Upgrades! Part 1: An Electrifying Power Boost!

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Later in the night, Electro flew around, trying to find Fisk to talk to him about his encounter. He definitely needed to have a talk with the big man. Without hesitation, he zips into some wires, flowing through them as if he was water flowing through a stream. The supervillain fully intended to find his employer to discuss matters as they were. It took him about five minutes given the size of the lab alone, but soon, the electrically powered supervillain found Fisk and burst out of the wires gracefully. He glares at Wilson, sparks flying out of his fingertips and eyes. "Fisk! You never told me there was another new Spider-Twerp!" He shouted in anger.

Fisk clasper his hands together, unintimidated by the villain's rage. "I said there was a Spider-Man. Not the one you're familiar with. But now, you understand why I said you will need this power boost do you not?" He asked, keeping his hands together.

Max grit his teeth, making sure he stayed as calm as he possibly could. He still wanted to get paid for destroying Spider-Man after all. "Hate to say it, but he's definitely better than the old one. Faster, stronger, got skills....." He admitted, feeling annoyed he couldn't do more to beat him. But he soon turned that frown into a sadistic smile. "That said, I did discover more about my powers......I just need to get more used to them now.....and learn more about what I'm capable of with all this power...." He adds on, allowing his electricity to fly out of his hand and hit some metal that absorbed the impact.

Fisk smirks as he heard Max speak. "I was hoping you'd say that.... because I have just the training room for you to test your abilities. After all, we want you to destroy this Spider-Man, we want you at your best to do it." He told him while gesturing to a large room. "Inside are robots that will be like any target you wish. You can train with your powers as much as you want." He told Electro, who immediately went in the room.

Richard in the meantime, walks towards his father, seeming to be a little uneasy about his father's decision. "Are you sure this is such a good idea father? What if he tries to betray you and gain the money anyway?" He asked, trying to understand Wilson's intentions.

Fisk stared at his son, showing he has thought about this. "I'm the only one aside from you, with any true access to that money. Should he try anything, he will not be able to gain a single cent from me." He states matter of factually. "Besides, now he is more motivated to kill Spider-Man than he was before. When the original was around, he would humiliate and defeat Electro every time. After seeing this one with some experience....even if it's not much, will assure that he improves every ability he has." He added on, wrapping his arm around his son's shoulder.

Richard didn't resist his dad. He started to realize that his father was right .....he had be. In order to get rid of Spider-Man,  Electro needed as much power as he can obtain, and more control over the new power. Plus, Electro couldn't betray them if he wanted the payment for his success. But he couldn't help but think about if this didn't work. "And if Electro fails? What then?" He finally asked, doing his best to not lost his cool. He didn't want to risk turning full reptile suddenly.

The corrupt mayor soon released his son and stepped up to a computer, typing in codes and contingency plans. "Do you know why I was known as the Kingpin of Crime?...it was more than just my finances and understanding of technology, and more than just because of my strength......it is because I always have plans to prepare for an eventuality....for instance, what if the original Spider-Man were to return, or worse, one of his allies? What could I use to destroy them?......some old friends of his that know him fairly well." Fisk answered as he showed his son the computer screen. On it showed old villains Spider-Man fought years ago...... before he disappeared. Many files of quite a few old villains such as Hydroman, Hobgoblin and Alistair Smythe, in his cyborg Spider Slayer body.

This made Richard feel better about the situation. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that something could go wrong. "Very impressive. However, what if they can't defeat Spider-Man either?" He asked, getting to the point right away.

Fisk smirked at his son's question. It only made sense that he'd ask that. But of course, Wilson has a plan for if that day occurs. "I do have something plotted for that. However....that will be revealed another day. A day where we need to do such drastic measures.." He said rather vaguely to not give away his plans. Not yet anyway, for now it was too soon. He didn't want to unveil all his cards if he didn't have to.

Meanwhile, in the training room, Max began to charge up his electricity, powering himself up little by little to take out targets. One of the targets was the new Spider-Man he just fought. The villain couldn't help but smirk as he saw that target. "Perfect. With this I can learn about his weaknesses and fighting style.....then use it against him." He laughed out while letting sparks of electricity fly out of his palms.

As Electro continued to train to get more used to his powers, he was quickly learning the things he could do. Things he never tried to do when he had less power. Did he not know he could do them? Or did he never try because he believed in pure power? The honest answer was both. Back in the day, he simply blasted the web head with more and more powerful bolts of electricity. Now, he was even more powerful, able to create constructs with his lightning, weapons, even grenades or more that he wanted. He started to understand why Sandman or Hydroman did so back when they'd team up. The kind of power he had never imagined in his life. "I feel more and more like a God than I could ever dream of being! Like not even Thor would be able to stop me!" He shouted to himself.

Meanwhile, in the lab, Fisk could tell that Electro was about done with his training. Based on his excitement and the electricity surrounding the room, it definitely seemed to be that Max Dillon was finished, and had learned more than enough about his current powers. "Let him out. He is ready." Wilson ordered his scientists, who hurried to push the button to access the door to the training room Electro used. He watched as Max walked out looking completely normal, like he wasn't made out of the blue energy that surrounded him earlier. "It seems you've gained more control over this power than we all anticipated." Fisk says calmly, not completely surprised to see the results.

Richard was definitely surprised though. This was far beyond anything he could ever expect. He didn't think Electro would be able to shape shift into his more human form to his pure energy form at will! Was it the power boost given to him? Or was his training that effective? "How do you feel now?" He finally asked the lightning villain.

Electro stared at Fisk, a small amount of electricity flowed through his eyes before he turned into his pure energy state. "I've never felt so powerful, so energized in my life.....it's like I've entered a new state of being ....and it's amazing!" He exclaimed before floating in the air. "Amazing enough to completely fry that wall crawler...." He then growled out before zipping out of the lab and flying out into the night sky. This was the birth of an even scarier villain than before.....the birth of a new and improved... Electro.

(Editor's note: I know it's another short chapter but thats the point. More's coming up I promise. Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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