Round Two! The Cat's Claws!

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Will started to swing his way through New York, remembering Peter telling him that he had to bring in Black Cat. Though he had to admit, he was a little bored, irate and just in a rush. He wanted to make his promise to meet with Melony tonight after all. Though he didn't want to shirk his responsibilities, he also didn't want to break a promise. Not again....not after failing to call Gwen. But he was definitely still bored. He had been on patrol for hours now, and no sign of The Black Cat. Though he stopped a few small crimes and a couple of Fisk's police force from arresting a civilian for no good reason, it wasn't the objective he was supposed to do. It was already almost 10:45 pm and still no sign of her! "Are you so sure that he'll be coming to Fisk's office?" Will asked over the communicator.

Peter typed away at his computer, searching for the specific information to give to his student. "Positive. Especially given the time, place, and her behavior patterns behind what she was doing." He said to Will, very certain of what he was talking about. 

"Why doesn't she just try and throw off those she wants to hunt and go after him later?" He asked his mentor, genuinely wondering why no one thought of this before.

"It's to show her targets how they crossed her path and thus gives them bad luck." Peter responded telling him his answer. Though if he was being honest, it felt amazing to make that joke. It felt...natural to him when he did. He did hear Will groan at his joke though, but in the end, the reaction was still worth it.

After twenty more minutes, Will does see Black Cat recently arrive outside the building. This time, her claws extended and ready to be launched like that of arrows. She aimed them at Fisk who was in the room, ready to blast him with the sharp arrow like claws at him. However, she was suddenly kicked in the side and sent tumbling away from the skylight. 

Will lands gracefully near her, but keeping a safe distance from her. He smirked at her while crossing his arms across his chest. "Guess your bad luck effected you instead." He joked while watching her stand up. Black Cat immediately flipped over to him, using claws that were in her boot to try and land either a kick or slash him.

The purple haired cat burglar missed her attack thanks to Spidey's agility, but she retracted her claws on her boot and instead used a mechanical cat tail to hit him across the body into a small chimney. "Why defend Fisk for everything he's ever done????? He'll only do worse things if he's left alive!" She said while trying to attack him. However, she wasn't trying to kill him. Instead, she was trying to get him out of the way long enough for her to achieve her goal. 

This gave Will a perfect opportunity to web her and pull her way from the skylight yet again and tried to web one of her hands to the floor, hoping to distract her long enough. However, it didn't help too much, as she ripped herself free with her own bare hand and punched his chest. Super strength. She had super strength......she wasn't quite as strong as him, but she could dish it out and take it. A perfect reason to hold back less and he took that opportunity, soon grabbing her arm and then elbows her face. "Sorry Cat, you may land on your feet, but your curiosity got the better of you." He quipped while kicking her stomach.

The attack effected her just enough, but she wasn't going to give up. Instead, she simply used her tail again to try and hit him, barely missing. "I get your hero gig cutie. But I still have to know why save him when we can easily kill him?" She asked again, this time sounding more calm than before.

Will kept a hold of her mechanical tail and made sure to keep her still. "Well, simply put, i understand wanting to kill him. I think about it every day. But if I do that, I'm no better than he is. I want to be a better example of hope, not a monster." He told her as he soon yanked her forward and attempting to slam her into a wall. Not long after getting closer to the wall, Black Cat dug her claws deep into the wall before she'd hit it, bounce off the wall and then do a duel chop to his chest, causing him to get sent back and almost crash into the skylight. Thankfully for him, his reflexes and powers stopped him from falling and he was able to focus again.

Black Cat then checked her wrist to see a clock on her wrist that soon vanished. The time was now 11:48 pm. She started to get a little worried. She knew she had to meet Will at any moment and she didn't want to be late..come to think of it, this is the first time she had really been concerned about anything like this. But no matter what, she had to end this quickly. "Sorry spider, I hate to cut out time together short, but I think it's time you let me go. I have some things to do." She says trying to sound adorable and charming.

However, the charms didn't seem to effect Will at all. Especially since he too was worried about the time. When he saw the time change to 11:49, he started to get frantic. He was going to be late if he didn't stop her. "Yeah you're not the only one you Robin Hood knockoff." He said in a frustrated tone of voice. So in order to try and and the fight quickly, he sprinted forward and fired five web lines at her to try and distract her. When her claws sliced through the webs, he took the opportunity to rush at her and tackle her to the ground and pinned her.

Black Cat immediately started to squirm away and try to break free. But she could tell that he wasn't going to be easy to break free from. "Strong man you are. Stronger than any of the other guys I've met in the last few years." She told him while feeling his biceps, noticing them flex as he pinned her. "Unfortunately though, I have no time to admire them. Sorry spider." She fired out her claws that launched out towards the skylight. Instinctively, Will webbed them, being sure none of them hit their target. But he didn't let her go. Not yet at least. Instead, he sees some more being fired and let her go after webbing each of them, sticking them to a wall. The perfect opportunity for Black Cat to kick him off her and flip away. "Catch you later spider." She said in a seductive manner, knowing she had the opportunity to escape.

After finishing up webbing her claws, Will chased after her swinging as fast as he could to try and catch up with her. Though it took some time, he was catching up with her slowly but surely. However, this was to say that was when she wasn't cutting his webs with her claws. While he was able to catch himself with another web, she still made it rather difficult to be able to even follow her. So instead of swinging for long periods and distances, he ran and jumped after her with his speed and agility. But he knew he was going to be late. He couldn't believe he was doing this though.......saving Fisk.....but he knew better. He wouldn't kill because he wanted to be better than the murderer. Even if it meant saving him. He'd have the corrupt mayor arrested one day. It was just going to take some time for him. 

Black Cat watched on as she tried to escape the web head, seeing how stubborn he was about trying to stop him. While she was slightly annoyed by how he was chasing after her, she was also impressed he was able to do so without swinging around. Not only that, she was impressed by how stubborn he was. No one was able to keep up with her like this. 'hm......not bad....' She thought to herself. "You're pretty impressive there spider. I didn't think you'd ever be able to catch up. But how long can you keep this up? Or how long do you think you'll be until you finally eliminate Fisk doing it your way?" She asked him, waiting for his response.

"Right now that's not what this is about! What you're doing would make you no better than how he is!" He shouts to her, soon swinging up to her and tackling her into another building. "I get it, you want justice against him, but there are better ways to do that!" He tried to tell her while getting pinned. However, she kicked him off and then cut off a rope to the elevator for a window washer. 

Black Cat stared at the hero, holding onto what appeared to be a key. A key for Fisk's offices????? But she also knew that Spider-Man was a bleeding heart that he'd save people that were in danger. "Sorry Spider, but it's between me or others in danger." She said while watching him dive down to save the person that was basically so close to falling on the ground from thousands of feet in the air. 

Thankfully, he was just able to catch and save the civilian and bring him inside of the building. "I gotcha, I'll take you down to the streets." He said as he held onto him, using his webs to slowly get them down to the city. However, the boy noticed the time was 12:10 A.M. He was so late.....he had no idea how he'd be able to get to her in time. 'Great.......just great.....' He thought to himself with sheer frustration. Once again, the responsibilities of being the hero, made the curly haired boy late to meet the girl.....though the question ran through his mind. Could he still see her? Could he get to her before she left? He was willing to find out one way or the other. The only way to find out, was to get this job done first, and hurry over quickly as possible.

(Editor's note: yeahhhh this was a pretty fun Chapter to write. Hope you're still enjoying so far! :3)

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