A Hero's Choice! Part Two: A Chosen Path!

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As Will swung further into the old building, he started to think about his future strategies for the two deadly assassins he'd have to inevitably fight. He had to be ready for anything and everything they had. "I'm about to risk my life against assassins that almost murked me last time I fought each of them. Any suggestions boss?" He asked Peter through their communicator.

"Use your usual instincts. They'll count on you using just your powers of speed, strength and agility to gain the advantage so use that with your own skills. Part of being Spider-Man is knowing when to use the spider and when to use the man." He told Will simply hoping he'd get the hint.

It took our hero a short time to really understand, but he did get what he was saying. He spent a lot more time relying so heavily on his powers, that he forgot how he usually fought. Before he gained his powers, he trusted his own skills....his instincts.....his adaptability.....he wasn't paying as much attention the last time.....to either of them! This was how he planned on beating them this time. However, he knew he'd have to use his powers sometimes. This wasn't one of those times for his spider sense however. Instead, he heard the sound of metal clanking slightly and jumped out of the way. He was able to avoid Mantis attack, but in the air, another attack was about to be fired. He was able to hear that too....the sound of a weapon charging. Wads of glue were about to hit them from Trapster.

Mantis stared in disbelief. Not only did their target dodge both of their attacks at once, but Spider-Man easily countered them. Five of his signature impact webbing hit Trapster in the face, stunning him slightly. "Impossible.....no one's should be able to dodge those in the air like that....." Mantis said stunned by what he had just witnessed. When he thought Spidey's guard was down, the green cladded assassin tried with all of his might and speed to hit the man that would grant him a fortune. However, thanks to the combination of Will's spider sense and his usual battle instincts, he was able to dodge the attacks headed his way, and also land a kick at his chest, sending the assassin back several feet.

This was when Will started to understand more about what Peter was saying. He could use his spider sense. But remember the man he is, not just the powers he can use. They were more tha just a tool, they were an extension of his true self currently. They amplified him, but that wasn't what made him so special. So with this in mind, he had to do what he did best.....find a weakness in his opponent's attacks and defenses. Once he landed on his hands doing a dramatic pose, he turned his head to see Trapster dashing at him, ready to fire blasts of his glue at him. He was able to gracefully evade attacks and stared at his opponent. It didn't take long for him to figure out his glue themed opponent. 'His suit's full of the stuff.....that must mean that somehow if I get rid of the glue, it'll slow him down. After all he relies on it so he can trap his foes.....' he said as he jumped and dodged around. He found the weakness of the suit, now for how to let it out without him getting shot at......

Before he had much of a chance to think of a plan however, Mantis came ready to attack, Will narrowly dodging his foe. However, the next attack Will wasn't quite as prepared for...a thrust at his chest, causing the web head to stumble back. 'then there's this guy....he's got a right to brag about himself I'll give him that....but there's got to be a weakness in him I'm not seeing yet....' he thought to himself while trying to dodge more of Mantis's savage attacks. However, not very long after, a realization hit him. He found a weakness! Something he'd exploit later. For now, he has to be prepared for Trapster's next assault. So he picked up Mantis by his arm and threw him over his shoulder, slamming him into Trapster. At least this way, he had a distraction. The web head then looked at his wrists, specifically where his web shooters were and took a deep breath. 'time to see if my upgrades really work.....' He thought to himself as he spun his wrists counterclockwise, him trying to figure out the exact settings. Once he had the one he wanted, multiple blasts of what appeared to be ninja stars made of webs slightly grazing Trapster's armor. That graze was just enough to damage it just enough. 'It works...now I don't have to struggle remembering which direction to point my wrist to for one specific function!' He thought to himself with pride. Truth be told, the reason Will was so late finding the assassins was due to him focusing more on his web shooters, since he felt as if functions in combat seemed to be confusing. Now that that upgrade is done, he was more ready than ever. Once he turned his wrist clockwise, he soon fired rounds of his impact webbing, hitting Trapster with multiple web like fists. A second clockwise spin of his wrists, and he fired multiple rounds of web bullets, his opponent not able to fight back much since he felt he was trapped....in fact, he couldn't even move at all....he was caught in the spider's web! "Looks like the Trapster, just got trapped." He quipped while stringing Trapster up along some silos.

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