Rise Of A Hero! Welcome Home Spider-Man!

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About an hour had passed since Will had been to see Peter, and he was so filled with joy from the visit. From being given a blessing from his hero to his promise, to getting his gift from the Parker male, he couldn't help but feel a new chapter in his life about to start. Even if it was a lot to take in at once, he couldn't help but feel some excitement for what could come. He knew exactly that he would have a lot of bad guys and more to take on, but he knew that he could eventually get even better at beating them all down. 'Okay.....time to make my debut.' He thought to himself, taking a deep breath and walking up to a building and entering it. He closed the door and ran up some stairs and got ready to go on a patrol of his very own.

Back down on the streets, there were gangs such as the Rising Dragons, Chaos Brigade, and even some others such as the Red Scars, Chilled Grills, and the New Mafia fighting against each other and even Fisk's Fists, and Fisk's Fists attacking some people for the wrong reasons. One of which was a woman who had only bought herself some pepper spray to defend herself against gangs, which apparently "wasn't legal" since they had their protection services to help them. The group had a small platoon just for that woman, and a few other people being arrested for minor reasons, all of which Gwen was ready to take videos of for evidence to give to her father, who was busy with his own job taking out the gangs. Mr. Stacey was unfortunately being pinned down by the gang war that was happening currently in the middle of Harlem. However, he had noticed that some of the shooting had stopped rather quickly. He slowly peaked out to see what was happening. When he did, there was nobody there.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city, the woman was trying to fight her way to get away from the Fisk's Fists men but wasn't able to get away for long given how much faster they were compared to her. However, she could hear the sounds of something thwipping behind her and looked behind her to see only half of the platoon from Fisk's Fists were behind her now. What made it weirder was that the last of them were being lifted in the air in front of her. She couldn't see what it was but had a feeling of what it was. "T-thank you so much sir!" She called out with gratitude in her voice.

Down in Manhattan, some girls were being attacked by Fisk's Fists men, about to be arrested for "harboring fugitives" like Will Richardson about five months ago. However, two of them were scooped up from their left sides and hung upside down on a building, trapped and not even close to falling yet. After those two, another one was quickly kicked by someone swinging by and landed by a fire hydrant. The two girls didn't get a chance to see who or what it was since it was just that fast. What they saw however, was a web holding him down. "A web.....? He's trapped by some web?" One asked curiously, but also relieved to be alright.

Next up, a group of Fisk's Fists were attacking shops to intimidate the entire city into obeying Wilson Fisk and his laws. The citizens were all terrified to see these people being held up, unable to do anything to stop this. But soon enough. Something zipped by them and caught five of them on web lines, hanging them from the ceiling once again. After that, some of the people looked up to see their savior trapping their guns in a sticky web and knocking out their captors, leaving without saying a word and not giving anyone a chance to thank him for his courage.

Within an hour and a half, over half of the crime in the city was taken down for the day, even most of the quarreling gangs were trapped and brought to jail thanks to the city's mystery savior. Up along the rooftops of New York City, a figure wearing black shoes with a red line going up and down his leg was running around, jumping and bouncing off walls like a champion Olympian. Upon a closer look, it was Will, wearing an all-black Spider-Man costume, save for a single red spider on the chest. He jumped off the rooftop and did a fancy flip, showing off his new costume to the world. His speed and agility coming into great effect here as he moved so nimbly across the sunset sky. He then shot a web out toward a building and began to swing all around the city for everyone to see. "Scuse me! Pardon me, big time superhero comin through! Sorry, nice suit gotta go!" He said sounding so happy as he swung by, taking out another gang member with his webs.

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