Chapter 60

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Her last thoughts were that she would die.

Flashing lights.

Blue and red.


Many voices.

But one voice above them all.

Pleading her to live.

But one voice above them all.

Sobing his heart out.

But one above them all.


A/N After that last chapter, dang I have no words
Enjoy! Btw, remember that part from chapter 7? Arent you glad you sticked around? Btw, I used real facts, so you might learn a few things regarding vital organs and the human body
Chapter 60

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
The hospital is a wierd place.
It feels wierd too. You're not used to coming too often, or at least you shouldn't. But the past weeks have been chaos. Stacy is dying in my arms, for the second time. I hope that she will live. But last time, she died and came back to life. I saw her die. Slowly as the heart rate monitor stopped beeping rapidly. I saw the color flush out of her cheeks, as the world around me crumbled.

And I experienced that again, tonight.

Whoever that was, I will find out, and I will take things to the court if I have to, to get them in jail. For good.

"Zachary Graser?" I see 3 men in uniforms come in to the waiting room. "That's me" I say, without a hint of emotion in my voice. "We are the CSI, Crime Scene Investigation" The middle man says, as they all hold up their official badges."We were informed that you are who called 911 on the topic of Stacy Hinojosa. We will need you to come with us" He says. "Im not going anywhere. I need to be here for any news on Stacy" I say, coldly. "Look kid, we need you. You're play a major part in this. For all we know it could have been you who stabbed the girl-" "It was not me! I love her with all I got, I would never do that to her!" I growl. "That's why we need you. We need to know everything in order to find out who did this, and bring them to justice" He states. I hesitate.
Find out who it is? I need to do it. For Stacy.


I lean back on my chair, my arms crossed over my chest. The 3 men stand infront of me, on the other side of the table. "Tell us what happened" He commands me. "Every single bit?" I ask. "Every single bit" He clarifies. "Well, Stacy has being really shady about where she was going. She left her phone unlocked for me to tell anyone she was busy. Then, some time later, a number texted her random letters. I saw something that looked like a threat, so I kept reading on up. Saw that Stacy was in danger, and ran to the place they planned on meeting-" "Do you have the phone?" He interrupts me. I nod and take it out if my pocket. "Show us the texts" He tells me. I put on the convo between Stacy and Unknown. They inspect it carefully, then put it down. "We could track the phone down, but that will be unnecessary" He states. "How come?" I ask them. He takes out something from his suitcase. A bag. A bag with a knife. The knife that the person was using to kill Stacy. "We found this in the murder scene- sorry- the crime scene" He corrects himself at the sight of me frowning. "We are yet to inspect for fingerprints. But when we find out who it is, we will inform you and Ms. Hinojosa" He says, putting the knife away. Then one of the other guys whispers something to him. "We will drive you back to the hospital. We have gotten news about her state, but we'd rather you hear them more explicitly from the doctors" He states, and I dont argue.

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