Chapter 76

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A/N Yeahhh, ima try to write more from now on alrighty? (why the fuck you lying?) I TRY OKAY Btw if you like Dan and Phil, I made an IG phan account Phan.Snek

Knock knock knock

Stacy froze, slightly taken back by the harsh sounds of wood being tapped.

"Stacy!" Bee calls out from outside.

Stacy sighs, her muscles loosening up a little.

It was okay


Stacy puts down the white polished plates in the round table next to the warm pizza boxes, and goes to the front door. She swings it open, and is immediately is bombarded by the two happy girls waiting outside.

"Stacy!" They both shriek, pulling the suprised brunette into an embrace.

"Bee! Dul!" Stacy cries joyfully, pulling them in to the cabin.

Stacy closes the door lightly, and turns around to find the two other girls looking out the window.

"Huh, pretty beautiful huh?" The trees are just starting to grow back their leaves and-"

"Do you have any neighbors?" Bee asks out of the blue, looking back at the startled brunette.

"Um well-"

"Any that could be near?" Dul asks, sending Bee a worrisome look.

"No. This is a big piece of land, I own it all. There are no neighbors near, and the closest house is probably a mile away, down the hill and road" Stacy swallows hard.

"Why do you ask?"

"We swear we saw someone as soon as we got off the Uber, they looked shady a-"

"What? W-what do you mean shady?" Stacy's mind races. There are so many things what could happen, so many things this could mean.

"It was a person, they had shades and they were wearing all black" Bee responds, settling down on one of the couches. Dul starts fiddling with her hair.

"From what we could see, they weren't friendly either" Dul sighs heavily.

Stacy feels like the wind was viciously knocked out of her.

"I-It must have been something else, let's go, I wanna show you guys around" The green eyed brunette smiles weakly, walking out of the living room and the other 2 girls follow.

A shadow can be seen outside the window.

Place: Canada
Time: 10:45 pm

Graser walks into his room, a plate of pizza in one hand and a cup of Coke in the other. He settles at his desk, pulling in his chair and sighing.

Message Recived

The computer screen lights up, a Skype message waiting to be opened.

Graser's hand moves the mouse onto the View option, and another tab opens.

Unknown contact
Hey Graser. How's Stacy? Dude, please don't tell Sydney I messaged you. I'm already on her hitlist, I just need you to know something

Um hey. Who's this? What to you have to tell me?

Unknown contact
Stacy's in danger, please take care of her, i know how much she means to you. Im sorry, its was her or my wife Rachelle. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.
Go save Stacy before you, me and everyone else runs out of time. Sydney is on her way already

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now