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A/N Enjoy :3

Graser POV
"I wanted us to go to.... HAWAII!!" Rusher says, excitedly. "What?" I ask, shocked. "Yeah, Hawaii, us 4" Rusher says, calmly. "4?" I ask. "Yeah, Stacy, Parker, you and I" He says. Now I know what this is all about. Rusher wants more time with Stacy. Ugh. "Its gonna be awesome!" Parker says. "So.. STACY..What do you say?" Rusher asks. "Uhh... Well, you seem very excited..." She says. I type into our private chat something.
G: Stacy, you came to CANADA though!
S: Oh come on Graser! Its gonna be awesome
G: Ok fine, only because you want to go °insert heart emoji here°
S: OMG Graser I LOVE YOU!!
Did she just say that she loves me? Wait, she didn't mean it like that... did she. "So sure, we'd love to go to Hawii with you guys" Stacy says. "Awesome, so we will go to the International Hawii airport, if you want, I can pay all the flights" Rusher says. "Oh, no no! I'll pay my own flight" Stacy says. "And I'll pay mine" I say, joining her. "And I'll pay mine as well!" Parker says. "Ok so each person will pay their own flight? Rusher asks, and he is greeted with Yeses. "Ok, so when should the flight be? He asks. "How about... in 3 days?" I ask. To be honest, im actually excited to go. "Okay, in 3 days, when we get there, we will get an Uber, but remember that Parker and I will come a few minutes after you guys" Rusher explains. "Awesome!" Stacy says, excitedly. "Okay, um, got to go, need to do some editing" Stacy says, signing out of our TeamSpeak. "Ok, whats this all about Rusher?" I ask angrily. "Yeah, I will go now" Parker says awkwardly and leaves. "Dude, seriously, stop being so jealous. She is not yours yet, I want her" Rusher says. "No, Stacy is MINE, only MINE!" I say, getting mad. "Dude, I got a plan" He says, "We both like her... I have more chances with her, So I get to keep her, there!" He says. "Oh HELL NO!" I say. "Ugh, just let her go dude" Rusher says. "Never" I say, dragging my mouse onto the sign out botton, when I hear Rusher say, " Stacy is my babe" And he logs off. I just wanna punch the fuck out of him! I get up from my chair and head to Stacy's room. I knock and wait.
Stacy POV
I really didn't need to edit anything. I was just tired of over thinking things. I lay down on my bed, and just as I close my eyes, I hear a knock. "Come in" I say. "Hey Stace" I hear Graser say. "Hey" I say. "Didn't you need to edit things?" He asks, laying besides me and grabbing my hand. "No, I was just... tired" I say, choosing my words carefully. I didn't want i explain that I was over thinking things, and what I was over thinking in first palce. "Yeah, I'm tired too" He says. "But, we are going to Hawii soon, how do you feel about that?" He asks, with a smirk. "I feel like its gonna be awesome" I say, giggling, as I get up and face him. He faces me and says, "He wants you". "What? Who?" I ask, confused. "Rusher. We likes you. Like likes you" Graser says, pulling me closer. I feel my face burn with embarrassment, not because Graset THINKS Rusher likes me, but because he pointed it out. "Really?" I ask. Its actually kinda obvious, but I go with it.
Graser POV
She sounds excited. Oh no. What is she likes him back? Crap. Crap crap crap crap! Without meaning to, I ask, "DO YOU LIKE HIM BACK?!?!?" "NO! Um... of course not.." She says, hesitating. "Dont go with him, come with me", I say, but in my own mind, were she couldn't hear me. Its been a long day, and im starving. "Stacy, wanna go out to eat? Im starving AF" I say rubbing my stomach. "Sure" She says, as she gets a text. "In gonna get ready" She says, waiting for me to leave. I decide to tease her and stay. "Go" She says. "Nah im good, go ahead and get dressed" I say, looking at her. "Graser!" She says. "What? I dont mind, you know, it kinda turns me on" I say with a smirk. She blushes deep red and then it fades away quick. "Okay" She says, un bottoning her shirt. Is she actually gonna take it of? I start getting turned on when she says, "Ok, for reals, leave" "Hehe ok" I say and leave.
