Court Dates

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"Im scared I'll never be the same after what happened"
"Don't be. It won't change you. Trust me"
A/N If you have not read last chapter, GO GO GO READ IT! Not the "Oh Gawd" Author note, "Unknown's Real Identity" Chapter

-=+=-Stacy's POV-=+=-
"The person behind the murder attempt is named Sydney Kricken" The CSI officer states. I don't say nothing, not knowing who it was, but hearing it before.
"Let me go, please" I cried, in wails. "I have suffered long enough. I was almost sent to an asylum once, I almost went crazy Stacy. Insane. All that built up for only a scratch? I don't think so!" She taunted, stabbing my side. I wailed, cried, sobbed. I felt the blood gush down my side.
Warm, crimson-red, blood.
It truely was a strange color.
The same color as the roses that would probably be at my funeral.
If they ever found my dead, cold, colorless body, that is.
Just as I pop back into reality -or- at least the present, I hear Graser gasp sharply.

He knows her.

"Mr. Graser, do you know the suspect?" The officer on the left asks. "If I know her?! I was her friend! We almost even DATED once! H-how could she?! No officer, there has to be a mistake!-" Graser explodes with words, as I grab his arm slighty. "Graser-" My failed attept of talking to him. "No, there was no mistake. The fingerprints on that pocket knife are the exact same of those of Sydney Kricken. There will be a court date tomorrow at 2 PM. You will not need any lawyers since there is enough proof, we also found a black hoodie covered in blood, that was the same type as yours Ms. Hinojosa" He says, directing his words towards me. "Oh. I-I.." Im speachless. "Ok. Court case tomorrow at 2 PM. We will be there" Graser frowns, and I can tell he is biting his tounge to keep himself from lashing out completely. "Okay, thank you for everything. We will see you tomorrow. And as instructed, we will wait outside the court hall. Just need security incase Sydney has any back up" He says, and they leave. "I CAN'T BELIVE IT! THAT FUCKING GIRL IS INSANE! UTTERLY, COMPLETELY INSANE!" Graser finally cracks.
"I almost went to an asylum once, I almost went crazy Stacy. Insane."

Crazy. Insane.

"I almost went crazy. Insane."
"G-Graser..who is she?" I ask, and Graser turns with flashes of rage in his face. "Remember that girl that tricked you into thinking she was my girlfriend?!" With a simple nod of my head he proceeds. "Well its her! She was that Youtuber! It was Kricken! Stacy, why didn't you tell me?! I could have done something! But apparently you don't trust me!" He spits, pointing his finger at me and then at himself. "G-Graser-" I try not to let the tears go.
I've never seen him this mad.
Yeah, we had our arguments, but he has never been this mad.
"What Stacy?! Are you going to apologize now?! It's too late Stacy! She did all that stuff to you, when I could have done something about it! All I want is for you so feel safe. To trust me, to truely trust me. To be somewhere you can comfortably call home. But all you know to do is get your ass stuck in the most stupid, dangerous shit!" He yells, grabbing my uper arm, and pulling on me, shaking me with every word. Every painful syllable.

It was exactly like Kricken had grasped me, both hurting and scaring me.

I'm.. Afraid of Graser?

"Gra-" I say, as tears start rolling down my cheeks. "Oh, now you come with you crying bullshit huh!?" He says, I fiddle around with the golden Stacy necklace he gave me. I whimper, and he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Stacy look, I don't want to lose you. Ive been so close to that 3 other times. That one time with Rusher. When you had a Celiac Disease attack, just a few days ago with Kricken. All those times I would have been able to do something to prevent it from happening. Ever since, I have held a grudge against myself for that. I cannot lose you. You're my main priority Stacy" His hand is on my cheek now, and I cover his hand with mine. "Graser, I- I was scared. I was scared that if I dragged you into this, you could have gotten hurt. I wouldn't be able to live knowing I was the cause of that" I say. I see his eyes shimer, and he blanks away the tears and shakes his head. He takes away his hand, and leaves to his room.
And im left there, standing, with my hand still to my cheek.
What just happened?

