Rematch! More Than One Victory!

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As Electro floats closer to the New York City power station, he felt as if once he absorbed the electricity here, he'd definitely be invincible, undefeatable, maybe even immortal. The very thoughts actually got him more excited, and in disbelief. For so many years, he never imagined himself becoming more powerful than he was at that time, but now here he is, practically being pure energy himself. This whole experience was so surreal to him. "Just one step closer to becoming unstoppable, all-powerful....and the most destructive force known throughout man and beyond! Electro boasted, getting closer to his objective. However, he was stopped midway by a large wall made of webs in front of him, which got him tangled up in a mess.

From behind the villain, was the rookie superhero, hanging upside down on his web line. "Oh sorry I should've warned you about their new security protocols." He quipped while looking at the villain.

The electrically powered supervillain wasn't backing down from this fight however. "Was wondering how I was gonna get you to show your webbed face again freak, and here you are. Now I'm gonna show you what it really means to mess with Electro!" He bragged, firing several bolts of electricity at the web head, who simply evaded the attack with such agility and skill.

The web head definitely felt better, more focused and sure of himself. Not enough to get overconfident in himself, but enough to where he wasn't so in his head. Using some chunks of the billboard tha Electro hit, he webbed it up and threw it at Electro. It hit his target dead center and sent him hurtling towards the ground. "There's a you've been grounded joke in there somewhere, but that's beneath me." He joked before swinging close to Electro, landing a powerful swing kick to his foe's face.

Max soon caught himself mid air, flying around to catch up to Spider-Man. "Think you're funny eh? Let's see how funny you are when you're lit up like a Christmas ham!" He shouted before creating electrical constructs, a hammer and a blade, to deal serious damage.

However, the rookie superhero wasn't backing down either. Instead, he fired multiple impact webs to do some serious damage from each web hitting him. "Lit up like a Christmas ham???? What kind of things do YOU decorate during the holidays?" He joked while swinging around, randomly firing impact webs to hit his foe with.

Electro would feel the impact from his impact webbing, and a realization hit him. Those webs didn't hurt this badly before. Something about them. Hurt much more than normal. "So you put some extra oomph into your blasted webs eh? Well it doesn't matter. This time I'm cooking you up real good!" He shouted, blasting him with a powerful bolt of electricity. When that missed, he created a fly swatter made from his electricity, and tried to hit him.

With grace, agility, incredible reflexes and perfect timing, the web head was able to slide past the swatter, pressing forward to get closer to this villain. "Fly swatters??? Should I change my name to Fly-Man now?" He joked before kicking him and jumping off to get some distance. He fired multiple rounds of impact webbing to damage Electro even more, using this as an advantage to get close again and begins to punch and kick him.

Electro grunted from each attack. This newbie definitely knew how to punch better than that original Spider-Man he fought in his prime. His strength, his technique, his angles for the hits... all so precise and calculated. But in his mind, this didn't mean he was going to lose. He zipped towards the wall crawling vermin and soon hit him hard with a lightning fist, sending him flying across the city, and far enough away from the power station. "Joke all you want punk, just like the original. But I'm takin you out here and now this time!" He boasted while trying to get close again.

With lightning fast reflexes, and a desire to protect everyone in the city driving him more, Will grabbed hold of Electro and shoved him into the ground to slam his body down as hard as he could. "That's what they all say, only difference was the others were more worth remembering. You? You were fun at first but quickly became so beyond boring." He quipped before jumping up and swinging away from Electro.

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