Chapter 20

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A/N Enjoy! :3

Stacy POV
What? W-why would someone text me this?! Are they trolling me? How did they get my number? Oh gosh. My hands shake as I stare at my phone.
???: Stay away from Graser you bitch!
Stacy:Who are you?
???:Beware STACY
Stacy:What do you want?
Stacy:Are you trolling me? If you are,this is not funny!
End of text°**°°*°*°°*
I am so confused. Why would they tell me to beware?! Am I a THREAT to them?!?
Graser POV
I see Stacy starring at her phone, a concerned look on her face. "Stacy, are you ok?" I ask, putting my arm around her. "I-I..." She tries to say, drowning in her voice. "Stacy. Are you ok?" I say, grabbing her sholders and making her look at me in the eye. "Y-yes Graser. I a-am" She says. I can clearly see the fear in her eyes, but I go with it. Then, we hear a loud 'THUD' sound. We both jump at the sound. "What was that?" I ask. "I think it came from downstairs" I say. "Let's go check" Stacy says, getting up and out of the room. I follow her down stairs and go into the living room. "WOO HOO!!!" Parker yells, running out the back door with a Dr. Pepper can in his hand. He throws it onto the grass, and JUMPS into the pool. "What the what?!" Stacy says, shocked. We run outside and look at Parker. "Hey guys" He say, floating on the water as if nothing had ever happened."Wha-?" I say, and then get cut off by another yell. "Here I come!" Dul yells and jumps into the pool. "What in the world are you guys doing?!" Stacy says, laughing. "SWIMMING!" Both Parker and Dul say. "Okaaaay..." Stacy says, giggling. "Im gonna make breakfast, maybe we can eat out here" Stacy says, going back in. "Im not even going to question ANY of this" I say, laughing. "Yeah... we could not explain" Parker says, looking at something behind me. "What?" I say turning around. "Wooo!!!!" Grape says and jumps into the pool, takin me with him. "AHH" I scream and fall into the pool with Grape. "Haha got him!" He yells and celebrates by swimming around the pool. "Gawd dang in Grape!" I yell, between laughter. "Guess today is pool day? But the weather newscast said it would be cold today, maybe even rain" I say. "Bummer" Grape says. "Well lets enjoy while we can!" Parker says, splashing Dul. "Wait, I'll go tell Stacy to tell the others to put on a swim suit or something" Dul says. "Okay" We say as she gets out of the pool.
Stacy POV
I prepare breakfast, eggs and bacon with blueberry free gluten pancakes. Yum! They are gonna love it! Then, Dul sticks her head out from the backyard's door. "Stacy, put on a swim suit or something, we are gonna have a pool day! Plus, tell the others" She says and smiles. "Okie dokie! By the way, ask the boys outside if they want blueberry pancakes, bacon and eggs please" I tell her. "Yum! Okay!" She says and leaves. Then I hear another female voice. "Hey Stacy! Whatcha up to?" Bee asks, approaching me. "Just making breakfast for you guys and girls" I say. "Ohhh I wanna help!" Bee says. "Okay and where is Straub?" I ask. "Here!" Straub says, entering and hugging Bee. "Oh, can you tell the others 2 things please? 1 is if they want Blueberry pancakes with bacon and eggs and another is that they need a swimsuit or something to go into the pool today" I say. "Okay Stace" He says and leaves. "So where were you guys? When Graser and I woke up you guys were not in the living room" I tell Bee. "Oh, um, we were in the girls' room" Bee says, nervously. "What did you do Bee? I can tell thats not a good stutter" I say, suspicious. "Um... we are not actually sure, since we were drunk.. and yeah" Bee says. "We?" I ask. "Straub and I" She says. "Oh, because the door was locked" I say, focussing back on making the pancakes. "Oh.. hehe.. yeah" Bee says, not too sure about something, but I let it pass.
After they make breakfast and get ready*°*°*°*
Bee and I take the breakfast outside, and set it down on one of the tables from yesterday. We are both wearing a tank top and shorts, only my shirt is white and my shorts blue and her shirt is yellow and her shorts are black. "Breakfast is here!" I tell the others."Yum! You know Stace, I like a girl who can cook" He says, wiggling his eyebrows and throwing his arm around me. "Well go find one, I doubt you'll get one though. Im sure YOU will need to learn how to cook" I say, annoyed by his flirting. "OHH BURN!!" Grape yells. "Whatever" Rusher says, rolling his eyes. "So what are we waiting for? Im STARVING!" Parker says, sitting getting out of the pool and sitting down on one of the chairs. Bee and I place down the plates and the food trays. We bring out milk and juice, as well as towels for later.
After having breakfast°*°*°
"Hey Stace" Graser says to me. "Yeah?" I say. He lifts me up and carries me over to the pool. "Omg Graser please dont" I say, a bit nervous. "Do it!" Parker yells. "And I'll throw in Dul!" He says. "Oh really?" Dul says, pushing Parker into the pool. "Ahhh" He yells and lands in the water. We laugh, and for moment I forget Graser has me hovering above the pool. "Hehe" Dul says, laughing. "Dully come in!" Parker says, pulling her into the pool. "Aaahhh!" Dul screams and lands inside the pool. "Stacy.." Graser says. "Yeah?" I say. "ITS YOUR TIME!" He says, and lets me go. "GRASER!!" I yell and fall in. "No! Stacy!" Bee says. "Dont worry, Ill save you!" Bee says, jumping into the pool. We all laugh and the rest of the people but Graser get in. "Come on in Grase!" I say. "Be right back though" He says.

Graser POV
I come back out into the back yard, my hands loaded with nerf water guns. I throw them into the pool, keeping on. I load it with water and shoot Stacy. "What the-" She says, turning around. She grabs one of the water guns and shoots me. I cover my face and jump into the pool, just shooting randomly. "Woooo!!" Parker says. "I've always wanted to shoot Graser!" He chants. The others laugh, but I try to sound hurt. "But Parky, I WUV YOU!" I say in a little annoying girl voice. "You trying to steal my boyfriend?" Dul says, in a playful sassy tone. "Ohhh" The others say. "Please dont kill me" I say. "ATTACK!" She says and all the girls start shooting, and in less than a second, we are shooting eachother, in a battle.
The rest of the day we play around in the pool, we take showers and go out to eat at the Joint. Later we run around playing tag on the street near the forest by my city. When it gets dark, we head back into the house and record some videos. "Oh shit, we forgot to film Mineclash!" I say to Stacy. "I was just gonna say that! Let's hurry up and go" She says and we go into out separate rooms.
After recording MineClash....
"Stacy" I say. "Yeah?" She says. "Do you remember when the others are leaving?" I ask. "Oh.. y-yeah.. I do.. Tomorrow"

A\N Hey! So I got an idea! Wait... thats spoilers lawl! Anyway, I just got this app called iFunny and its been like my addiction lately. Other of course than WattPad lawl.
Love you my wolf pack, you ARE strong, you STAY strong!

Smile, you woke up today.

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