-=+=-Kricken's POV-=+=-
"You know all those murders call for at least 100 years in jail, if not a death punishment. Right?" The officer at the other side of the table tells me. "Right" I growl. "Hey, you put yourself into this crisis, not me. Your choices lad" He says, and frowns. "Point is, we will find out tomorrow. At court. What I do know, is that you will pay for your actions Kricken. You will pay. Either with time or with your life" He growls and Im left alone, except for 2 guards behind me, that follow me at all times, with heavy guns.

-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
I went too hard on her.
I always do.
It's just, I've been so close to loosing her, it just triggers something inside me each time she is back to safety. And it makes me angry, because I know it will happen again. Those words I said to her, they were definitely harsh, and I even cursed at her. What a horrible person I am.
-=+=-The next morning-=+=-
I walk downstairs, its 8 am. I have 6 hours to get ready to go to court with Stacy.
I haven't apologized, shit.
I walk past her bedroom on my way downstairs, and hear her talking.
"No, im okay"
"Yeah I have a court date today"
"It's okay that you cant make it. Its just fine. Graser will acompany me"
"Yeah, love you too. Take care bye"
She must have been on the phone. Before I know it, she opens the door. "Ah! S-Stacy!" I say, gasping and falling back, to be met by the railing overlooking the living room. "Graser. Hey, uhh" She says, and shakes her head before hugging me.
Hugging meeee.
"Wha..?! Stacy, aren't you mad?!" I ask her, and she shakes her head. "All you said was true. I do get myself into dumb stuff. And Im sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to make it a bigger deal than it was. At least was back then" She explains, and I hug her back. "Its okay Stacy. I was being really rude and, Im sorry" I say. "Im sorry as well"

No matter how many times we fight, we will always be back together.

Time: 2:00 PM
Place: Court Hall
"Order in the court!" The judge says, slamming his hammer on the table infront of him. Everyone calms down. By everyone I mean the CSI, the FBI, and some other people. And Stacy and I. "So I have been informed about what happened, so bring in the suspect Sydney Kricken" The judge states, and I feel Stacy tense up. Everyone looks back, where Kricken comes in dressed in all orange, with handcuffs behind her back, and 2 police officers. There were other people who were there, relatives of victims. I see her send a death state to Stacy. "Sydney Kricken, you have commited 6 murders, and 1 attempted one. That will lead to great punishments" The judge states.
---Half hour later---
"And so, Sydney Kricken, you will serve life penalty in prison" The judge states, slamming his hammer. "What?! No! I cant go to jail for life!" Kricken lashes out, but the police officers hold her back. "You are free to take her. And the rest of you, to go" The judge says, and we leave.
-=+=-That Night-=+=-
Stacy sits down infront of me on my bed. She has been really jumpy at every sound there is, so she we have just sat and talked. "Im scared I'll never be the same after what happened" She says, hugging her knees. "Dont be. It wont change you. Trust me" I say, hugging her. "Wanna go to sleep?" I ask.
-=+=-Stacy POV-=+=-
I nod, and get up. "Ima go get ready" I say, and leave to my room. I put on my pjs and go clean my face.
I enter the bathroom, and look on the mirror. The cut on my brow is still visible. I brush my teeth, and splash water on my face. My eyes are closed, and then open.
I see her reflection behind me, and quickly turn around with a shriek.
She's not there.
I pant from the scare.
I'm seeing things. I must.
I shake it off, and go to Graser's room.
"Hey, you okay? I heard you shriek-" "Yeah im okay. Its all ok. No worries" I quickly say. He raises an eyebrow at me, but just lets it go. "Okay, lets go to sleep" He says, and I climb into bed with him. He turns off the light. I feel his fingers trace the word unknown on my stomach. He does that everynight. He insisted to sleep together, since I could need help in the middle of the night or something.
"Good night" He says, and I turn around.
"Good..night" I say, and kiss him. He kisses back, and we break apart. "I love you" He says, and I just smile in the darkness.

How ya doing? So most of you didnt mind me uploading the smut, so I will upload it. Dont judge its ny first time. (sound wrongg) So how you like this chapter? Yeah, you liked it? Awesome. Wait, you didn't? ;^;
Love you my wolf pack, you are stong, you will make it

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