Graser's Birthday party

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A/N Enjoy! ^.^
Stacy POV
I was awoken by Rusher, slightly shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them. What time was it?! 5:00 AM?!? "What time is it?" I ask. "Time to decorate for Graser's birthday" Rusher whispers. "Neh seriously" I say sitting up. "4:30 AM" He says and looks at Dul and Bee. "Oh ok, let me get ready really quick" I say. "If I take a shower, do you think it will wake up Graser?" I ask, sleeply. "Umm,.. I dont think you should worry about that.." Rusher says, nervously. "What. Did. You. Do?!" I ask, nervously and kinda mad at the same time. "I... well really, Parker, H and I.. drugged Graser so he wouldn't wake up and ruin the surprise" Rusher says, scratching the back of his neck. "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?" I ask angrily. "We-" "I already know that!! What I meant is that, what where you thinking?!?" I ask getting up quickly. Umm..." Rusher says. I get up and go out the door, into Graser's room. There I see Parker and H sitting down next to him. I stand there with a are you CRAZY?! Look on my face. "Hehe.... hi" Parker says, waving his hand."And before you ask, NO we did NOT over-dose him" "Thank goodness!" I say, slightly more relaxed. "But we need to get moving" H says. "This wasn't part of the plan, so I will need you to come along to get the cake" H says to me. "I'll tell the others to help decorate" Rusher says and goes downstairs to wake Devon and Tomahawk. "Ok lets get ready to go" I say and go into my room. Before I leave, I ask Parker, "About how much more time will he be... drugged?" "About 6 more hours" He responds. "I'll take a shower when I come back" I say and continue to my room to get dressed.
Not so magical time skip :::::::
H and I get into Graser's car. I know, I know, we did not ask him. BUT. Its for a good cause. Hehe. "So you know were they sale cakes... and are open at 4:30 AM?" I ask H. "Mm Parker gave me the coordinates,- uh I mean the address, hehe Minecraft is really getting to me" He says, laughing. I giggle and look out the window.
Graser POV
Time skiiip***°*°*°°
H and I bought the cake and now we are heading back to the house. The cake was really pretty, and it was really detailed. It is square, and has Graser's Minecraft skin face on it. Graser's favorite cake flavor is chocolate (idk if this is true). When we finally get to Graser's house, I take the cake but Rusher runs out to help me before H does. "Oh, Ill help you with that, beautiful" He says, with a flirtatious tone. Ugh. "Well , thanks" I say, trying not to show how annoyed I am. It's that, he's just so... thirsty. Ugh. I walk into the house and go straight into my room. I grab a blue and white strapless dress and some white flats with blue bows on them. I grab my towel and other things like shampoo, conditioner etc. I go into the bathroom and take a quick hot shower.
Time Skip *°*°**°**
After im done, I dry my hair and let the curls kick in. Yeah, I have natural curls. I put on make up and head out. "Oh, who do we got here, a pretty girl" Rusher says, "checking me out". "Watch them words, lover boy" Dul says. "If you keep them up, they ain't gonna last long" "Yeah" Bee says. They take me outside, and show me the beautiful decorationsa around the pool. There are lights hanging around, and a some tables. One is for the gifts, another for the cake and another for the food. And of couse, a big table for us to sit around. "Looks on fleek" I say smiling. "Awesome right?" Devon says, walking up to me. "Yep, by the way, were is Parker...?" I ask. "Oh he's inside cooking breakfast" Tomahawk says, standing next to Devon. "Ok thanks" I say and walk inside. "What's up Stacy Plays?" Grape asks helping Parker in the kitchen. "Heyyy Stacyy! By the way, you look good, Grasers gonna love it. Well, he always does" Parker says. "What?" I ask. "NOTHING!" Straub says walking into the conversation. I can notice he elbowed Parker, and he got some sort of message by it. "Anyway, how's it going" I ask. "Well, we need your help" Parker says, scratching the back of his neck. "With what?" I ask, walking up to the mess they have done. "Oh... gewd" I say, shocked by the mess in the room. "Yeah... it wasn't going so well was it?" Staub says, approaching. "Um, nope" Parker says. "We'll just go to iHop" I say, getting the cleaning supplies. "Good idea" Grape says, turning off the stove. We clean up the mess in about 2 hours. Yeah, it was THAT big of a mess.
