Forgive and Forget.. Sort of

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What you are about to read are the results of a writer girl under the influence of the Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant book series.
Alot of tears were shed during the last book (more about that at the end with SPOILERS)
This is part 69 ;) Lol Plus some important stuff

Stacy POV
I hang up on Joey, and let myself drop on the bed. "Hey Stace"
I shiver travels from the surface of my skin to my bones, as I stiffen.
His voice
I quickly turn around, and look him right in the eyes. The first time he has looked at me since this started. "Graser" I say, unsteadly, sitting up on my bed. He walks in and closes the door behind him. My eyes widen, as my throat gets tight. What is he going to do?
He walks over to the bed and sits on the edge, and looks at me. "I.." He says, and looks down, and back up. "I am, sorry, I've been acting like a dick lately" He continues, scratching the back of his neck. "It's.. alright" I hesitate. "But, why were you acting like that in the first place?" "It's that you give Rush- It's that you were going to go to Canada. To visit me. Me. You weren't going to go to Hawaii and or New York to be with Parker and.. Rusher!" He spits. "You know Graser, it's not all about you" I growl. "I KNOW IT'S NOT! BUT IT'S NOT ABOUT IGNORING ME EITHER!" He yells.
Graser POV
"Stop yelling at me" She says quietly, her shoulders up, trying to make herself smaller. Her eyes look glassy, like she will break and start sobbing at any minute."Just.. Stop" She fiddles with her gold necklace, the one I gave her that says her name. I sigh. "I didn't mean to yell. Or get mad. Or jealous" I say. "I'm sorry for all the times that I screamed at you. Made you cry. Hurt you" I gulp. "I just felt excluded. You payed so much attention to Parker and mostly Rusher, I dont know whag took me over. Im so sorry Stacy. A-and if you're still mad I un-" I say, as she brushes her finger to my mouth to shush me. "It's alright Graser. It was also my fault. I was supposed to go to Canada, not Hawaii or New York. We are both equally guilty" She says, and gives me a small, almost forced smile. And I smile back. "Do you forgive me?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah" I hug her, and she hugs back.
It feels good to feel her warmth again, after all that happened.
Her warmth was all I needed.
She was all I needed.

The next day...
Stacy POV
I wake up, with Graser by my side. I'm so happy today. He finally forgived me. We fell asleep shoulder to shoulder, our breathing at the same rhythm. I yawn, and feel an his arm make it's way across my shoulders, as he pulls me close. "Ya know Stacy, it feels good to be in good terms again. I missed it" He whispers. "Yeah" I smile at him. We hear a knock on the door, and at the same time we sit up straight, our shoulders barley touching, and say, "Come in". "Hey guys, looks like you are back in good terms now" Parker says, sitting on the bed with us. "Yeah" Rusher says, coming from behind him. "Oh, just to clarify, the breaking up thing between Dul and I was a joke" Parker says. "Okay" "So, what are we going to do today?"

Later on...
"NOO!!!!!" I yelled into my mic. "Did you die?" Graser asks. "Yeah, only Rushers alive, go Rush!!" I chant. "Hey, im alive as well!" Parker says. "Oh yeah huh? Sorry" Graser answers. "We. Are. Almost. Done!" I spectate Rusher and Parker, as they fight their way to victory in SkyWars. "WE WON!!" They chant happily. "Congrats! Anywho, that's all for now. If you want to play in MinePlex as well, IP is down below, as well as the links for my friends' channels. Page and Molly love you, go rescue a dog" I say, closing the video. "It's late, we should go to sleep" Parker suggests. We agree and say goodnight, and log out of MineCraft and go to our bedrooms. "Today was a tiring day" Graser says, flopping down on the bed. "Yeah" I say.
We change into our pajamas and get into bed. We say our goodnights and go to sleep.
"What do you want Graser?" I whisper-shout. He wraps his arms around me, spooning me. "Ah, there" He smirks. "Goodnight you goof" I say, and drift off.
My mind races with thoughts. Why was Graser jealous? Was it more than just what he said? What if he likes me? Maybe that's why he is jealous. Nah,.. yeah? No.
Oh god.

