The Fiskdation Lab Incident!

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The very next morning, the curly haired boy slowly woke up before his alarm went off, 7:59 am was what the alarm clock said. Which means he had plenty of time to get himself ready to go pick up Gwen. But before that, he went to go take a quick shower, get some new clothes on and then find a nice t-shirt to wear. This time, he wore a shirt with Albert Einstein on it holding a jar with some chemicals in it. Along with that were some red shorts he wore and his signature watch. He stepped out to see his father was out to work, while a babysitter, their next door neighbor, Ron and Judy Stenson were taking care of Kenny and Misty. For once he felt it was a good thing they were here. While they couldn't stand him, they absolutely adored Misty and Kenny. With this in mind, the boy steps out of the house with them only glaring at him without too much care, and he left thinking about taking his car. "Eh it's a nice enough day. Why not just walk there?" He asked himself as he hung his bag over his shoulder. He also knew that Gwen's house wasn't too far away based on the address he received from her. He walked down the street a block away from the house already, feeling more alive than usual. Sure he was fine most days, but this time, today felt so much different than he was used to. He had a feeling something in his life was going to change. He may not have been sure what it was yet, but something in his gut was telling him that it was going to be a very interesting change.

After about ten more minutes of walking down his usual crime infested city, he could see Fisk's Fists watching the streets, specifically him to do their usual patrol. He remembered the last time they tangled....him almost getting caught helping a young man who was framed for something another person did....the bruise he had received from fact it had happened on the very street.....but he refused to let that bother him. Instead he reached Gwen's house and knocked gently on the door. 'Should I have brought flowers? I should've brought flowers....right? It's polite for someone your hanging with.....' He thought to himself wondering why he was freaking out about this. They were just friends after all....right?

Gwen opened her door wearing a nice black and white t-shirt with a white bird on it. An eagle... something to express her freedom... freedom of speech as far as she was concerned. Along with that was a short skirt she really liked, purple shoes and black socks. She saw the curly haired boy and smiled brightly. "You're here pretty early! Good thing I got ready early!" She said, her hands now behind her back. She then took a step out of her house and locked the front door. "C'mon let's go! I wanna see what they'll be talking about!" She shouted out while running out toward the sidewalk.

Will couldn't help but laugh softly at her enthusiasm. "Okay okay! I'm coming!" He shouted to her while walking toward her. Though if he was being honest with himself, he enjoyed her excitement. Seeing that was honestly too sweet. She was always working on something to help her family, so he figured he would do something special for her this time.

The two started to walk together side by side just talking about what they think the tour will feature. Gwen thought it was going to be about a supecolider of some sort that would change the world in terms of how it used technology today. Meanwhile, Will thought that with who he figured was giving the tour, it'd be about a new element they could be working on. The two decided to make a small bet to see who would be right. Loser had to pay for their lunch.

Meanwhile, at the Fiskdation Labs, Christopher Richardson was in his lab drinking yet another pot of coffee, trying to look for something. He noticed the cage with his experimental spider was nowhere to be found! Which means his work could've been for absolutely nothing! He was worried about what could've happened. But what snapped him out of it was hearing from his boss how he'd have to do a tour for a group since the one who was supposed to do it, Kimberly couldn't show up. The mad scientist started to relax seeing the positives about this. Maybe he'd be able to find the spider while doing this tour. This could still be just fine. He took a step out as he took a deep breath. "The 11 o'clock tour yes?" He asked calmly. "Sure I'll take care of it. But you owe me for this." He stepped out to see what group he would be touring, all without noticing a familiar looking spider crawl down his arm and onto the wall nearby looking for someone else to crawl on.

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