Rise Of Venom! The Ultimate Test!

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While swinging through the city, Will, in his usual Spider-Man attire, had noticed something rather odd about the city. Nothing particularly bad, but definitely strange. There seemed to be a surprisingly lessened amount of Fisk's Fists men in the area. He knew something different was going on for that to happen. When he saw a battle that had recently happened, he dove down to check it out. These were definitely Fisk's goon squad laid out on the floor. However, some of them were pinned to a wall by what appeared to be a black web. "Okay so either someone is trying to be me without powers and helping me, or you came out of retirement to help me. You seeing this Parker?" He asked Peter, hoping to get some kind of answer as to what was going on.

Peter was watching the screen, seeing exactly what Will was seeing while in awe. "I see it....but I don't believe it...." He mumbled to himself. "There's a few thoughts on this. This could be the Chameleon, Mysterio or a Skrull. It can't be...them for sure." He says to himself while trying to scratch his brain for some sort of answer. "Though there is one other person it could be....but I don't have enough to go off of."

Will shrugged his shoulders at Peter's answers. "Okay so unknown webbing that's just here in the middle of the city. Good to know someone's stealing my sctick now. Real original." He said sarcastically before hearing Peter clear his throat. "Oh you know what I mean! Anyway..... I'll keep an eye out for Fisk's Fists, see if any gangs are still out there somewhere, make sure Spider-Fraud isn't trying to get credit for the work I've been putting in for almost a month, and then maybe treat myself to a nice pizza from Joey's." He said calmly before swinging away to find other Fisk's Fists men to take down.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a mysterious figure watched from the other side of the building in secret, observing the new Spider-Man in town. For what purpose, was unknown, but it definitely didn't seem good. "Not....Parker...." The figure stated in a low growl. "Must find Parker.....And take out this Spider-Fake." A low roar was heard before the figure could hide back in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man had just found a group of Fisk's men gathering weapons to go out in the streets. They didn't look like legal weapons they could use for their job. So that meant it was time for Will to drop by and say hello. Once he jumped down, he was able to grab two of their heads and thunk them together. "Last time I checked, those types of weapons weren't allowed to be in your possession. So either you're trying to get rid of them from other gangs or you're using them yourself, and to be frank with you, I'm pretty sure that my second guess is the correct one." He joked before webbing another member of Fisk's goons to the wall.

The soldiers absolutely refused to lose to him yet again. Especially with the weapons they had just gotten from the Military. Of course they stole it somehow, so Will would have to be very careful about these weapons. At least he thought that was the case. But the soldiers? They went to grab their new guns, only for Spider-Man to stop them by punching them out strategically. He'd punch one in front of him, and toss him into another one that was headed toward the weapons. This was already not looking good for them. "Just take him out with whatever we've got now!" They shouted out as they took out their signature rifles and fired towards Spider-Man.

Spidey however, was staying away from the bullets and went to fight them. "Seriously dude... stormtrooper aim. I wouldn't be shocked if you learned from the Imperial Academy." He joked while taking out more of the opponents he was facing off against. With his spider sense working to his advantage, Spidey was able to dodge and counter attacks without too much difficulty. After all, these guys fight almost exactly the same way. Maybe some had a slightly different fighting style than the others, but they mostly fought with almost the exact same pattern. Will understood why no one was willing to fight back against them. Their large numbers were definitely a large benefactor. However, the weapons and armor they wore would definitely scare any citizen. Though for Will, this was just fine. They could take some hits as well from Will's strength. He was able to web another to a wall and went to web the military grade weapons so no one would be able to get them. "There we go. That's all of them. For now at least..." He mumbled to himself while stretching his body. After that fight, and maybe a little longer for patrol, Will felt he deserved a rest. However, he didn't get very far before his Spider sense started blaring in his head. 'I don't like the feel of that....' He thought to himself while trying to figure out where the danger was coming from.

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