Brando's Hatred Part 2! The Loss of One's Humanity!

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As Brando flew through the skies, glass from the nearby windows either shuttered bad from the force of how fast he was flying, or broke all together for the exact same reason. But the concern of other's windows did not bother him. Not with his goal in mind that is. All he could think about was destroying the corrupt mayor with his own hands. While he didn't fully know exactly what he was capable of yet, the engineer didn't care. He'd figure it out eventually along the way. For now the knowledge he did have on himself was enough. Especially since he figured he could adapt to everything thrown his way. It would just take a short amount of time to with how new he was to willingly using his newfound abilities. 

Meanwhile, Will was trying to help as many people as he could to get them to safety from the falling glass. While he got everyone to safety, he was losing track of the machine flying away. "Think web head think!" He muttered to himself as he pulls out a small spider shaped device, throwing it out toward the mech and sees it narrowly stick to him. As he finished up saving civilians, he watched as whatever this thing was flying as fast as it could to wherever it was going. He was hearing the many civilians cry out a grateful thank you to him, but he swung off to try and catch up to the odd thing in the sky. "Not a problem! Take care now!" He called out, unsure of how to respond to their gratitude. As he swung off, the hero was in shock as to what Brando was doing. "How could he do this....? How could he let this effect him in such a way....." He mumbled with sadness in his voice. "He was such a good person, always trying to just get himself to have a better paying job for his future with his soon to be wife...."

Peter listened to what his protege was saying, feeling the confliction within Will. He couldn't blame him for feeling this way. After his battle against Soundwave about a week ago, he seemed to be trying really hard to do better to save more people from their bad thoughts, from being a criminal, to be better than Fisk. "I know it's hard Will......but this is the problem with being Spider-Man.....that sometimes, we cannot save people from what they become...this could be what he wants due to the machine's corruption, or it unlocking something in his subconscious.....but no matter isn't your fault." Peter told him gently, trying to be a gentle teacher for him. He knew that was what the curly haired hero needed to hear that.

Will of course, knew that Peter was correct. He knew he would do better for others, but he couldn't control how others acted. He would try to help those see their mistakes, and help them become a better person.....but understood that not everyone wants that least not right away. So he would have to help as many as he could, one day at a time. "Thanks Mr. Parker......guess it's time to do what I can for those that I can." He said out loud, swinging even faster to chase after the robotic man, using his spider tracer and compass to follow his exact pathing. 

In another Fiskdation lab, Wilson Fisk, along with Richard Fisk, were doing what they could to cure Richard of his Mutegene curse. His body was writhing in pain, as if the chemical was forcing his DNA to change more and more. The many doctors were trying their best to get their medicines and antidotes to help Richard stay in his human form. Wilson, holding his son's hand, looked down at his son's agony. He could only wish for his son to recover from this. "My son.....I do wish for you to get better soon....." He mumbled before hearing multiple crashes through many walls. "What is the meaning of this?!" He then shouted, becoming more and more annoyed by what was happening.

Immediately after that, Brando smashed into the wall where the two Fisk males were in, searching for the mayor himself. When he caught a glimpse of the man himself, his eyes flare a crimson red from his mechanical irises, rage peaking out from them. A rage for the man that made him into a thing he didn't want to be. A thing that couldn't feel with physical touch the same way as everyone else. Or taste, or smell or anything..... and worst of all, he was made into this machine because he knew the truth about Fisk. "Fisk....." He growled out, some of his vocal cords sounding more machine than man now.

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