Sick dogs and Visits

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Whats going on with me?
I tried explaining my situation to myself, but there was no reasonable explanation.
Was I going insane?
A/N Heyyy! Did you guys find the riddle in the comment section of last chapter? If you didnt, I might put it into this chapter or the next, so stay on the look out. Or, I mean, you could just go to the comment section. I will not answer ANY questions reguarding the riddle, so please don't ask any!

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
I woke up, it was all still dark. I get up, and try not to wake up Graser. I open the door and look outside, into the balcony that overlooks the living room. I look around, and I swear I see something move in the darkness. I gasp, and backup. I bump into something.. Or, someone.
I quickly turn around, walking backwards and bump into the railing. "Stace? What happen?" I hear Graser ask groggly. "Oh, did I wake you? Sorry" I say, sighing in relief. "I heard you gasp just now. Didn't sound good. What's wrong?" He asks, walking forward torwards me. "Oh, um, nothing. Nothing is wrong. I, was just going to go get a glass of water. T-Thats all" I say, and hold my breath. "Oh. Well, be careful going down the stairs. One fall and those stitches will open right up" He says, and rubs his eyes. "Y-yeah" I say, and make my way down stairs. I walk torwards the kitchen, and look around, and all of a sudden a fist comes flying at me. Before I can react, I feel the pain spike through my cheek. I run quickly to turn on the light.
No one is there.
"Wha..?" I whisper to myslef, rubbing my cheek. I swear, there was someone there. I quickly get my glass of water, and make my way to the stairs, when someone, or somthing pulls me hair, almost making me fall backwards. "Who's there?" I ask, quietly. I run upstairs, and turn on the hallway lights. No one.
What's going on with me?
I tried explaining my situation to myself, but there was no reasonable explanation.
Was I going insane?
I shake my head. No, that's not possible.
I go back to Graser's room, and quickly close the door. "Hey Stace" He says, and I make my way to the bed. I sip my water, and Graser turns off his lamp. "You good now?" He asks, in his deep, tired voice.
I love that voice.
"Yeah. You can go back to sleep" I say, and he hugs me. "Goodnight. Again" He jokes, and I giggle.
-=+=-The Next Morning-=+=-
I get up, and feel a stabbing pain on my cheek. I groan, and look sideways. Graser is still asleep. I get up, and walk to the bathroom. I look around, and the cats are asleep. As I pass by my room, I hear Page and Molly scratching the door. I go into my room, not allowing them out. Page greets me happily, while Molly looks up at me from her bed and whimpers. "Oh, Molly. What's wrong?" I ask her, kneeling down to pet her. Page licks my cheek, and it starts hurting. "Ow" I say, and get up. I walk over to my mirror and look at my reflection. A purple-blue bruise spreads across my right cheek. "Oh my god" I say, covering my mouth with my hand. I cant belive this. "There was no one there. There was no one there!" I say, panting. I drop to my knees, and hold my head on my hands.
"There was no one there" I whisper.

Maybe to reality there was no one there, but for me, there was.

I poke my head around the corner, and dont see or hear Graser. Hes not awake yet. I take Page to the back yard, and leave Molly in the room so I can inspect her. "Molly, I dont know whats wrong.." I say, and take out my phone. I text Dr. Ninehealer.
Stacy: Hey Dr. N. Um, Molly is acting quite pecular. I dont know what's wrong.
Dr.Ninehealer: Oh hello Stacy. The pups must close to arrival! What was your address again?
Stacy: Oh how exciting! And it was [Insert some address]
Dr.Ninehealer: Oh wonderful! Are you home?
Stacy: Yes I am. What for?
Dr. Ninehealer: For this
End of texts
What? For wh-
My thoughts are soon interrupted by a knock on the door. Who comes this early? I get up, a bit hesitant about the huge bruise on my face. I shake off the thought, and go to the door. I look through the peekhole, and almsot faint of excitement.
I open the door, and squeal. "Dr. Ninehealer!" I squeal, and hug him. "Stacy! How good to see you!" He hugs me back, and my side acts up. But I don't care. "Oh, I must be hurting you"He says, and lets go. "And please, we've talked about this. Call me Matthew" He says, and a nod. "Okay, Matthew" I smile. "So, what brings you from Utah to Canada?" I ask. "Well, the pups could be here in any moment, and I want to bring the little angels to the world" He says, as I let him in. "Oh, well best timing. Molly hasn't stopped wailing and whimpering. In afraid she is in pain" I say, as we sit down on the couch. "Don't worry Stacy, tell me, where is she? And who are these lovely animals?" He asks, pointing at Marley and Shadow. "They're Graser's cats. I'll go get Molly" I say, as he reaches down to pet Marley. "Okay" He responds. I go upstairs, and into my room. I look at the mirror and frown.
How has he not asked about the bruise?
I shake my head and reach for Molly. I carry her, and she is slump in my arms.
No no no. Something is really wrong. I got down stairs, and put Molly on the couch. "Dr.. Something with Molly is really wrong. When I picked her up, she didn't move. She only looked at me." I say, worriedly. "Hey Stacy" Graser says from the balcony. "Hey Graser" I say. "Hello Graser. Hopefully we didn't wake you" Dr says. "Nah, so who are you?" He asks, coming down. "Allow me" I say to him. "He is Dr. Ninehealer. He used to be Page and Molly, and for a short time Milquetoast's vet" I explain. "He has come to help Molly through the doggy labor". "Oh cool. Hows it going Doc" He says, and shakes his hands. "Very well, and you?" He responds. "Im..fine" Graser says, looking my way.
How has no one asked about the bruise??
The doc takes out the things to hear heartbeats, and gasps. "Stacy. We need to take Molly to the vet ASAP. Her heartbeat is unstable" He says. "W-what?! Okay, lets go get changed! Hurry Graser!" I say, and pull his sleeve. "Whoa!" He says, and comes along.
"Molly, she isnt okay. At all" The vet says. "W-what? Whats wrong?!" I ask, desperately. "W-we dont know. But her blood pressure is bad, and her heartbeat is out of order. We have to research more" Dr. Ninehealer says. "Through surgery" "WHAT?! No, you cant do that! Molly, she.." I stutter, and Graser hold my hand. "Look Stacy, its for her own good. Its gonna be fine" Graser says, smiling. "Yeah, if Molly is in danger, so are the pups an-" "Vet Anders!" A nurse bursts through the doors. "Yes?" She asks, as the woman hands her a paper and X-rays. "Oh no" Vet Kori says. "What is it?" I ask. Dr. Ninehealer looks on, and his eyes get wide with horror. "What is it?!" I ask, even more desperately.

"Molly has a life threatning tumor"

Poor Molly! And, What's wrong with Stacy? Was there truely someone there? And why don't others ask Stacy about the bruise? We may never find out! Jk, we will.
Anyway, i uploaded the smut. Yeah..
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it
Not being able to do anything about it killed her.

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