Christopher Richardson's Experiment! Spider Test One!

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As Will sat in front of the man known as Will's father, Christopher Richardson, he could tell what this was going to be about. "Look Christopher, I know exactly what you're gonna say. About how I should've handled that better, how I could get suspended or expelled for fighting a student but look, I had to-"

"I don't wanna hear it again Will!" The man named Christopher cut him off in anger. "You got in your....what seventh fight this month now? For what? Because one of your friends were in trouble again???" He tries to catch his breath from how angry he was. "You know I don't have as much time to scold you about your troublemaking phase..... because I'm always busy with my I can provide for this house we live in together...." He groans while sitting up.

Will on the other hand walked out in anger. "Whatever....not like we ever notice when you're home anyway...." He mumbled before slamming the door, knowing he got the last word. Which was all he really wanted so he could go back in his room. As he stepped into his room, he looked at some of his posters on the wall, some of Spider-Man, some of Albert Einstein, and even some of mixed martial artists he looked up to. But after that, he sat down at his desk to work on a project of his own. Or rather, a project his father had thrust upon him. He had only gotten into least a little bit, because his father was always working on something in his office/lab. He didn't fully understand what said project was, just that it was something about spiders. So he decided to work on a web shooter design of his own. He has the device made, just not functioning the way he'd like it to. Every time he tried to shoot a web, the device would either not shoot said webs, or jam up and explode, causing the webs to stick to his face. He knew it was an issue with something internally, but wasn't sure what it was. 

As he put his hands on his head and checked the time, the curly haired boy saw he had about two hours before the party started, so he took apart the device to see if he could figure something out that he could write down in his notes. 'Waitaminute....what if....?' He then thought to himself writing something down in his notebook labeled "Possible ideas" before taking the device apart one last time looking at both halves very carefully. He finished writing up one last bunch of notes down in that same notebook and closed it, but not before putting a pen in the page he was writing in last. Once that was done, he ran to his closet and began rummaging through his clothes to find something good to wear for the night. He pulled out a black t-shirt with a pair of casual black and red shorts and shoes.

Meanwhile, back with Christopher Richardson, he was in his little lab trying to get his experiment running. It was risky considering how not only was it experimenting on spiders, some of which could be considered poisonous, but also because of how he knew Fisk's Fists were very cautious about science experiments. Unless of course, it was something specifically for them. Even though this one was for them in a way, it was still a secret project.....for multiple reasons.

Christopher slowly reached his hands in his desk drawers to reveal a small button in it and pushed it to reveal a hidden contraption of lab equipment. Some small chemicals still yet to be touched and mixed. He took a look at each one stirring some of them up to prepare his big project. "It's nowhere near ready yet.....and I need it to be perfect.... otherwise..... I'll never get my spider experiment finished...." He says as he pulls out a large blackboard from the corner of his lab. He stares at it seeing his drawings of a spider. One drawing was of what it looks like from the outside, and another from the inside. Specifically it's venom. His experiment seemed to involve spider's venom going into human subjects. However, the formula he was working on was to be transferred instead of the dangerous toxins within the venom. It seemed to give a subject the abilities of any spider it's given. But there needed to be a spider that could survive his other experiment that would give one spider certain abilities of some other spiders. So he picked up a common house spider and gained the blood of a jumping spider as well as a crab spider, a newer species of spider called the adaptador spider and the black ant spider just in case. Even one hidden DNA samples he kept encrypted. He had taken a small sample of DNA from each spider trying to put them in the house spider. Though he knew it was dangerous to do so since it could overwhelm the small specimen, he had to take the risk. He may have failed multiple times, but he refused to give up.

As he was slowly putting the DNA in his spider, Christopher wiped some of the sweat off his brow from the work he had done. "I need this to work....this is my last spider I can receive for some time....." He mumbled to himself trying to think of the next step. Lucky for him, he'd only need to wait about a half hour for his test to have a result. He then grabs a photo of his. In it, was his family...Will, Kenny, Misty, and his ex wife, Debbie. He looks at it with a saddened expression on his face. "don't worry.... I promise you that this will work.....and we'll finally be able to have the city the way we need it to of all the bad....for our family.... and everyone else." He says to himself trying to sound optimistic.

After a half hour, the scientist took a look at the spider to see the results of his work. To his surprise, the specimen was still alive. Not only that, but it was able to take the DNA of other spiders. This became more prominent as the spider jumped higher than normal and it's front two legs started to expand and grow slightly. "It worked..." He says with pure joy in his voice. He starts to laugh to himself at his success. "Step one's finally complete! Now I can start phase two!" He says as he goes to his chemicals next trying to mix them all together. The scientist couldn't contain his excitement for his experiment to succeed. He gently takes out an empty syringe ready to try his chemical labeled "project: spider soldier". He mixes the chemicals in it together one last time hoping to get it completed.

Once he had finished mixing the chemicals together, Will's father picked up the empty syringe and filled it with the now purple liquid. With a small amount of difficulty, Christopher was able to inject the experimental spider with his formula. "If I'm correct on this, it's going to take several hours for any results will be shown. Which should be just fine." He says pinching the bridge of his nose, noticing how stressed he was feeling. After so many years trying to perfect this experiment, he had finally done it. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend as much time with you as we both would've liked my children....but I promise you all that I will make up for all of that somehow....." He mumbled rather quietly. He then decided now might be a good time to go get something to eat before going to bed. So he left his lab and left. Unbeknownst to Christopher though, the spider was able to escape his cage using it's size to it's advantage. It then crawled out of the lab, and out the door through the hole.

Meanwhile, Will was just about to leave the house to go to his party with Gwen. He had to meet up with her soon and he knew that. But he then noticed his backpack and his father's briefcase we're still hanging by the front door. "Better take care of that too...." He grumbled picking up both items. Unknown to him, the spider was on the briefcase. But what Will DID notice was that it was almost open and started to close it. However, the spider was able to sneak in and stayed safe and snug in that area. Will then set down the briefcase on the ground nearby his father's lab. He may not have had the closest relationship with the old man, but he knew how important his work was to him. He then tossed his backpack in his bedroom and ran out to the front door to go to the party. "well..... Let's go have fun!" He says to himself as he ran to his car and soon started to drive off.

(Editor's note: shorter chapter I know. But this is just getting started! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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