Gracy says goodbye

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A/N That title is depressing.. Short chapter sorry!

-=+=-Stacy POV-=+=-
The flight was long, but at the same time short. Im at Graser's house, packing up the rest of my clothes. I leave tomorrow. 3 months flew by so quickly, it's unholy. I'll miss Graser, but I also want to see Page and Molly, and be somewhere that I can call


-=+=-Graser POV-=+=-
Stacy is in her room, we just came home from New York. The New Year's eve party was amazing, Stacy did so well. Im proud of her. But, now, she's packing up to say goodbye. I'm not ready. Not yet.

Sunset fell quite quickly over Canada, where Stacy and Graser were. The last night Stacy would spend there, and then it was goodbye. It was the end.
But again, they would still be friends. But they would miss eachother alot.
Too much.
They weren't ready.
They weren't ready.

-=+=-Stacy POV-=+=-
I sigh, heavily, as I wish Graser good night. "I have to leave tomorrow in the morning, at 10:00 AM. My flight is at 10:45 AM" I say, as Graser has a sad look on his face. "Okay. I'll drive you" He mumbles. I nod, and turn towards my room. I close the door, flick off the light swich, and climb into bed. I curl up into a ball, feeling alone. I know why. I have gotten used to having Graser by my side. Every night.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and look up. He climbs into my bed, and hugs me tightly. "Graser. What are you doing?" I ask, him. "It's the last night, I figured I would sleep here one last time. Go back to sleep. It's all right" He explains, and his fingers intertwine in my hair. I nod, once again, and close my eyes.

-=+=-Graser POV-=+=-
I brush my hand along her cheek, but jerk it back when she flinches.
I have to tell her what I feel, if I don't, I'll explode. I swear. I will. Explode. I can't keep it in anymore. I need to tell her before she leaves. Oh my gosh.

"Thanks again for driving me here" Stacy says, looking down.
Tell her.
"Yeah, no problem. Let's go. Don't want to loose your flight" I respond, sighing. "Mmhp" She agrees, and I help her with her luggage, as we walk towards the airport doors. Stacy looks thoughtfully at the body scanners, before closing her eyes and sighing, opening them up again.
Tell her. Now.
"So, I guess this is goodbye" Stacy shrugs. "Yeah.. I'll miss you. A lot." I frown. "Next convention is in a few months, we'll see eachother then" "I guess" I say, hugging her.
Tell her!!
She hugs back tightly, and I hear a faint sniff. "Don't cry, we'll see eachother sometime. MineClash tomorrow?" I smile at her, wiping her cheek off. She nods. "I.. I have to go" She says, and I hand her her luggage as she turns around. She looks back at me, and forces a smile. I have, and smile. She waves back.
"Hey, uh, Stacy?" I call out for her, and her eyes glow as she turns around. "I-I"
You can do this

"I.. will miss you"

You.. cant do this
"Same" She says, and walks off. Out of my point of view. Out of my reach.

She's left.

I don't eat dinner. I don't want to eat dinner tonight. I would even reject pizza.
Yeah, pizza.
I don't upload anything, I cant bear to record or edit.
I'm dying right now.
Stacy. Stacy. Stacy.
Why is she so important to me? I don't have a chance, just, snapp out of it!
She's just another stupid crush of yours, just like any girl you've felt 'feelings' for.

No, she's more than that.

When I go to bed, I'm feel cold. I need Stacy's warmth to full fill me. I want Stacy to be here with me. I can't be without her. The thought of her 1000 miles away, maybe even more, concerns me. I shiver, and eventually- But really difficultly- I fall asleep, but not a nice, cozy sleep like the one I would have whenever I slept with Stacy. A restless, worrying sleep.
Tonight, I want Stacy more than usual.
Like, want want her.
I imagine my hands trailing into her hair, as I pull her into a kiss. Our lips, burning into one another's. Our bodies colliding, and I sigh, stressed. Why? Why can't I have her with me? For me? I love her, maybe too much. Could that be it? Stop thinking about her, Graser! Stop!
My heart aches, knowing well that she likes Rusher, he is probably at her house right now. They are probably making out, about to have sex and Stacy is okay with it. She probably wants Rusher.


Just another stupid crush.

A/N Short short short!!
Btw, I need more questions for the Q&A, so leave some questions down below please. By the way, what are you guys gonna be for Halloween? I will be a...


Anywho, that's all for now, need to write write write!
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it
Book of the chapter:
@hipposaredeadly18 's
"Gracy One-Shots"
Author of the chapter:

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now