Surviving School! Will's Way To Fit In!

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Once again, Will was slowly waking up before his alarm, feeling that tingling feeling in his head. He hit the alarm when he heard it go off and began to stretch his body doing his usual workout before his day officially could start. Once he finished it, he stretched his neck out slightly and felt it pop. "That's just what I needed...." He mumbled to himself as he walked into the bathroom and went to take his shower. Once he finished that, the curly haired troublemaker got dressed and went out to go to his classes. He entered his car to drive off today. He almost never drove to school so why not do so for a change? Once he started up his car, he started driving, his music blaring out through the car's sound system. He had a good feeling that today was going to be something special.

Once he got to school, Will stepped out of the parking lot and headed to campus. He found his friends and went to jog after them. "Yo guys!" He called out to them who all looked happy and relieved to see him.

Johnny was the first one to run to Will and give him a manly hug. "You're alright! Thank God! I really thought that this guy's got you! You should've called me or texted me you idiot!" He shouted out with a hint of annoyance.

Cornelius did what he could to get Johnny to, at the very least, loosen his grip on their tough friend. "Please loosen your grip by about 55%! By my calculations if you keep that up, hell suffocate in a matter of a minute and a half!" He stated, with his usual smart statistics.

Paul grabbed his brilliant friend by the shoulder as if to tell him to not bother trying. "Yeah you kinda lost him though honestly I don't blame him for reacting the way he is. He was with him that night, and Will could've died! Give him some time to just let out his frustration." He explained to him best he could.

Charles just watched as Will wasn't exactly sure how to react to Johnny's little outburst. "Well...both of you have a good point. But we should be careful in case Will got hurt too you know?" He added to make his point as well.

Will grunted ever so slightly as he was trying to lightly push Johnny off him. "Alright alright I'm okay! Settle down will ya? That night was crazy....." He mumbled trying to dust himself off. "Your cologne is stronger than usual man....that was what would suffocate me more than anything!" He lightly joked to try and help his friend before wrapping an arm around his neck and giving him a noogie. "Now, tell me you were able to get Gwen and her friends to safety? No harm to them?" He asked giving him a serious look.

Johnny took a pose trying to look as cool as he could the moment Will asked. "Well of course I did. No one would dare attack them. Not when I was around at least. I'm a deadly beast after all." He said trying to exude confidence in himself.

Just as they said this, Gwen walked up to him. "Hey Johnny, I just wanted to say thank you again for helping me and my friends out during that incide-" she started out before noticing Will standing there holding his bag in one arm. "Will! You're alive!" She shouted out hugging him, her body trembling slightly. After a minute though, she slapped him across the face and hugged him yet again. "You should've called me when you were safe!" She then shouted at him slightly angry.

Will couldn't help but hug her back. "I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't contact you though....I take full responsibility for that." He assured her while gently rubbing her back. Just then, he felt that tingling in his head yet again. Out of pure instinct, the curly haired boy lightly pushed Cornelius away with his foot as Cruiser came to prank him. However, instead of him getting pranked, Cruiser fell flat on his face with Will dropping his bag on him. "Oh sorry Cruiser. Guess you weren't cruisin like you thought?" He slightly joked at him.

The bully did not like the sound of Will taunting him one bit and went to grab him. "You think you're funny Richardson?" He asked, trying to sound intimidating.

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