To Stop A Rhino's Rampage!

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Along the city, Gwendolyn was swinging across the evening sky, searching for Will. She had to tell the web head something about Fisk. She had recently discovered two more people that were effected by one of Fisk's experiments and they needed to stay away from the tyrannical mayor.....she just hoped it wouldn't be too late to tell him. Along the way, she could hear a familiar scream coming down an alleyway and recognized it from anywhere based on the voice. "Gwen ..." She mumbled as she changed directions to head toward her daughter. What she saw when she arrived stunned her. An actual Rhinosaurus man..... another one of Fisk's experiments...was she already too late to tell him? No.....maybe she could still warn him. Tell him that there could be more. Even more than Will and Peter probably knew. Out of instinct, the experienced superheroine swung down toward her and wrapped a web around his large neck to try and drag him down toward the ground. Though she couldn't get him very far, she could at least kick his face. But she noticed it didn't do much. With little time to react, the woman blocked with her arms before Rhino slammed her into a wall. When she saw her daughter, she could hear her sobbing as she tried desperately to get the dumpster. "What's the matter?" She asked with concern.

All Gwen could do was sob hysterically as she tried to speak, to try and explain the situation. "Wi-Wi-Will....he- he was-"

Before she could finish, Gwendolyn could already tell what she was going to say. There was no way he went down.....under the dumpster?????? She had to hurry. Maybe there was some hope. She moved her daughter out of the way and started to lift it up with her strength. Just enough for only her to see. She didn't see anyone....but what she saw was the sewer was open .... He must've just escaped in time......but then she looked at the position of where the dumpster was. It had missed Will by an inch anyway, and tilted over......he must've gotten in the sewer anyway. She felt Rhino grab her by the waist and was forced to drop the dumpster. But she at least knew he was alive somewhere.....maybe in his suit, maybe on his way. "Get to safety for now! I'll handle this guy!" She ordered Gwen who ran as fast as she could. But she could tell her daughter felt awful for abandoning Will. She webbed his eyes before getting thrown as a distraction and soon felt a web grab hold of her.

Will was attached to the building, being sure to not let go of his web line. "Sorry I was so late. Fisk's Fists wanted my autograph." He quipped while slowly setting her down on the city streets. He then landed right next to her, showing her how graceful he truly was. "so..... enemy of you or Mr. Parker?" He asked to try and lighten up the mood.

Gwendolyn slightly chuckled at his remark. "Same villain, different man. I take it you know who he is?" She asked him to be sure.

The web head simply nodded his head in response. "It's Drake Swarnsin. One of the elite soldiers in Fisk's police force. Hates me in and out of costume." He explained to her to the best of his abilities. "Seems like he's adjusting to his new size. I get the feeling that trying to outspeed him won't work well...." He guessed.

"Yeah he's got speed on his side as well. Dude can run." Gwendolyn said casually. But this gave Will a few ideas.

The curly haired boy Began to ponder ideas for what to do next. He already had a few ideas in mind. "He's targeting your daughter now .....and by extension, me. I already know what to do." He explained as he webbed his way to find Gwen.

Gwendolyn looked at him a little annoyed that she wasn't in on the plan. "Sure don't tell me. I can..... totally read your mind man...." She mumbled to herself while attempting to follow him, hoping to get a clue as to what he had come up with this time.

Gwen was running as fast as she could to try and get away from the rampaging animal man. Though with how fast he was running, it wasn't easy. All she could hope for was that she would be able to get him off balance somehow by running and turning to other Streets. So far the plan was working, but he was still getting closer. She could feel it with every step the giant beast took. It didn't take long before his form slowly towered over her, ready to crush her at any moment. But before she could get squished, she felt an arm wrap around her and her feet were suddenly off the ground. When she looked up she saw Spider-Man swinging while holding her. "Spider-Man! You came!"

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