Time skip °*°*°*°
Graser POV
I wake up, feeling slightly dizzy. I sit up, and notice that im sitting on my bed. I rub my eyes and look around my dark room. "He's awake" I hear Parker's voice whisper. "Oh thank god, I was starting to get worried" I hear Stacy's angelic voice whisper back. "Hey, hey Graser" Stacy says, sitting down next to me. "Oh, hey Stace" I say hugging her for some reason. "Do you know why I feel so... well, dizzy?" I ask her. "Well...." Stacy says, biting her lip. Parker just nods. "Well, Parker, H and Rusher... kind of...drugged you so you wouldn't wake up" Stacy says. "What for?" I ask. She just looks at Parker. "Well, because.. later you'll find out, for now, go get ready, we are going to go to iHop" Parker says. "Okay, but before I forget, Stacy, you look absolutely stunning" I accidentally say. I mean, its true. She slightly blushes and says, "Thanks" "Okay now!" I hear Parker yell. All of a sudden, all the others ( A/N too lazy to name them all ;3) Come into my room. "Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Graser, happy birthday to you!" All of my friends chant. I feel myself blushing deeply. I hear Stacy giggle. "I love your giggle Stacy" I say, once again, true but accidentally. "Oh! Um, thanks" She say, a blush crawling up her face and putting her hand over her mouth to cover her precious smile. "But it's true" I say. "T-thanks" Stacy says, leaving my room, followed by Dul and Bee. "Dude, you have to wake up, and wash away the sleeping serum" Parker says. "Yeah, but still, nice moves complementing your lady" H says, elbowing me. "Ugh, I wish she was mine" I say, sadly. "Ok just get ready" Parker says and leaves the room, followed by the boys. Ugh, I embarrassed Stacy, didn't I? I think to myself. Oh whatever. I gather my clothes and stuff to go take a good cold shower to fully wake me up. After my shower, I walk to my room to get ready. Parker told me we were going out, so I need to look on FLEEK! Specially in front of Stacy. When I give my hair the last touches, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell. Parker skips into the room, happily. "You almost ready, B-Day boy?" He asks. "Yep, done" I say and apply cologne. (Idk how to spell it) "Awesome, so, follow me. The guys and gals are downstairs waiting" Parker says, grabbing me and pulling me. "Alright, alright" I say, walking along. When we make it down stairs, the windows and glass doors to the backyard are completely closed, meaning there is no light coming from them. Before I can question it, my eyes land on Stacy. Oh beautiful Stacy. "Ok, lets get going" Grape says, popping up from his seat. He is met with alrights and okays. "I already called the Ubers" Says Straub. "Okay, we're gonna split up into our little groups, like we always do" Devon says. "The same ones we've been using" Tomahawk adds on. "Oh they're here" Starub says, looking out the window. "Cool"
Time skip after breakfast at iHop
"Thanks guys, for taking me out for breakfast" I say, sitting on the couch. "Well your welcome" Parker says bowing. "But there's more" "Really?" I ask, getting kinda excited. "Yep" Everyone else says. "Right this way, G" H says covering my eyes and leading me. "Don't bump into the glass doors" Parker says. "Alrighty, now!" Parker says, and H uncovers my eyes. "Wow..." I say looking around. There is a table with all kinds of bags and boxes. I wonder what they are... There is another table with food and drinks and another one with chairs around it. There are lights hanging around, making it look very party like. "Guys... I-I dont know how to thank you!" I say turning arond. "Its ok G, happy birthday" Parker says, hugging me. "GROUP HUG!" Rusher yells and everyone piles around me. "Halp" I say, defenseless. "Happy Birthday Graser" Stacy says and smiles. I smile back and say, "Thanks"
For the rest of the time, they talk, dance and eat... and then its time for.... DA GIFTS!