Stacy POV
Just as he leaves, I check my phone for the text.
???: Roses are red, violets are blue, if you dont stay away from him, nothing will be dead but YOU!
Wtf? Why would they say that? Its getting kinda annoying now, ive gotten quite a few other texts the last week, not too noce though.
S: Who are you
End of text°*°**°*°
They never respond. Why? Ugh, its just so... worrying. I feel tears starting to kick in. Why? I just close texts and get dressed. When im done, i head down stairs, clutching my phone to my chest. "Hey Sta.." Graser says, trailing off. "Graser? Graser!" I say, waving my hand in front of his face. "You look attractive" He says and a soft and seductive voice. I feel myself blush as I get the chills down my spine and smile. "Well, I can say the same thing about you.." I say in the same soft, sexy voice as his, putting my finger on his chest and running it down to his belt. He blushes as well, and we look into each others eyes and give each other seductive looks, which soon turn into wierd, funny looks and noises. We burst out laughing on the couch, and he throws his arm around me. "What the actual heck are we doing?!" I say, giggling. "I dont have the minor idea of WHAT we are doing" He says, giggling as well. "Still hungry?" I ask. "Yeah" He says, getting up and and pulling me along. We get into his car and drive to -insert dinner place here-
Time skip°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°
"That was delicious" He says rubbing his belly as we lay back in the car seats, just outside the house. "Lets go in the house?" I ask, and he says yes. We head into the house and flop down on the couch. "What should we do?" I ask. "I've got condoms!" He says with a smirk. I blush deep red, my face about to burn off, shocked. "GRASER!!" I say. "Im kidding! Im kidding!" He says, laughing, as he blushes. I giggle and lean on to him, and he wraps his arm around me, cuddling me. "Wanna watch TV?" He asks, offering me the TV controler. "You choose" I tell him. "Okay" He says. "Wait.. i forgot to upload Cake Quest!" I say, jumping out of my seat, but Graser pulling me back by my waist. "Nah" He says. "Graser!!" I whine, struggling out of his grasp. "Fine" He says, letting go. "Thanks" I say sarcastically and run upstairs. I get to my room, and sit down by my computer.
Graser POV
I sit there, watching TV. I then take a pencil and pen and start writing a list of things we need to have ready for Friday morning when we leave to Hawaii.
Time skip-*~*~*~*~*~*
Stacy came down stairs looking a bit tired. "You tired?" I ask. "No, its just that the video took HOURS to upload and I dont know why" She says, sitting besides me on the table. "So watcha doing?" She asks, curiously. "A list of things we will need for Hawii" I reply. "So far this is it" I say showimg her the list.
Beach outfits
Swim suits
Sun screen
Recording equipment
iPad charger
Shampoo and soap
End of list*°°*°*
There was something more that i couldn't dare put on the list. Trust me, in Hawaii, we are AT LEAST going to get drunk once, and between a drunk dude and a drunk girl... stuff can happen. "Cool" She says. "We need to go get theese things tomorrow" I say. "Alright" She says, happily. "This is gonna be an awesome trip!" I say. "I cant wait" She says, agreeing with me.

A/N HAI!!!!! Ive been sitting down for 4 hours straight waiting in line of some papers we need... my ass hurts! Anyway, on Thursday, it was Expo at my school, and I has wedges (Normal shoes with heels) And i has running and twisted my ankle... AGAIN. It hurts so bad. And my graduation is on Tuesday!! And my kickball game is on Thursday!!! AGAINST THE TEACHERS!! Goddamnit. Anyway, I was kickball on Friday and I actually could run and when I stopped running it started hurting so bad again... Lawl. Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it!

Even the darkest nights,
Will end.
And the sun,
Will rise.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now