Chapter 78

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A/N my a e s t h e t i c is your face

Wait no its dark themed shit like black, white and grey colours and trianges

i love triangLES


"Abortion? Bee, that's a whole new low!" Stacy exclaims, eyes wide. Her mind races, how could Bee think of such a thing?

"I.. I don't think I'm ready for a child, im just in my twenties!" Bee argues back, her tears racing down her face, green on contrast with the pinkish colour that once was white.

"Bee.. If that is what you want to do, and you are sure of it.. Go ahead" Dul sighs, her sad eyes making it evident that she doesn't want that for Bee.

But then again, who would want that for any mother? Want the mother to want to get rid of her future child? It's wrong to want that, but not impossable to require.

Stacy's stomach wrenches, green eyes following every step of Dul's. How could she approve of that? Stacy feels like she will be sick. No, she will be sick.

"I just, I'm so sorry.. Im so, so sorry" Bee's body shakes violently, jaw clenching, breaths stuttering through her teeth. Stacy's expressions softens, and she reaches out for Bee. "I would never approve of abortions, but.. But if you want to, if you have to.. ill support you. We will support you" Stacy assures her, grip tightening around Bee, glancing at Dul. There are tear tracks down her cheeks, and she gulps a little. She wraps her arms around Bee, sighing. "Yeah" She agrees.


A few hours later, Graser's plane landed. For the first time, he was grateful Utah was close to the border of Canada. It wasn't close, but at least it wasn't Florida or New York.

He was so nervous, he had to get there as fast as he could. Getting into his Uber, he gets a text.

I heard something. i think its her, Graser, please get here asap please

His heart sinks, and pressures the driver to go faster.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.


I got the free trial for Youtube Red and watched the two TATINOF movies Dan and Phil released on the 5th of October, and i watched them both back to back with cat whiskers drawn with eyeliner, and my copy of TABINOF.

i fucking cried so fucking much. i was so fucking emotional. They worked so fucking hard oh my god they are really fucking amazing.

its 12:41 am and im listening to a shane podcast because i am using the most out of my Youtube Red free trial. also i have this whole week off school hell yeAH

4 of my friends, they are fucking unbelieVable. I rlly hate them now. They made a hate chat called The Rat Chat against one of my friends. I rlly hate them. I told them i didnt want to hang out with them, i dont need more negative ppl in my life i have enough (its me bITCH) and yeah

short chaps are the worst amarite
no but srsly sorry im a bad a writer sorry

Also.. this story is coming to its grand finale soon, holy shit its been a hell of a ride,

More stuff will come after the last chapter though, some extras and i know you will love it for sure so stay toon

tatinof will be the end of me

Hey, lets have all my spelling mistakes from here on down lets goo no editing ima just type what i meant next to it(i just noticed i had alot of mistakes okay)

All fuckign fucking might mi nigb ni h t night (how many times dows does it tale take me to spell shit holy) i have had a song stuck in my head and its Ode To Sleep by Twnty Twnty Twnety Twenty Øne Piløts i love them holy shit

okay that are alot of errors just a little cheeky behind the scenes there okay i am about to fucking pass out of exhaustion byE

'why do you always drae cat whiskers on your face?'

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now