Man Of Earth! Spider-Man vs Terrainia!

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It has now been three and a half months since Will started his career as the web slinger, and it was starting to get a lot easier as time passed. He was getting tutored by Gwen, keeping up to his superheroic double life as Spider-Man, and balancing a fairly decent social life.....most of the time. Sure he still had Spider-Man stuff to take care of more often than not, but thankfully, his friends, family, and especially Gwen were understanding of his situation. Or at least that he was working very hard for Peter Parker to give him something to focus on. Plus, at least he was still spending time with them at all. Not only that, but web swinging began to feel more and more natural, a second instinct that he didn't have to think about, to the point that he was even starting to do more and more tricks in the air. There would still be some people that didn't like him as the web spinner, but that didn't matter. He knew he was doing the right thing in saving New York.

As he was leaving school for the day and walking Gwen to her apartment, he couldn't help but smile feeling more content about the people he was helping. He was so enjoying his walk with Gwen. Especially since it seemed as if the streets were starting to look safer, less need for Will Richardson to be getting into street fights. "These streets are finally looking a little bit safer huh?" He said to Gwen, hoping to start at least some sort of conversation with her.

The strawberry blonde couldn't help but smile at Will. Her eyes seemed to sparkle more from the joy she felt from not just being around Will, but also from his statement about New York. "Yeah......ever since Spider-Man came back, New York feels....a little bit cleaner in the old days my mom told me about. Sure supervillains are returning.....but I know it's because of the mayor. But no matter what....we will have our superhero to stop them." She said as she looked up at the sky. "it's's apparently been almost twenty years since the sun truly came out.....not just peaked from the clouds, but truly shined in the sky." She then brought up with the brightest smile.

The curly haired boy soon looked up where she was, stunned by the bright blue sky. In his mind, it was as beautiful as Gwen's bright blue eyes. He never noticed it until now because he's always been so busy looking down at the city.... observing the streets to be sure criminals weren't doing any misdeeds. Now that he has a little bit of a chance, he couldn't help but think about how beautiful it truly was. "Yeah you're right. Spidey truly has been doing a lot for this city....but..... what do you think about some of the media that's been attacking him lately?" He then asked her out of curiosity.

After hearing his question, the strawberry blonde scoffed. "Those idiots like the Daily Trumpet? Nothing but a bunch of scared cowards that just bow to Fisk's corrupt. They can't see that without Spider-Man out there, that things will inevitably get worse. Crime would go up, people would get arrested, no one would stand up for themselves as much.....but they refuse to do anything About it. They only blame the web head for doing what he thinks is right.....and has been proven right." She told him honestly while walking with him. "Even without Spidey here, I can guarantee you that villains would show up, be created or born into the world. Just look at Dr. Shultz and Brando Sanchez. Such good men until Fisk made them into what they are now......"

Will looked down at the ground after hearing her rant about the Daily Trumpet. Especially after hearing about his two recent enemies he fought. He did remember them blaming him for turning them into what they are now. "you don't think it's his fault they are now? I mean..... you don't think that he did cause this?" He asked her with a little surprise.

"The one thing that I think is possible is that maybe they would turn into what they are without Spider-Man. But I have no doubt Fisk would use them for something bad....maybe they would become criminals without Spider-Man, maybe not. But I know is that Spider-Man is definitely making this city feel much safer. Statistically speaking by at least 73%, things are really improving." Gwen told him just as honestly while thinking. "I know for sure it's true.... because he saved my life..... even when his life was on the line, he saved me after I saved you." She said with a soft smile. "I just hope that he knows how appreciated for the work he's done....."

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