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So yeah, this is not a chapter BUT its really important. I am leaving to Mexico in week, ill update one last A/N before I leave. There, there MIGHT be Wi-Fi but I don't know. I will work on tons of chapters, and when I come back, hopefully I can spam you with chapters!! :D But for now, yeah. Sorry I haven't been updating, it's just that I play on this MineCraft server, and it's basically taken over my life :P lel. ANYWHO! Shoutout to mah friend ggodinez . She is awesome!!!! She also plays with me on MineCraft. And something BADDD happened, but it was probably for the best... DiamondDaylight and Dimondstarlight have left WattPad.... but its for their own good, they said. We will forever remember them. Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you WILL make it!!

They'll say their good, they'll say their fine, but just look deeper inside. They might be smiling..... but inside they're just suffering..... and dying.

Btw new quotes book :D

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