The Truth

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A/N Finally! Another chapter! Sorry for the lack of updates, talk to you at the end :D

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
"W-what do you mean there was no one there? Graser, who do you think did this to me?!" I scream at him, showing him the cuts on my arm. "You. I saw you! Stacy, we have to go to the hospital. The doc-" "No! I know what I saw, and if you don't want to belive me, then go fuck yourself!" I yell at him, and run torwards the house.
"Stacy come on!" He yells through the door. "No! I don't want to go! Im fine!"
I sounded like a 6 year-old whining about going to the doctor. "No, you're not! We have to go! They found something in your hospital test records that is really bad! Come on Stace!" He said. "Please, I dont want anything bad to happen to you" He says. "Please" "Hey Stacy" I hear Kricken. I whip my head around and see her standing there. "Kricken! How are you doing this?! Why couldn't Graser see you?!" I yell. She picks up a plate that was near my computer. "Oops" She says, and lets it fall. It shatters. "You're not real" I say. "Oh yes I am" She says picking up the knife that I used to spread butter one my gluten-free toast. The toast was now laying between the shattered plate. She comes up to me, and holds the knife to my neck. "Dont you want to say goodbye first?" She asks. "I.. I dont know.." "Stacy! Who are you talking to?!" I hear Graser ask. "Dont worry Stacy, I'll make it quick and easy. Just like that" Kricken smiles. "Stacy! Open the door!" Graser yells. "But.. Graser. H-he-" "Dont worry about him. He'll be fine" She says. "I wont hurt him"


-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
"Stacy!" I yell, and push the door hard enough the lock gets busted and it bursts open. Stacy is standing in the middle of the room, with a butter knife to her neck. "Stacy!" I knock the knife out of her hand. She just stands there, saying nothing. "Stacy, Stacy what happen?!" I aks her, shaking her shoulders. "She told me she wouldn't hurt you" She says, and passes out
I catch her, and lay her on the ground. I kneel besides her. "Stace" I say, in hopes she'll wake up. "Stace" I grab her wrist and search for pressure. Its there. "Oh, Stace" I just stare at her. And I remember. The doctor. I pick her up, and head for the car.
"What happened Graser?" Dr. Ninehealer asks. "S-she was talking to herself. At the pet cementery. I tried to see if there was someone else there, and there wasn't. I ran up to her, and she was bleeding out of her arm, with a blade in her hand. I asked her why she was doing that. She said it wasn't her. That it was Kricken." I say. The look of horror on his face was indescribable. "Oh no. She's on the 4th level. Oh no. Ohhhh no" He says, his eyes wide. "4th level of what?" I ask. "Kricken injected her with the chemical. The chemical has 5 stages. And it works in a specific manner. At the moment it is ingected, the brain will record everything that is happening. And even if its good, it will turn bad. The first stage, is the victim sees only flashes of the vison. In Stacy's case, Kricken. Second stage, is when the victim starts interacting with the illusion. By interacting, I mean talking. The mind is tricked into thinking it really is talking and hearing the illusion. Third stage is when the illusion starts doing things to the person and the surroundings. Kricken could have hit Stacy, and Stacy's mind and body would have been tricked into feeling it and seeing it. She would have been tricked into seeing a bruise that was not really there. Or Kricken might have knocked something over, but it was just Stacy's body tricking her into thinking that. 4th stage is, when the bad things really start. Stacy might think it's Kricken harming her. But it's no longer her mind tricking her. She is actually doing it to herself, and her mind is thinking and "seeing" it's Kricken. Same with knocking things over. She thinks it's Kricken, but its her. The fifth and final stage is, well.. When Stacy's mind cant take it any more. Her mind tricks her into thinking the illusion, in this case Kricken, is trying to "help" her by ending it all. And the victim thinks it's the illusion who is going to kill them, when it's really them. Its really suicide" He explains, tears in his eyes. "She's gonna be okay.. Right?" I say, glancing over at her. "Right now, we are extracting the chemical. But she might be a traumatized. Only time will tell. The chemical was used to torture people back in the day, prisoners, something like the electric chair kind of torture. It's horrid. It's not easy getting your hands on that, somehow, Kricken must have. The CSI will be here tomorrow or so, to ask Stacy a few questions. Hopefully by then, Stacy will be okay" He says turning and looking at her. He goes over and checks the computer screen. "Its.. Its amazing how many times Stacy has visited the hospital in the past months or so. When did things go so wrong.." Dr. Nine says, laying a hand on Stacy's stomach. "The moment I asked her to visit" I mumble. "So.. When will she wake up?" I ask. "When the chemical is done getting extracted, we will remover the gas mask, and she will eventually wake up. Try not startle her once she does though" He explains. "Dr. Ninehealer" Dr. Roth says, coming into the room. "Ill be right back Graser" He says, and leaves. I sit next to Stacy, patently. There is so much I want to talk to her about, and didn't get the chance because of all that has been happening. All because of Kricken. The machine next to her beeps, and says Extraction Complete. Dr. Nine must have heard it, since he comes into the room in a hurry. "Okay, good" He says, and takes out the million needles stuck to Stacy, and 2 patches. And finally, the gas mask. "It's only a matter of mintues before she wakes up" Dr. Ninehealer says. "Okay" I say, and sigh. Joey textes me.
J: Hey Graser, hows Stace?
G: Everything went well. So far. She's waking up
J: Alright, tell us when youre home and ready to chat
G: Alright
End of texts
I hear a slight groan.
I look down, to see Stacy's eyes fluttering open.
"Where is she? Where's Kricken?"

Woah! So, how ya doing? Its been a looooong time, im very sorry. But, stuff is happeninggg! So its not a short filler chapter. Soon, is spring break, my dad is going to Mexico for 2 weeks, ALLEGIANT IS OUT ON THE 18th and imA CRY TO DEaTh. It feels awesome to be back and writing. So, what did yoh think of this chapter?
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you stay strong.
The day I was born, my death began it's walk. Its walking torwards me slowly, without a hurry.

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