Time: 1:34
It's been hours since I was supposed to be asleep. But, nooo. I get up slowly, unwrapping Graser's arms around me. I get my slippers and grab my laptop,and head to the living room. I sit down in the dark, and turn on my computer.
My eyes sting at the light the screen produces. Ouchh.
I open up Mineplex, and play some Hunger Games. Maybe I could bring back Hunger Games.. I think, as the count down begins.

Time: 3:12
Oh god, sleep just doesn't come along.
My phone buzzez, and I take a look at the notifications. I unlock it, and open up the texts.
Does this person have anything better to do?
You skank, you should just go with Rusher instead if Graser.
Another text
Because if you go with Graser, you are well as dead!
And another
Nobody would ever want you! If Rusher even takes you, it's going to be a miracle! You are so ugly and fat, you bitch. (A/N I DO NOT THINK THIS ABOUT STACY SHE IS BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY IM JEALOUS)
If you were to vanish, no one would give a fuck
End of texts
I sigh a big, heavy sigh. I can't deal with this any longer. Hate doesn't get to me, but somehow, this does. I start breaking down, my muffled sobs covered by my hand. I can't wait to go home. And, I don't know. I don't want to be here.
In New York.
In Canada.
Nor Utah.
Not in this world.
Wish I could just vanish onto the thin air. Again, no one would notice.

I wake up in bed, and look at the time. It's 12:47 PM?! God, I went to sleep late last night. And.. how exactly did I get here..? I get up and look around. This isn't the hotel in New York! I start to panic, and rush to the living room. No signs of the boys. "GRASER! RU-RUSHER!" I call out. "PARKER! IS ANYONE HERE?" I yell. "Well, well, well. Look who woke up! Sleeping Ugly?" I turn around to see a girl, straight blondish- brownish hair, brown eyes. She had blue jeans on, with black combat boots and a black hoodie. "W-where are my friends?" I ask, gritting my teeth to stop them from chattering. "Oh, well, they are.. somewere" She says with a smirk. "And it's your time to join them" She holds up a gun and aims it at my head. "Wait.. you are Unknow-"

And she pulls the trigger.

A/N Okay, before we get to the Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant rant, let's talk about that ending.
Dayum, you didn't see it coming huh? Well, neither did I! Don't loose your faith juuust yet!
Anywho, I finished reading the Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant book series by Veronica Roth, and trust me, the last book is SAD AF! I CRIED SO MUCH MORE THAN IVE EVER CRIED FOR A BOOK OR MOVIE OR ANYTHING!!So, basically, there is this girl named Tris that has to go to the Weapons Lab outside the fence, were there was people making an experiment on Chicago. She had to set off a memory serum to erase everyone's mind (for good) and there was a serum in the air that would kill her, but since she was Divergent, she survived it. (Her mom was already dead btw) And dude came along, and shot her. She did set off the memory serum, and completed her mission, but she died. This is how it went.
Tris started seeing her mom, as a hallucination since she was dying.
Tris: Am I done yet? Is it over?
Mom: Yes, you've done well. Im proud of you
And then Tris starts telling the story and says:
Can I be forgiven for all the lives I've ended?
Yes, I can be.
I want to be.
I belive I can.
And then she dies.
And worse of all, Tobias (her boyfriend) was so miserable without her ;-;
He was telling the story like this:
When she first hit the net, all I registered was a gray blur. She had jumped first. Not even I jumped first.
Her eyes, were beautiful. I suppose a fire so bright isn't meant to last.
I'll say it one last time:
Be brave.
The last time they saw each other, they said: See you soon.
And I fucking cried so much!!! BUT! Next chapter I will make another rant, about something about the movies that might make me happy again!!

End of spoilers

Anywho, please check my wall on my profile everyday. I post important messages and I'd like for you to see them.

Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.
I'll say it one last time:
Be brave.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now