Lost phones and troublesome cats

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A/N Enjoy!
Graser POV
I get up and immediately look for my phone, to see the time. I cant find it, so I just look at the clock I had in my room. Stacy and I decided to leave shopping at 11:00 AM. And its 10:50. SHIT! I get up and start looking for my phone, which I can't find. I look through the covers and my drawers. I search inside my pant's pockets and nothing. Where could it be? I get dressed quickly, and head down stairs. I hear Stacy in the shower an- WAIT. I think i left my phone in there. Oh no. Just before I head upstairs, Max and Marley start meowing for food. They always meow at this time of day. Wait, were is Shadow? I think to myself. "Shadow!" I call out, in hopes that he'll come. "Ugh" I whine, heading upstairs. I put my ear to the bathroom door, and hear Stacy humming. Hehe. I knock and call out her name. "Stace! I think I left my phone in the bathroom! Can I go in?" I ask. "B-but Graser, im showering!" She yells. "Please!" I call out bsck to her. "Fine" She says. I open then door and see my phone. As I reach for it, I hear some sort of.... purring. "Uhh... Graser? What's that purring kinda sound?" Stacy asks through the shower curtain. (Which is NOT see-through) I look around and finally find Shadow, which is sleeping. "Oh its just Shadow, he followed you in" I say reaching out for him. "Oh, well, uh.. hurry up" Stacy says, awkwardly. "Ok, lemme take him out" I say. Right when I touch Shadow, he jumps and clings on to the shower curtain, tearing it down. Stacy screams, covering herself and I cover my eyes and run out of the bathroom. Oh my.. god. I think I just saw Stacy... naked... OMG! I lean agains the bathroom door and I hear Stacy talking to Shadow. "Oh, go out little kitty, this is no place for you" I smile at the thought of her talking to him. Then, she opens the bathroom door, making me fall back and land between her legs. And she only had her towel on. "Graser!' She says, backing up. "S-sorry St-Stacy" I apologize, blushing. "It's ok, uh, here's Shadow" She says, blushing as well and putting him down and closing the door.
Time skip°*°*°°**°°*°**°*
Stacy POV
That was a LONG shopping trip. We came back at 4:00 PM. I bought a lot of things, including a fabulous swimsuit. Its white and blue, of course, striped. I tuck everything I'll need into my 2 suit cases. I know we are only going for 1 week, I want to look fabulous. Hehe. When im done, i settle done on my chair, sit back and relax. I stare at my computer screen, still. I remember then, that the trip is a few days from now. I reach out for my phone, n order to text a bit with Tiffany, and get updates on Page and Molly. Then, I get another text from the anonymous person.
???- If today was YOUR last day, and tomorrow was too late....
End of text*°*°*°**°*°°
(Yeah this is from Nickleback's song, "if today was your last day)
Did they just threaten me? I hope not, or else, im outta here.

A/N Hai! Really short chapter, about 620 words long. Its cuz this week we had graduation and tomorrow is the last day!! Omg!! During summer, something else will come. But thats later on. And yea, I do write the parts throughout a different days.
Love you my wolf pack, you are stong, you will make it.

Don't be sad because it ended,
Be happy because it happened.
~I don't remember who

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