyyy


Did he seriously just leave me on read?
I don't have time for his bullshit, so I go to my room to start packing.

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I close the front door, and sigh. Goddamn it Stacy, you had one job, and it was to give me at least 2 minutes of your time. I look across the street, and see a figure in dark clothes and reflective sunglasses. The moment we look at each other, he runs off. I get multiple texts from Stacy. I decide to ignore them. Not because I'm that asshole who leaves everyone on read,
(A/N Me af) but because I'm mad at Stacy. And Rusher. She couldn't call him back later. I needed to tell her about the hugs, the kisses the affection that had been going on between us. She couldn't call him back later. And Rusher, he's always ruining things. I walk down the street in my black hoodie. It's about 7:50 pm, so the sky is getting dark. I see the same person on the other side of the street, looking my way and being really shady. I brush it off, as someone probably into some sort of gang or something. As i'm making my way to a liquor store near by, I decide to take a shortcut through the forest. I enter the forest through one of the fallen gates, and put my hands in my pockets, my earphone on. I put on Fairly Local, by Twenty One Pilots. As im walking, I see something lurk by. "Um, hey, anyone there?" I ask, to a blanket of plain, darkness. "Hello?" I say, taking out my phone flashlight and pointing it in the direction of the movement. Then, I see someone. He has reflective sunglasses, and he is dressed in all black and he looks straight my way. "Hey, you! You've been following me around! What's the deal?" I say, and sprint after them. I eventually run into a body of water. I look around, and don't see any traces of anyone. I look around, and there are scratches on trees, carvings, and holes which makes it look like someone stabbed at the dark bark. I see something shiny on a boulder, conveniently placed infront of me. I pick it up, and examine it. I gasp, realising what is is. I look back at the body of water, and soon realise, this is where Stacy met Kricken.
Whoever that was, led me here, and placed one of the necklaces I gave Stacy on Christmas, stained. With blood. 
(Necklace seen on part 53 chapter "Christmas Shopping")

Yuuuup yup yup! This story is getting to the grand finale, but not quite yet. Maybe a few 20 or 30 more chapters? Maybe more lol. Annnyywayyy, how you doing?
It's almost that time of year again, and by that, I mean ny Mexico summer vacation.
That means I will be writing ALOT but not posting it until I get back. More details on that later.
I also started my Phan oneshots, so yeah. I also have a presentation on Monday, I have to speak.. Fml send prayers plz

Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it
"Turn the page, maybe you'll find, a brand new ending. One where you dont burn out too soon" -Eden and Kathrine "Balcony" (fucked me up BAD)

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