Even more adventures!

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A/N Yeeeeep! Enjoy.

Stacy POV
Bee is having a son. Im happy for her. As long as she's happy.
Graser POV
I get a message on TeamSpeak, from Parker
Get onto teamspeak also Stacyyyy plz
Okay. I wonder what he has to tell us. "Hey Stace! Parker wants us on TeamSpeak!" I yell out for her, who is in her room. "Okay!" She yells back. I get on, and don't say anything, just hearing Rusher and Parker talk."Yeah in sure Stacy will want to come, and Graser will be dragged along just to please Stacy." Rusher chuckles. Before I can say the opposite, Stacy speaks up. "Who's gonna please me? And why?" She asks. "Uh, hey babe" Rusher says. "Hey" She says. "Babe?" I ask, jealousy quickly kicking in. "Oh hey" Rusher says, disgust in his voice. "Hey" I say, mocking his tone. "Heyyyy GrasternnnTENN!" Parker says, happily. "Heyyy Perkerrr_Playyyss" I say. "Wait wait, thats Stacy and I, you know #Starker" He says. "Yeah" Stacy says. "Sorry" I say and clear my throat. "HEYY PERKERRR_GAMEZ" I say. Everyone laughs. "So, why did you guys need us?" Stacy asks. "So you remember how we agreed to go on another trip? Us 4?" Rusher says. "Yeah" Stacy and I both say. "Well, we figured we could go to New York! You know, Christmas coming up and New Years, we can spend 3 weeks there, so we can be there for both. Some Christmas shopping around New York. And we get to see the New Years ball go down"(Idk how it's called. Plz tell me) Rusher says. "Yeah" Parker says. "So? You guys wanna come?" Rusher asks. "Well, you see-" I say, but get cut off. "Yes! Its absolutely perfect! Graser lets go along!" Stacy says. "But Stacy" I say, as she bursts through the door. "Please please please please!" She begs. "Stacy, you can come along without Graser if you want, you know, it will make it even more fun.." He says with a mischievous smirk. "S-" Stacy says, but I cut her off. No way im letting Rusher get dirty with Stacy! "I'll go along. New York here we come!" I say, and Stacy hugs me tightly, planting kisses on my face, just not my lips. "Thank you so much!" She says, then realises that shes kissing me, which makes us both blush. She runs back to her room. "So when should we go?" Parker asks. "Tomorrow?" Rusher asks. We all agree. "Can't wait to see you again babe" Rusher says. "Me neither! I can't wait to see both of you" She says. "Stacy, he's just doing this to get dirty with you. You do realize that." I say, bursting her bubble. "Hes not" She says, a slight change in her tone. "Im not Graser. Stop being jealous" Rusher says. But then he messages me on private chat.
Of course I am dumb-ass! Im going to do her so good, like you could never do. Ima win her VCard.

I message back.

Hell no bro, im not leaving you and Stacy in a room alone in the whole trip. You aren't going to force her to do something she doesn't want to do. Specially loose her virginity
Then he messages back.
Im won't have to force her. She will volunteer. She loves me. And not you. Boo-hoo. Guess #Stusher will become real after all. Ima make her moan so much.
Okay, now he's starting to get the best out of me.
Fuck off
"Guys!" Parker says, as both Rusher and I snap out of our little convo. "Yeah?" We ask. "You both haven't responded what we have said in like 4 minutes" Parker says. "Yeah, what are you guys so into?" Stacy asks. "You" We both mumble. "Okay, both Parker and I will pay our flights" Stacy says. "How about you guys" Parker asks. "We'll both pay our own" I say. "Yeah" Rusher agrees. "I can't wait! The big 4 (a/n lel) together again!" Parker says. "Yeah, well, we have to get ready, it's tomorrow and we still haven't bought the tickets or packed!" Stacy says. "True, well then, bye" Rusher says. We all say bye and leave TeamSpeak.
Stacy POV
Im nervous now. Maybe Rusher WILL try to get dirty. Graser even warned me. But I don't wanna disappoint them, so I guess now I have to go. I haven't really had control over my responses lately. What's happening? "Stacy! Plays!" Graser says, coming through the doorway. "Graser! 10!" I say, copying his tone. "Are you gonna start getting ready?" He asks. "Yeah" I say, getting up and opening my bags, to put together what im taking on the trip. "Okay, when we're done, I'll make dinner. I promise, no gluten" He says. "You better, if you don't want me to die" I say. "Of course I dont want you to die! I WUV YOU STWACY!" He says, with a high-pitched voice and hugs me. "I WUV YOU TOO GWASER!" I say, the same tone in my voice. "But for now get out of my face" I say, my voice dropping. "But Stacyyy" He says. "Graser please" I say. "Okay, I'll let you pack" He says. "Hey before you leave, its gonna be cold in New York, take warm clothes" I say. "Okay!" He says and rushes off.
After packinggg
I ended up taking a small bag and a full-size one. For 3 weeks.
"HONEY BOO BOO, DINNERS READY!"(Another PopularMMOS reference) Graser yells from down stairs. I go down stairs into the kitchen and give him a confused look. "What the fuck" I ask. He just laughs his head off for a bit and calms down. "Damn, you're awesome Stacy" He chuckles and turns around. "Thanks?" I say and sit down on one of the chairs near the table. "Hamburgerssss" Graser says, and turns around to face me. "And yes, gluten free" He says, and I smile. "Chicken, pork or beef patty?" He asks. "Uh, chicken" I say. "Twinsss" He says happily, handing me my burger and putting his infront of his chair. "Buen appetite" He says. "Thanks" I say, biting into my hamburger.

Having an all-nighter! Its currently 3:29 AM.
Practicing for MineCraft all-nighters.

Up to date EDIT:
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Bonus chapter for today because I HAD to rant about this! I am frikin dramatized!!!!!
A pitbull attacked a little dog, and he wouldn't let go. The owners were cussing and hitting the big dog and he wouldn't let go!! I saw how he shook him! There was blood everywhere!! My dog saw it as well ;-;
The big dog teared the little dogs stomach open as well as his neck and broke his leg!! Omg!
The owner said he's probably not gonna make it! ;-; Updates later
Love you my wolf pack, you are strong, you will make it.
Monsters don't sleep under your bed.

They sleep in your head.

"Luck" A #Gracy FFWhere stories live. Discover now