14k+ Q&A

314 14 12

Here it is! Not many questions sadly, but here are the ones I got! Thank you to whoever left a question, you were a lot of help! <4


Do you still watch cartoons and if so which one is your favorite?


A: I barely watch any cartoons anymore, I normally watch YouTube and read. But my favortie cartoon is the probably Gravity Falls


Why and when did you start writing fan fics?

: Amazing question! I started wrting fanfics because I found fanfics I liked, and I loved the connection between writer and reader. I also was planning the story in my head, but never wrote it down. And here's that story. I started writing fanfics on February 7th, 2015. So it's almost my writer birthday, this book's birthday, and my WattPad birthday c;

Q: What is your favorite Halloween candy?
A: That's really hard. Hmm, Jolly Ranchers. But those aren't my favorite candy.

Q: When and will you be doing a face reveal?
A: Yes! I plan on doing it when I reach 100 followers, and thats a LONGGGG way from now

Got any other questions? I might do another Q&A later, so stay toon!
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.
Just like orgami,
All the bends and twists in your life have made you

Edit: well damn at the moment we already reached 100 and over so o guess thats gr8 thnx m8s

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