What she left behind.

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"Remember what Kricken said? About me leaving Page and Molly if you passed away? This is just like that. Just because she's gone doesn't mean you have to forget about her. I would never forget about you"
A/N Haiiii! Hope you enjoy!

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
I pace around my room, looking at Molly's bed.
Page is still laying on it, since we came back. She's been cuddled up with Molly's favorite toy. All she does is whimper and cry. Molly was one of the things she loved the most, and she lost her. We lost her.
Now, I'm afraid that Page will die of depression.
I cant loose her. I already lost Molly. I cannot lose Page. I fall to my knees next to her, and hold my head in my hands. "Molly, I'm so sorry. Im so, so sorry. I could've saved you. But I didn't. Im so sorry" I mutter, tears splashing onto the wooden floor. "Mmm.. Heartbreaking isn't it?" Kricken says. My head shoots up, and I see her green eyes starring back at me. "What do you want?! Leave me alone!" I swing a fist at her, but she evaporates into the air. "How are you doing that? I demand to know!" I tell her, and she comes up from behind me and curls her arm around my neck. "I want you to suffer.." She laughs into my ear. "It's not real. It's not real" I keep saying so myself, closing my eyes. "Oh, than why did your lip start bleeding when I punched you at the vet? And why did you pass out after I attacked you just now?" She asks. "When-" and before I could finish, she knocks me out cold.
I wake up to Page licking my face and Graser holding my head up, fanning me with a magazine. "Stacy!" Oh my god, what happened? I heard a loud thud, so I came in and saw you passed out on the floor" He explains, while holding me closer. "I.. I think I fainted.." I lie. It was Kricken. But apparently, he "cant" see her. "Oh, well. Are you okay?" He asks, and I nod. He pulls me in for a hug, and I smile against him shoulder. "Graser.." I say, looking up at him. "Stacy.." He says, and gets closer. Our lips are only inches away.
I see her flash infront of me, her wicked smile, and green eyes. She took Graser's place for a second, and the next she was gone. I gasp, and back away. "What's wrong Stace? You look like you just saw a ghost!" He asks, and I shake my head. "N-nothing, I-" I say and get cut off by my phone ringing. "Hello Dr. Ninehealer" I say into the phone, while Graser listens. "I have news. I need you over ASAP" He says, and hangs up without another word. "What?" Graser questions. "Let's.. Go" I hesitate, looking at Page whos eyes are surrounded by tear-wet fur. The tears start up again. "Stacy.. I-.. I wont say it's okay, because its not. But, we have to go.. I.. I miss.. Molly as well" He sniffs, wiping his eyes. "Okay" I say in a sad, low voice.
This better be worth it.

"Come with me" Dr. Anders smiles, and pulls Graser and I along. "Stacy! Graser!" Dr. Ninehealer says, and hugs Graser and I. "How are you guys?" He asks. "Um, fine.. Well, mostly.." He says, looking over at me. I just shrug. "How is Page dealing with it?" He asks, his smile fading. "She's.. Depressed" I say, looking up. "Oh.. She was very attached to Molly I'm sure. It's going to take her days, weeks, maybe even months to deal with her pass" Dr. Ninehealer says, and Dr. Anders wipes her eyes. "Oh" Is all I say, and Graser takes my hand. "Well, what did you want to show me?" I ask. "Oh! Correct, over here" He says, and walks over to a table with some a small bed. "This is Molly's daughter. She is healthy, but she has been bottle-fed. She needs the love and care of a real dog and we think-" "I don't want her. She will remind me too much of Molly" I say, and they look shocked. "But Stacy.." Dr. Anders says, walking up to me. "Do whatever you want with her! I don't want her!" I say and grit my teeth. "Sorry, gives us a minute" Graser says, and drags me out of the room. "Stacy, what? Are you crazy?! She is a dog. You LOVE dogs. She is even Molly's daughter!" He says. "She is going to remind me of Molly too much" I say, and bite my lip. "You never know, she could be your new Molly" He says, and I snap. "How could you even compare her to Molly!? She will never, ever take Molly's place!" I yell at him
"Stacy.. It's probably going to take you years to even get over her death. You will always remember her. She wouldn't want you to forget her. She wouldn't want you to abandon her daughter. Remember what Kricken said? About me leaving Page and Molly if you passed away? This is just like that. Just because she's gone doesn't mean you have to forget about her. I would never forget about you" He says, and cups my cheek his hand. "I..fine" I say, and take his hand away. "Im sure you'll love her" He smiles, and I just look up at him.
I sit in bed, holding the tiny pup in my hands. Her paws are small, so very small. Page is licking her head, and demanding to take her. I put her down on Molly's bed, and Page wraps around her.
"She will know it's Molly's pup. Dogs can identify that. Page could become a mother to her"
Page cuddles the puppy, and the puppy falls asleep, with Page following after.
"She could.." I smile at the thought. I get up and walk to Graser's room, where he is laying on his bed. "Graser?.." I say, and walk in. "Stacy, how did it go? Is Page friendly to her?" He asks, sitting up and at the edge of his bed. "Yeah, they are fast asleep now. Page is cuddling her protectivly" I explain. "Maybe Page could be a mother to Molly's pup" He says.
-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
Her eyes start getting watery at Molly's name, and she bites her lip. "Stacy, im sorry. I didn't mean to trigger you" I apologize and get up and hug her. I can hear her cry, and it breaks my heart. "I miss her Graser. I miss her alot" She says. "I know you do. I miss her too" I say, and rub her back, and tears start dampening my cheeks. "Why did she have to go?" She sobs. "We are all going to die. The goal isn't to live forver, it's to create something that will. And the impact she had in your life will. Don't worry, goodbyes are not forever, they're not the end. It just simply means that you will miss them, until you meet again" I say to her, and she sniffs.
"I don't think I could wait that long"
"You can, there are so many other beautiful things in life, that will make the wait a little more enjoyable"

Anyway, another emotional roller coaster! I didn't warn you MUEHEHEHEHHEH
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and if you want, can you guys leave some puppy/dog names? It's a she btw. Sorry if I don't pick yours, I might have someone IRL help me.
And, what do you think is happening to Stacy? She is seeing Kricken, and Kricken is actually hurting her, but why cant Graser or anyone else see Kricken or the damage? Are they refusing to see it? Are they pretending? Or is Stacy actually going crazy?
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it
The goal isn't to live forever.
It's to create something that will.
Goodbyes are not forever.
They are not the end.
They just simply mean,
I'll miss you until we meet again.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now