Stacy POV
We gather all the gifts and put them around Graser. "Oh! Open mine first!" Devon says. (ill just skip that cuz I dont have any ideas for the gifts Devon, Tomahawk, Grape, and Rusher give him) Soon enough, its the collab gift's turn. "Now ours" Parker says, looking at Starub, H, Dul and Bee. They just nod and smile. "Okay Graser, this is a collab gift between Dul, H, Starub, Bee and myself, ready?" Parker explains. "Yep" Graser says. "Okay, go ahead open it" Parker says, trying to retain his excitement. Graser digs into the bag and pulls out a GTA V disc and a CoD one. "Awesome" He says. Then he pulls out a black and red controler, and a few others. "Thanks so much guys!" I says, grinning. "That's not all, open the box at the bottom" Straub says, excited. "Okie" Graser says and diggs deeper into the bag. He pulls out the box, wrapped in minecraft wrapping paper. "Stylish warping paper" I say and everyone laughs. Graser starts unwrapping the present, and gasps. "OH. MY. GOSH." Graser says, shocked. "You guys got me an Xbox?!" "Yep" They say. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!!" He says, fangirling. I guess mine won't be as awesome... I think. "My turn" I say smiling. "Hope that you like it" I give him the small box, that contains the iPhone, wrapped in red and black paper. "It may be small, but im pretty sure you'll like it" I say smiling. "Its the effort that counts" Graser tells me, smirking. "Really?" I say. "Just open it already!!!" Parker says. "Okay, okay" Graser saya tearing the wraping paper. "Holy. Shit." He says, shocked. "What is it?" H asks. "Oh my gosh og mu gosh oh my gosh!!!" Graser says excitedly. I giggle at his little excitement chant. "Its... Oh meh GEWD!!" He says, taking the rest of the paper of. Everyone else but the girls gasp. "Oh my gosh, she bought you an iPhone 6!" Rusher says. "Omg Stacy thank you so mawch!!" Graser says, getting up and hugging me. I hug him back and say, "Well, its your birthday, so I figured, why not?" I say, smling. "Damn the #Gracy action right now is REAL!" Parker says. My eyes look at him, wide. I feel a bright red blush crawl up my face, and also on Graser's. "Uhhh" I say, embarrassed of what Parker says.
Graser POV
Ugh, great way to ruin the moment. "Oh Parker, #Gracy isn't real, and it will NEVER be" Rusher says, smiling. Ugh. He likes Stacy. He SO likes Stacy. And he is trying to take her away from me. Its so obvious. "Well, #Stusher will never be real neither" Dul says. Rusher's face turns red with embarrassment. "Somebody get some ice for that BURN!" Bee adds on. "Damn, these girls be sassy" Grape comments. "Hehe" I say. "Okay.... umm... how about we continue" Stacy says, clearly uncomfortable. "Open the box" She says. I open the box, and see a golden iPhone. It also has a case, but I cant see what color or pattern it has, since its turned around. I take it out nd it's met with oohs and ahhs. "Turn it around" She says, giggling. I turn it around and see a Graser10 phone case. It has my 'Graser' wall paper. (A/N The one on his channel that says only Graser. The one on the picture) "Holy crap! That is absolutely AMAZING" I say. "You dont know how thankful i am right now! How much did it cost?!" "Just go with it" Stacy says, giggling. "A fortune" Dul says. "Dul!" Stacy snaps at her. "Oh, sorry" Dul says. "Wow Stacy, you are truly awesome" I say, as she blushes.
The rest of the night we danced, and I danced with Stacy, then I pulled her away
"Stacy, thank you for all of this" I say holding her hand between mine. "Its ok Graser, it IS your birthday" "Yeah" I say. I smile and tap my cheek. "Really?" Stacy asks, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yeah" I say, and lean out my cheek. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and both of us blush. We now are looking into each others eyes, only inches away. We both lean in, but Stacy is pulled away by Dul. "Stacy! Come come come" Dul says before taking her away from me. I sigh and go back to the party. So close. "Graser dude!" Parker says excitedly. "Yeah?" I ask. "So you know how Dul and I both live only like a street away?" Parker asks me. "Yeah" "And how I like her?" He continues. "Just get to the point" I say. "I...."
Stacy POV
"HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!" Dul says, happily. "Aww, thats so sweet! So #Darker is real?" I ask. "Yep" Dul says, proudly. Now all my friends have boyfriends, and here I am, forever alone.
Graser POV
Dang. I am still single. But I like Stacy, but Rusher also likes her. And I will do anything in my power to beat Rusher to her. The only bad thing is that he is bold. He can just go up to her and ask her out, which is something I cant. I am too shy, but I still love her.

A/N Sorry for the late update! I got none of them excuses. :/ Anyway, I had a message to people who copy. I know you copy. Its obvious! Trust me, I KNOW. Anyway....
Love you my wolf pack, you ARE strong, you WILL make it.

If "Plan A" doesn't work,
There are 25 more letters.
Stay cool.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now