Chapter 77

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A/N Heyyy. oh shit waddup, short chapter but im trying to spEED UP THINGS ENJOU THAT I ACTUALLT POST

Trigger Warnings (TW): Topic of Abortion, topic of stalking

"How am I going to tell Bee and Dul?" Stacy whimpered lightly, biting the inside of her cheek. "J-just, stay inside, lock all the doors, close all the windows, turn off all the light, and stay upstairs" Graser hesitated a little, before sighing.

"And if anything happens, c-call 911 if you absolutely have to" His voice shakes, and a door slams in the background. "My Uber is here, I have to g-go" Graser's voice is suddenly really low. "Bye, I.." Stacy sighs, swallowing hard. "I love you" Stacy sniffs. "Stacy it's going to be okay, I'll be there in approximately 3 hours if things go well. I love you too"

I love you too.

Now, it was time to tell the girls.

"Stacy..?" Bee calls from the kitchen.

Stacy whips around, frozen. "What's happening?" Dul comes from behind Bee, a look of confusion on her face. Stacy's nerves act up, her breathing heavy.

"Lock every door, close every window, turn off all the lights" The brunette states, in the most solid voice she can achive in her state of mind at the moment. "W-what, wh-" "Just do it" Stacy scowls, running over to the front door, taking the keys from the sofa and locking it.

"Stacy, what's going on?" Bee questions, and Dul shoves her lightly, closing the curtains on two windows. Bee quickly rushes to close the last window in the room, as Stacy flicks the light switch. "I'll tell you in a second" Stacy mumbles, pulling the two other girls along. "Go and close the windows around"

Dul goes to the kitchen, Bee to the guest room and Stacy to the bathroom.

Bee enters the guest room, questions running through her mind.

She pats her stomoach, as she looks out the window into the darkness. Blackness beyond her understading.

She closes the window, as Stacy sticks her head into the room.

"Come on Bee" Bee turns around, and starts walking over. Dul quickly joins them, and they head up the stairs.

They get to Stacy's room, where they sit down. Dul closes the curtains to the porch, and sighs.

"Graser called.." Stacy's voice breaks, and Dul's jaw clenches. "H-he said he got a message from someone, they said Sydney is on her way" The two other girls gasp loudly. "W-where?!" Bee stutters out. "The cabin. I just tweeted that we're staying at a hotel for difficulties with the cabin" Stacy's eyes dart around the cabin. She doesn't know where to look.

"Hopefully that will throw her off"

"And what if it doesn't?" Bee asks, and Dul gives her a hatred look.

'Give her a break, damnit' Dul mouths her.

Stacys sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I dont know" She says. "Graser is on his way over"

Dul shifts her weight from one foot to another, fiddiling with her hands.

"On a lighter tone" Dul starts, attepting to lighten the atmosphere. "what did you want to tell us, Bee?"

Bee goes pale. Completely pale. Her green eyes seem to loose their light, and her expression darkens lightly. She bites her inner cheek, until she can taste the disgusting copper flavour.

"Bee?" Dul reaches out for Bee's arm, and she flinches slighty.

"I dont think I'm ready to have a child. I think I might want to abort it"

Bee broke down, it all went down.


o shit waddup

pepe the frog is now considered a hate symbol wtf world


moment of silence for our fallen meme brothers, Pepe the Frog and Harambe

dan and phil have been posting so mUCH LATELY I THINK THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL US

The TATINOF movie and documentary and coming out on Youtube Red, this is what i have been saving my free trial for

on the topic of videos, sTACY UPLOADED A VLOG WITH GRASER IN IT


too much for my fangirl soul

lmao what soul

why do you always draw cat whiskers on your face?

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