Researching! Cause Of The Mutation and Rise Of The War!

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Not long after getting to Peter's house, Will gave Peter the vile of Scorpion's blood. He had already informed Parker of why he wanted this to be tested, and waited patiently as the evening began. He sighed while getting some glasses for them. "You want something to drink while you work?" He asked while headed into the kitchen.

Peter was hard at work on the sample, studying it under a microscope to try and get an understanding of what this was. When he heard Will's question, he nodded his head as his answer. "Just some water is fine. Need to stay focused on this." He responded to him while typing on a computer. Not long after the request, the curly haired boy came back with water, one for himself, one for Parker. The retired hero immediately took a sip of his water he obtained, while studying what was given to him. He knew the overall process wouldn't take long for him to figure out what he needed to find, but he wanted to be sure he knew everything he had to look for. Data on what else was in the serum, how people were turning into these strange humanistic creatures, and what was causing them to snap and lose some of their sanity. 

As his mentor did that, Will sipped his water, wondering the same thing Peter was. Why was Scorpion blaming him for turning him into this? Was it because of the constant defeats he was handing him and his crew? Come to think of it......Bunzisky had said the same thing in a way. How he got the powers he did to make him more powerful. Was this his fault.....? But then he remembered what Gwen had said before. Without him, that these villains would appear anyway. Without him, the city would be in danger, without a protector to stop them. He knew she was he stopped his sulking and overthinking, waiting patiently for the results of the experiments so far.

It didn't take long for Peter to finish, but he did want to do a final analysis to be sure the results would be the same as they were the first time. When he could confirm that they were, his eyes widened with rage and disbelief. "I was afraid of this....." He said out loud as Will walked up to him. "Simply put, the mutegene they use is far too unstable. The more they use for the super soldier serum they're using, the more likely they are to becoming less rational and more like a monster. They've been lucky to maintain a small portion of their humanity, but only because of their goal to eliminate Spider-Man." He explained while pointing to specific spots to show how this was possible. In it were specific genetic codes for gene manipulation, and enhancements.

Will raised an eyebrow, showing his confusion and lack of understanding. "In other words....?" He asked to try and get even a small amount of understanding of the situation.

"In other words, what you went through and what these other foes fought went through are fairly similar in terms of results, but theirs was less stable, and far more dangerous." He explained, trying to simplify it. He then showed Will the results of his DNA next to the other with Scorpion's results. "Here's yours. More balanced to not turn you into a spider creature. However he did it, your dad perfected it with legal chemicals, perfected results and knew exactly how to do this without turning you into an actual spider man." He answered while showing Scorpion's. "While with this, the reason Mutegene is illegal is because of how unstable it truly is. It morphs people too far based on what they gain the power from. Such as with Scorpion, Kraven turning into the abomination he turned into. How Bunzisky turned into a rock monster, my theory is a chunk of rock morphed his DNA to be able to do what he does...." He explained to Will, who was seeming to understand what was going on now. "As for why they are blaming you, the chemical messed with their minds, causing them to have pieces of their humanity gone, as if it never can only get worse if angered enough within a twenty four hour period. They could go more insane for longer depending on their mental strength, but some are far too late." He concluded to his protege while showing some of his anger. "Fisk will use that to his advantage to make them his soldiers....."

Will felt that same anger Peter was feeling. was increasing more and more because of this information. "So you're saying that he's making a supervillain army....and that will be a big distraction to make sure his police force can run rampant and do what they've been doing?????" He asked to be sure he was right. When Peter nodded his head to confirm his suspicions, Will's frustration started to show. He wanted to hit something, but didn't want to destroy anything Peter owned. So he let out a frustrated scream. "I can't believe this! I've been taking down all these criminals and Fisk's police force, just so he can throw these bad guys after me in waves???? Meaning that while I've been fighting the good fight, he's preparing for an even bigger war?" He shouted in anger. 

Peter grabbed his student by the shoulder, a serious look on his face. "I feel the same way kid....but this just means we have to work even harder of we want to defeat Fisk and be sure he can never do this again. No one else should suffer because of him, and they won't, but only if we keep doing what we have been, and work even harder than before. You think we can do that?" He asked Will.

The hero nodded his head as well, a firey look in his eyes. "Yeah....yeah you're right. If Fisk wants a war....we'll give him one...but he best be prepared to lose. He stated with passion in his voice. As the two sat together, they work on their next plan, and prepare for whatever could be coming their way next. For the big battles may have been won by our hero for now, the war was only just beginning. A war the hero was more than ready for.

(Editor's note: This was a very short chapter, but it was necessary to get a better understanding of not only the stakes, but how the villains are becoming who they least most of the. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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