A... date?

455 20 16

A/N Ermergerd

Stacy POV
"Awww tomorrow we have to leave!" I whine, sitting on the couch with one of my earplugs in my ear. "Yeah, Ima miss you guys" Parker says, sadly. "Same" Graser says. "Im on the same flight to the same place Graser" I say. "Oh yeah huh" He says. We giggle. "Im gonna miss you guys sooo much!" Rusher says. "Yeah" I agree. Im comfortably laying down on the couch, then Graser comes and lifts up my legs, sits down and puts them on his lap. "I was so comfortable" I say. "Hehe, sorry" He says, hugging my legs. "What should we do? I mean, it's our last day" Rusher says. "Oh! There's this thing called a penny date, in our case, a penny trip" Parker says. "Oooh! Sounds exciting!" I say. "Yeah" Rush agrees.
"What is it?" Graser asks. "Okay, basically it goes like this: You get dressed to go out, not knowing were you will go though. Then, let your partner chose a number between 10 and 20, in our case, we will all agree on one, that is the number of times you will flip the penny. Next, we get on the road, heads being right and tails left. Everytime you come across a turn, flip the coin and go on that direction. Once you reach the number you chose at the start, STOP. Look around. Make a date were you are, again, in our case, a trip. Clear?" Parker explains. "Yep!" I say. "What if we end up in the middle of nowhere?" Graser asks. Parker jusr gives him a seriously? Look. Graser just laughs his funny, contagious laugh. "LETS GO!" Rusher says, grabbing his phone. "WOO!" We chant, as we head out.
Graser POV
"Uhh tails, thats left" Stacy says, as we turn the last turn. "Okay we're here" Parker says, getting out of the rented convertible. "Theater!" Both Stacy and Rusher say, then they giggle. Ugh. Jealousy. Not cool. Anywho, we bought tickets for a Pixar movie called "Inside Out" (CREDIT TO PIXAR! I DO NOT OWN THIS MOVIE)
We bought popcorn and soda, and of course TONS of candy.
After the movie...
"That was actually a good movie" Rusher says. (Haven't seen it yet ;-;)
"Of course! Its PIXAR!" Stacy says, happily. "Yeah" Parker says. "Hey Stace, whar do you prefer, Pixar or Disney?" I ask. "Pretty close one but, DisneyFTW!" Stacy says. We get into the convertible and ride back to the hotel.
I walk back and forth in the living room, thinking of what im about to do. Ask Stacy out. To a fabulous beach restaurant. There, ill tell her how I feel and kiss her. Yes! Then, Parker comes in. "Hey Graser. Whatcha doing?" He asks, sitting down on the couch and opening a can of Dr.Pepper. So surprising. "I-Uh... IWANNAASKSTACYOUT" I say, quickly and nervously. "What?" He asks. "I wanna ask Stace out" I say, more slowly. "YESS #GRACY" He says. "SHHHHH!" I shush him. "Its gonna be awesome!" He says. "Yeah. Ima aks her out today, then tell her how I feel and kiss her" I say, getting really excited. "Go now!" Parker says. "Okay" I say, shaking. I go into the room, were Stacy and Rusher are taking in. "Hey, uh Stacy? Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Su-" She says, but then gets cut off by Rusher. "ACTUALLY" He starts. "I wanted to ask her something as well, and I want Parker and specially YOU to witness it" Rusher says, givng me an evil look. Oh no. "PARKER!" He yells out for him. He comes through the door, excitedly. "Go ahead Graser!" Parker says. "You mean Rusher?" He says with a smik. "So Stacy. I really wantes to ask you this. I didn't want to "rush" (get it get it?He didn't want to RUSH HER? RUSHHER? NO?! Y U NO GET MY JOKES ;-:)
It, so I wanted to ask now" He starts. I start sweating from how nervous I am for what hes gonna ask her. "Uh-huh" Stacy nods, almost smiling. No no no... "Do.." He says, looking at me and smiling mischievously. "You want to go out on a date with me?" He says. NO NO NO
Stacy POV
YES- WAIT NO. I didn't want to hurt him. I wouldn't want someone that i loved to say no to an offer like that. I didn't LOVE him.. but I didn't HATE him either.... I don't know.... I love Graser though... But I also have sympathy for Rusher...Something close to that.. I-I..."Uhh... A..Date?" I say. "Yeah!" He says. "Rusher! Im absolutely FLATTERED! Sure, I will" I say. NO! WAS A SIMPLE NO THAT HARD?! NOOO!!! "Awesome! Get ready, we will go out for dinner" He says and winks.
Graser POV
No. No no no. I lost her now. Forver. No no no no. Why?! WHY!? I feel like crying, but not infront of Stacy. Parker just stands there, shocked. "Uhh, Ill-Ill go now" He says and leaves. Rusher is already out. "Stacy.. WHY?! HE'S SO.. ANNOYING AND HE'S RUSHER!" I say, passively- aggressively . "Graser.. im sorry, I didn't want to hurt anyone" She says. WELL YOU DID. YOU HURT ME! I LOVE YOU! Was what I wanted to say. But I couldn't. Not now. I just shake my head, and leave.
Stacy POV
I lost him. Now I screwed up. Because im.... me Why? Why why why?!
I cant go on that date. I just can't.

Welcome to hell in words. Trust me, the original chapter was worse... Nothing like this one.. at ALL..they didn't go on a date, but Stacy had an... encounter. Anywho, this is hell in words. I don't know what I just did. This wasn't planned. I have the story planned out, this wasn't in the layout.... Short chapter btw
Love you wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.
All those "wrong" turns have taken you to were you are today. Its up to you to decide if they were worth it.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now