Roomates and deals with the Unknown

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Enjoy! Remember that puzzle in the last chapter?


Stacy has arrived at the airport
Time: 1:30

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
I look around, waiting for the robot's face to pop up in between the crowd. I have a cart to carry Page, Molly and Milquetoast's pet carriers. One of the airport employees is helping me with the rest of my luggage. I take out my phone, and call Graser.
"Graser! Where in the living hell are you?" I ask, tapping my foot. "What? You said to you'd stay in the hotel" He responds. "What?! Graser!" I whine. "Haha, im just kidding Stacy Wacey. Im right outside the gate of Delta. You need help with your luggage? I can get do-" "Im good thanks. There's a worker here helping me. Are you sure the bags will fit? I had tons of clothes and stuff" I say, unsurely. "Yes Stacy im sure" He says. "Hurry the hell up I can't wait to see you" "Oh jeez Graser thanks" I say, sarcastically and he erupts in laughter. "I love you Stacy" He manages to chuckle out. "I love myself too Graser" I say, once again sarcastically, earning another laugh from him "Okay im here" I say.

"Thanks" I smile at the man that helped me. "Anyday Miss. Except Friday. I dont work Friday" He says and we have a good giggle. "Have a good one" He says. "Same" I respond and he walks away "WHO WAS THAT?!" I hear Graser question me. "Jeez Grase it was just the man that was helping me with my luggage UNLIKE OTHER PEOPLE" I say, calling him out on that one. "Hey!" He says, and I giggle. "Okay, Im outside. Its freezing" I shiver. My warm breath is cloudy against the cold weather.
He hangs up.
Bruh. "Stacy!" I hear his voice call out my name. "Graser!" I grin, as he takes me in for a hug. He holds me tightly in his arms, not willing to let go quite yet. "Now I can hug you welcome, and I won't have to hug you goodbye" He says, and I nuzzle my face on the crook of his neck. "Come on. Let's get your baggage in the car" He says, and heads for the back of the car. "Your bags and Page and Molly can go back here. Since you haven't fully introduced them, I don't think you wanna have them all in the back" He explains. "Yeah, I like that plan" I smile. We get my bags in the back, along with Page and Molly. I put Miquetoast on one of the seats in the second row. I strap the belt around his carrier. You know, safety. We get into our seats and Graser drives away. "Im so excited that you ACTUALLY came to Canada to LIVE!" He says, holding my hand with one hand and driving with the other one. "Yeah, its still kinda weird, but awesome. I can't believe we're gonna be roomates." I say, grasping his hand as well. "Im honesty so frikin excited and happy" He says. "Yeah. So, whats up?" I say, oh so casually. "Not sleep. Thats for sure" He replies with a smirk. "Hey! I told you I could sleep in the damn hotel tonight, but noooooooo" I say, with a 'Really nigga?" look. He just bursts out laughing, which makes me laugh as well. That adorable contagious laugh.

We finally make it to his house. We dicide that tomorrow we'll unpack my things. I will leave Page and Molly in his basement, because we don't want them and Shadow and Marley to meet yet. I will have Milquetoast roam freely, and bond a bit with Shadow and Marley. "So, you're gonna sleep in the room you slept in before. Tomorrow me can discuss other adjustments we will make so we can live happily" Graser says. "Do you want me to go get you your bag in which your pajamas are in?" He asks. "No, its alright. I can sleep like this" I say, pointing down at my outift. "Mm, okay" He says, not too sure. "You must be tired. Let's go to sleep" He says. "Okay, sounds good. Goodnight" I say, intertwining my fingers in his hair, pulling him down to kiss him on the cheek. Ohhh, Stacy gettin' border. "Heh, uh, y-yeah" He says, grinning widely. I giggle at the effect my actions had on him. I turn and head up to my probably temporary room.

-=+=-The Next Day-=+=-
I woke up, a bit surprised by my location. I was at Graser's house. I got up and stretched, walking downstairs. "Oh hey Stace" Graser greets me. "G' morning" "Good Morning Grase" I say, rubbing my eyes. "Whatcha makin'?" I ask, getting on my tippy toes and resting my chin on his shoulder. "Breakfast" He simply answers.

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I feel her breath tickling my neck. I bite my lip, and with all my might try not to turn around and just kiss her. She wraps her arms around my waist.
Stacy if you don't stop we won't make it past breakfast without me fucking you!
(A/N Idk i just had to xD)
"Oh, cool" Is all she says. She lets go and sits on the counter and asks, "Anything I can do to help?"
Yeah, just sit looking pretty and don't turn me on!
"Nah, just sit and if you want watch some TV" I say, and get back to making breakfast. "Oh hello Shadow!" I hear her say. "Oh, he missed you alot. He would go into your room and look for you" I say, chuckling. "Aw, that's so sweet" She squeals. "Oh, look! Milque and Marley have become friends" She says happily. I turn around to see Milquetoast and Marley playing with one of Marley's toys, and Shadow rubbing himself on Stacy. I'm glad she's here.

I cuddle up next to Stacy, and we're in my bed, looking at a graph model of the house on my laptop. "Okay, there's 3 rooms the one in the middle is larger than the other 2. Your room will be the one on the far left. Mine will be the one on the far right. The laundry room will be downstairs. And there will be 2 bathrooms. One on thebtop floor and one on the bottom floor. And there's alot of space in the basement. We can have the dogs or cats down there in the while that they haven't met" I explain. "Do you like the plan?" "Yes! I love it! And we can have our office in the larger middle room!" She says, excitedly. "Yeah!" i say, adding that to the plans. "Okay, so, do you want to go out to eat? Tomorrow we can go to some furniture store like Ikea to get you a desk for your recoding things" (a/n i dont even know if there's ikea in Canada lol) "Sounds like a plan!" She smiles.

-=+=-3 weeks later-=+=-
-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
We have settled in the house, and ALL the animals get along. Yeah, sometimes they have fights between one another, mostly Page and Milquetoast. Everything is going awesomely! You can already feel Molly's puppies in her stomach, I can't wait!

I sit down to watch TV, it's raining outside, and Graser is just petting Molly. He loves her. I get a notification then.
So, Stacy. I heard you moved in with Graser in CANADA. And.. I felt the need to.. Talk to you. Face to face.
Tomorrow, 7:45 PM, at the Creek in the neighboring forest. Don't bring anyone with you, nor tell anyone.
You better come.
Or else I will go your way.
End of text
Should I go?
I have to go.
I need to know who they are.

I will go.

That kinda cliffhanger tho :0
Btw, the first chapter to my #RobStar story is out, so please if you're a fan on Teen Titans, please check it out!
Please comment, vote and follow!
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.

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