Chapter 56

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A/N Enjoy!

-=+=-Stacy POV-=+=-
"Graser.. Well, I. Um" I stutter out. I don't know.
I dont know.
"It's okay if you don't want to-" Graser starts. "No, no, I.. I'll think about it" I say.
"Yeah, uhh, I have to go.." I say, in search if a exit out of this awkward situation. "Oh.." Is all he says. "Yeah, uh, wanna play SkyWars later?" I ask. "Yeah, I guess. Bye"

And with that, he leaves.
He sounded a bit sad at the end..
I just shake it off and get up from my seat. I feed Page and Molly, record a video with Amy.
I can't concentrate. Im thinking about him.
"Um, Stacy? You okay there?" Amy asks me, her british accent spilling. "Oh!" I snap out of it. "Yeah, yeah" "Does this have to do with.. Graser?" She asks. "Um, I- Well,-" "It's okay Stacy. Maybe you're just over thinking, or maybe you're thinking about the wrong person. Just a thought" She claims. "Maybe I am thinking about the wrong person.." I hesitate. "You know what? Thats probably it" "Oh, okay" She responds. "Lets get on with the video. Oh, and, baby zombie coming your way" She giggles as the mob attacks me. "Baby zombie whyy?!" I joke.

That evening had been really eventfull. I found a cat, and brought it home because it didn't seem to have owners and seemed in bad condition. He seemed like a good boy. But I cant keep him, can I? My plans of playing SkyWars with Graser didn't work out, I had to pay attention to the cat.
He seemed strangely similar to Milquetoast, from my poster. Huh.

Some days later..
Everything had been normal the past few days, everything but some THINGS, and..
"I got a cat!" I said, looking at the camera. "And his name is MilqueToast!" I smiled, petting the good boy. What a sweetheart.

-=+=-Graser POV-=+=-
Stacy got a cat?! I just watched her new vlog, and the dude is so adorable! Wish I could meet him, Page and Molly.. Maybe Stacy will want to move to Canada..

Time: 9:45 pm
"So.. Stacy" I say, drumming my fingers on my desk. "Have you made up your mind?" "Yes Graser, I have" She responds, and my heart skips a beat. "And..." I continue, waiting for an answer.

"I have decided that.."

I am trashhhhhhh so short!
But, next chapter might be long, sorry for such wait, I just cant write much these days :( Anyway, on the 7th it was my birthday, my WattPad birthday, and this book's birthday. Exactly a year ago I started writing this book, HOW EXCITING!
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it!

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now