Time away

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A/N Enjoyyyyyy.. SPAM

Graser POV
"Wait.. she isn't in your guys' room?!" Parker says, popping up from his spot on the couch. "No!" I say, getting worried. "Call her dude, I bet she's okay" Rusher says, looking up from his phone. "Uhh weres my iPhone?" I say looking around. "Look in your room, Stacy might've left it charging there" Parker says. "Okay!" I say, rushing to the room. I look around, and see my phone on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I disconnect the phone, and look if I've gotten any calls or messages from Stacy. Then, to my horror, I see a text from, ugh her. (If you read last chapter, you will know what the text said)
No.... NO NO NO. She couldn't. She said she was my girlfriend. She lied to Stacy! Oh no. I cant belive it. That girl is freaking... ugh! I have to call Stacy. I have to tell her it's not true. What if Stacy is mad that I didn't tell her?! But of course, its not true.I have to tell her. And fast. I call her, but she doesn't answer. I keep calling her, but she doesn't answer. "Guys guys guys! She's not answering!" I say, worried. "Maybe her phone ran out of battery? I dont know but we have to find her" Rusher says. "Yeah dude, what if she's lost?" I say. "Or what if she just needs air? Away from all of the boys here" Parket suggests. "Still, we have to go find her! Oh, er- I have to go find her" I say worried. "Why only you?" Rusher asks, shooting me a dirty look. I grab my phone and my pair of hotel keys and look at him "Because I say so" I say and shut the door with force. Im so mad right now. At her. That girl, she just HAS to have me. Why? She quit the server and our friendship. Our 'relationship'. Mostly everyone is against her. She is a dirty bitch. And a big liar. She is not my girlfriend, the closest it got to that was our date. And she wants me back now. I walk around the shore, looking out for Stacy's beautiful hair.
Stacy POV
I sit, thinking. My phone has gotten various calls, from Rusher and Parker. But of course, mostly from Graser. That liar.
He never told me that he had a girlfriend. He told me he would tell me EVERYTHING that happened to him. He never told me about this. But, I shouldn't be mad. He was never mine, and never would be. So I shouldn't be upset. Im still crying though. I look at the sunset, setting over the ocean. Im sitting on a bench in the beach. I want to be alone. I need time. Time to process this. All I've got so far is that Graser is a liar. That he betrayed me. He lied when he said he would tell me anything. He lied. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I can tell who's it is, so I dont need to turn around. "Stacy..." He says. "What" I say back to him. "You read the text, didn't you?" He asks. "Yeah, I did Graser" I respond. "Stacy Stacy Stacy" He says, sitting down next to me. "It wasn't true" He says grabbing my hand. "How do I know you're not lying?" I say, pulling my hand away. "Because, because you are one of the people I trust the most. Actually, scratch that, you ARE the person I trust the most. Thats why" He says, looking down. "Who is she then?" I ask. "Well, she used to me my friend. She was part of the cube, but the cube later on was against her for many things. For example, bad Cube reputation. And, well, she was never my girlfriend. The closest if ever got to that was a date. There was a time, I didn't LIKE her, or LOVE her, but I was considering it. But she was a total bitch. She just wanted the money and fame. She didn't take the Cube or her friendships seriously. She thought only because she was pretty, she could do and have anything" He, says, frowning. "Oh... G-Graser Im so sorry that I just went into conclusions instead of asking you. I shouldn't even be on your phone in the first place" I say ashamed. "Stacy, Stacy. I allowed you to. Don't be guilty" He says and hugs me. "Wanna go now?" He asks, getting up and reaching out his hand. "Sure" I say, taking his hand. We walk back to the hotel, as if nothing had ever happened.
"Hey guys" I say, walking into the hotel. "STACYYYYYY!!!!!" Both Parker and Rusher say, and hug me. "Wow" I say, surprised. "Hey, im here too" Graser says, waiving his hand. "Oh, hey" Parker says. "Sorry bout that" Rusher says. "So, where were you Stacy?" Parker asks. "Oh, uh, I just.. just went for a walk" I say, refusing to tell the truth that I was mad and sad that Graser had a "girlfriend". "Why didn't you answer your phone?" Rusher asks. "Oh, uhh, I-I didn't hear it" I lie. They look at me, as if they knew I was lying. Is it that obvious? Hope not. "Okay..." Parker says. "You guys wanna go eat now?" Graser asks. We all say yes and leave.
Theee neeexxxtt dayyy!
I wake up to one of Joey's texts.
J: Heyyy Stacyyanya!
S: Hey Joey
J: I just wanted to tell you that Page and Molly are safe and sound! They are playing with Wolf
S: Awwww! Btw, control your son
J: I'll try
S: lol
J: Gtg record a vlog with them and feed them! Byyeee
S: Bye Joe
End of text
I miss Page and Molly. I sigh and get up, to record a vlog and a DogCraft episode.
2 hours later..
Oh hey! Joey's vlog is up. I watch it, Page and Molly look just fine, and they seem to be having fun. Awwww. Then, I get a text. Ohhhh noo....
???: Saw his vlog. It seems like your VERY precious and lovable dogs are in L.A. It would be a real pain if.... something happened to them
Stacy: Stop this. If you are a hater or a very lovable friend or fan. Stop. This is not funny.
???: None of those
Stacy: Who then?
???: Take care of those dogs....
End of texts
No. No no no no. I just got threatened... of hurting Page and Molly...no no no.... I hope by now... they are still ok...

Lel. Anywho, GRASER AND STACY MET! AND IN GRASER'S VLOG, HE SAID GRACY!! IM FUCKING FANGIRLING SO FUCKING MUCH!!! ERMERGERD!!! Btw, DiamondDayLight returned to WattPad!!! Welcome back!! We all missed you ♡
Anywho, a new Gracy One-Shots book is outtttt!
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.
I wish all your dreams come true.... but keep in mind that nightmares are dreams too.....

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now