GoodBye Love

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I will say when the end is near (xD)

Graser POV
I all of a sudden feel really dizzy, and feel myself falling back, but the doctor grabs my arm. "Sir, are you okay?" He asks. "OF COURSE IM NOT! MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING TO DIE! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS GOING TO DIE!" I yell, putting my hands to my face, as tears burn my face. "Sir, we are very sorry. Stacy is going to be in a coma, that she will not get out of." He explains. "Oh no no no!" I say, crying. "We are very sorry"

2 painful weeks later..

I wake up next to Stacy. I barely get ANY sleep. The last 2 weeks have been stressful. I have no idea when the monitor will indicate... the end.
One thing is true,
I will kill myself when she dies.
I love her too much.
Stacy ;-;
Stacy POV (Her Consciousness AKA the voice in her head
Stacy! You have to be strong! You can't die like this! You cannot die like this! I try moving, but it's like someone is holding me down. I can't move, and breathing is getting hard. No. No no no! NO NO NO STACY! DONT DO THIS!
Please, be strong.
You have to be strong!
You didn't even tell Graser how you feel!
My lungs start getting tight. Im starting to suffocate. No, Stacy you cant die.
Be strong.
I start getting dizy. Im lacking air. I can't breath
You... can't... die... Stacy.. Please...
Then it happens

I stop breathing.

Graser POV
Then, the beeping sounds, turn into a long beep.
She's gone.
"Stacy! No no no!" I say, shaking her. But she doesn't budge. No.
"Sir, we are very sorry" The doctor says. I cry onto Stacy. No. I shake my head. "This can't happen" I whisper. " I'm very sorry sir" The nurse says, as she walks in. "No I say, and kiss Stacy's soft lips. Oh how I wish I could have done this when she was conscious. Im falling apart. She's not alive anymore. I can't feel her warmth anymore. This is the end.

Jesus this is NOT the end.
She died.
Horrible person.
Or am I?
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will makr it.
Sometimes we have to let someone we love to let in someone that loves us.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now