Rise To Heroics! Redemption Of Two Spiders!

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As Will stared death in the face while the rifle pointed at him, and the electricity continued to run through his body, he desperately tried to move even a little of his body. He started with his wrists, trying to move it slightly toward him and back to normal a second later. He struggled to get his arm up and shoot a web. However, when he shot a web, the web shooter shot out three web lines at once. They each hit a box with accuracy. Once he notices what they hit, he pulls on them all making them hit three soldiers at once. He forces himself to stand, knowing that he had some time to gather himself. "I-it worked!" He shouts to himself still feeling the pain run through his body.

Peter stared at the screen unable to believe what he just witnessed. His web shooters can do what???? How did he make those??? What kind of mechanics were in them???? He then remembered what he was doing before. As much as he hated the idea of it, he needed Will ALIVE to get the costume back to him. So with much hesitation, he pushed the button again to stop the shocks to give Will the advantage he needed to get out alive.

Meanwhile, the new Spider-Man felt the shocks stop all together and felt excited for that. "Hell yes!" He shouted as he shot out five webs this time and pulled some soldiers' weapons away and used them against them. He then did a powerful kick, hitting two Fisk's Fists men very hard. He noticed how strong her was and smirked under his mask. However, he noticed the group of men get larger than earlier and swung away from them. "Sorry, no autographs today. Forgot my pen at home!" He mocked as he flicked his wrist toward him again and swung toward them for a short distance before flicking his wrist to the left and shot out a large web ball. Once it hit the ground, it exploded and made a massive web net which trapped most of the soldiers with ease. "That worked too! I can't believe I did it!" He mumbled as he swung away from them. "As for you Parker, took you long enough to knock that shit off!" He said slightly jokingly.

Parker rolled his eyes at his comment. "Don't push it Richardson. I cut you two breaks. I could've easily upped the voltage on you but decided to be nice. Now get back here and give me back my costume!" He demanded sounding more serious this time.

Will looked back to see Fisk's Fist start to either tear through the webs with a lot of effort, or more on their way after him. "As lovely as that sounds, I've still got these idiots after me." He remarked trying to find a way out. 

Peter then started to think about what this little punk thief could do to escape. He then thought of a couple of alternative routes he could easily take. "There should be a large artillery room down the hall to your right. Can you get there?" He asked Will.

The rookie spider hero raised an eyebrow at his remark. "An artillery room...?" He asked with some disbelief in his voice and mind.

"Just do it." Peter groaned out, hating how he was helping this kid out after everything that happened. Why was he even bothering to help him aside from wanting that costume back? It was just a costume......He didn't want to see that costume in use ever again. He didn't want to see Spider-Man again....in fear that somehow it would tempt him to get back into being that hero again...or that other part of him again as far as he saw it. 

The curly haired boy rolled his eyes as he went to swing toward where he was told to go. He left web traps for them to trip over to delay them a little. Once he made it to the artillery room, he did see that it was empty for now. Which was both good and bad. Good since there was no one in the room. But on the other hand, how was he supposed to escape now???? "Oh good, a room with no doors or windows. And here I was hoping I would be able to get away from the bad guys not be trapped and killed faster." He said sarcastically. But after he looked around the room a little more of his own accord, he noticed an air vent in the room. "I guess I could take this....." He mumbled while sliding his way in the dusty vent. "Urgh.....a little bit stuffy.....but hopefully it'll help me a little...." He mumbled as he crawled through the vents as quietly as he could. Once he reached the end, he quietly left the vents and saw a secret passageway. He looked around amazed by the area surrounding him. "Whoa.......how'd you know this would be here...?" He then asked still amazed.

"I used to be Spider-Man so I know a lot of the villain cliches when I see or hear them." He told Will slightly bragging. But he wasn't totally proud that he remembered that. In fact, he was starting to wish that he could forget that again.

Will looked around and saw a screen filled with many teenagers trapped in cells and brought to the Fisk's Fists areas. One of which was Gwen.....they must've gotten Gwen......"Gwen....no...." He said quietly with some fear in his eyes. He realized even more what they were doing. People missing on the streets out of nowhere......they weren't killed.....they were kidnapped and forced to train to be Wilson Fisk's personal soldiers. Now this was definitely more than just revenge for him. This was about giving the city back it's freedom. Even if he had to do it all tonight alone, he had to do it. He knew most of what he did was no different. He took the costume of his hero just to get the revenge he wanted....he was no better than they were. But now? He was willing to take this operation down.....and take responsibility away from them for the night so others could fight back. "Mr. Parker.....you said you know all the cliches villains have right?" He asked being sure he knew exactly what to do.

Peter looked back up at his screen looking at what Will was seeing. "Well yeah of course I do. I've done this for about ten or so years. Why are you aski-" He was about to ask before realizing what this punk was thinking. "ohhohoh no no no way you brat. You're coming back here now." He demanded.

However, Will refused to back down from this. "Fisk is kidnapping innocent people for his sick and twisted reasons! Along with that plan with the entire city. He's gotta be stopped and Spider-Man is the only one who truly knows what's going on around here!" He told him.

Peter pinched the bridge of his nose with annoyance. "What's with you and your fanboy obsession with Spider-Man???" He asked him. "Why are you even a fan of me anyway?? He's nothing but trouble! A menace!"

"What the hell does that matter?! He has to be stopped no matter what. And he has to be stopped by Spider-Man!" He retorted back, desperately trying to stay in this until the end. He had to help everyone that was there.

Parker stayed true to his resolve as well, wanting to get Will back. "I'll call the police, or the Avengers. Let them take care of this." He told Will.

The curly haired hero refused to let this go. "Let me do it! I have what you have and then some!" 

Peter got ready to push the button again. "I'll use the shock systems again, and this time, at a much higher voltage." He threatened getting closer to the button.

"I've done a lot of research on you Mr. Parker....both as you AND as Spider-Man......I know why you started doing this......" He started out. "We both have similar reasons for why we do this......the guy who murdered my father along with his lackies are all there.....they will do so much harm to this city, this country soon, and after all that, the entire world.....this is my one chance to take responsibility for what happened to my father....." He said starting to sound sadder. He was about to punch the wall next to him, but stopped himself and sighed as he removed the mask, looking at it feeling defeated.

"The place they'll be will more than likely be down a secret passage that leads to an area upstairs for their big plan." Peter finally said after thinking about what Will had said.....responsibility......he had shirked off that responsibility for years because of what had happened in his last battle.....but he refused to let this boy do the same thing.

Will couldn't help but smile at Peter's advice. He felt as if Peter was finally trusting him to take this guy down. However, he still knew that he'd have to return the costume to the rightful owner. He had a gut feeling that when he was going to return, Peter wasn't going to be happy afterwards. Until then, he was going to take this time to do what he can now. "Well.....here we go....." He mumbled as he started to run down the hallway. This was going to be the night where Wilson Fisk was going to feel the sting of defeat, and the cause of that sting?......Spider-Man.

(Editor's Note: This story is slowly building up more and more! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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