Room Problems by cats

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Graser POV: I could hear Stacy playing minecraft in the other room next to mine. It kinda felt weird to have her room right next to mine but it still works. Im currently sitting at my desk looking through the comment section on Stacy's new mineclash episode. I know im not supposed to be reading HER comments on HER video but still. I wanted to see what people thought of me. There were tons of comments saying that I cheated or saying I was mean to her when I won. I got a bit sad at that but instantly brightened up when I saw comments saying that this was their favorite series. Ah the love hehe. But the ones that mostly caught my attention were ones saying things like, #Gracy and #ShipitlikeFedex. That actually made me happy, knowing that if we were EVER to be a couple, our fans would support us. But of couse why would Stacy want me. ME. Out of so many other dudes, why would she pick me. I sighted at my sad thoughs when I slightly heard Stacy say, " Page and Molly love you.... Umm go rescue a dog!, ugh no... ok again," What did she mean with, ugh no? Then I heard her say again, " Page and Molly love you! Go rescue a dog!" But this time she sounded more bright. "GRASER10 MC!!!!!!! FOR THE DAM LOVE OF JEFFERY ANSWER ME!!!!!" I snapped out of my though about Stacy right when I heard Parker in my TeamSpeak. I hadn't realized my TeamSpeak page was still open, letting people in. "Oh umm.... err sorry Parker" I said embarrassed. "Its alright dude.... as long as you tell me what you were so lost in thought about..." "Oh um.... yeah I was thinking about umm about"
I could NOT tell him I was lost in love with Stacy, the always beautiful StacyPlays. "GRASER!" Parker yelled almost breaking my ear drums. "Im here!" I yelled at him. "Oh ok, sooo what are you thinking about? Or who?..." " Ok, before I answer that, i've got this friend who likes a girl, but doesn't know how to tell her without it being awkward...." I said EXTREMELY nervous that even I could hear it in my own voice. " Soo... whats his name?" He asked with a playful yet, curious tone. "Umm... I.... don't... know..." I said sinking into my seat. " OHHHHH GRASER'S GOT A CRUSH ON A GIRLY GIRL!!!!! OHHHH!!!!" He yelled excitedly. "Ok is it really that big of deal?" I ask blushing slightly. "Isn't Jeffery awesome?" He asks. " Oh if it isn't that big of a deal then why all the yelling?" I say teasing him. "*GASP* DID YOU JUST INSULT MAH JEFFERY?!" He says freaking out. "Nah im kidding" I say with a smirk. "Hehe I know, anyway who is it?"
"Umm... its....." I sigh at what im about to do. "Stacy" "
Sorry for only doing Graser POV but im updating RIGHT after this hopefully not run out of battery :/
Love you my strong wolf pack, your strong, you STAY stong, i love u all!

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now