Blazing Revenge Attempt! Testing The Equipment Further!

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At one of Fisk's labs, Core and Blaze were about to go in to start trouble to purposely get Spider-Man out of hiding. But for Core, this was much more than that. He was going to threaten the scientist that turned him into the monster he currently is to return him to normal. One way or another, he would find a way to get cured of this.....curse that Blaze labeled as an evolution. How could anyone be so twisted enough to think this was an evolution?....but then again, Blaze was already insane as is. But was it the powers? Or the chemical that gave him his powers that turned him into this.....thing? It seemed that there was no real answer to give. At least not one he would like. So he ran in the lab with his.....begrudgingly partner and prepared to get exactly what it was that he was looking for. What he considered to be a second chance at a normal life. With that second chance, he would really do something different. No more violence in Fisk's Fists force, no hurting innocent people. Just trying to help the people he hurt, and doing more good.

Meanwhile, Blaze was so focused on killing the web head, and using his powers his way that as soon as he reached the lab, he blasted the walls with flames and watched the wall begin to melt behind him. He even started flying around to get around faster. He didn't care what kind of damage he caused along the way. It only made this better for him. Not only did it cause him excitement to destroy everything with his powers, but it also would get the web head to find them faster. Only thing he didn't know was where his partner was. But that didn't matter to him. He just remembered what Core brought up earlier. How getting a hostage would indefinitely help them get Spider-Man to come faster. "Where's professor Sziquitz?" Blaze asked in a cold tone. Thankfully for him, the other scientists in the area pointed to where he'd be, so that was where he headed. Perhaps Core would be there too.

As Professor Sziquitz was trying to figure out what the threat that came here was, he quickly hid a weapon in his back pockets to keep it even a little bit concealed. Though he had to admit, he was deathly afraid of what was headed his way. What if it was another supervillain that he didn't know? Or that didn't care if he lived or died???? He couldn't afford to die in this place! Not yet! All he ever did was his job! That's when it hit him....what if the person that was after him.....was Core????? Before he could grab his items, he stared at a photo of him and Aaron Vinzent, around ten years younger, at a special event. It was then that he realized just how selfish he truly was. This was an event he wanted to go to, but he dragged a begrudging Aaron to it....his best friend.....and he's always done stuff like this throughout their friendship. Now here he is...the man that experimented on his friend just so he didn't lose his job....not even thinking about how his best friend would feel about it. He wanted to run away. Hide from this so that he wouldn't die. Because he knew what would happen if he found him, and he couldn't afford to be found!

Not long after he was headed toward the door, an explosion occured behind him. Thankfully, Sziquitz was protected by the door as to not get burned by the door, but it was a close call to say the least. When he removed the door, Blaze stood above him, a wicked smirk on his face. "Hiya doc. Any chance you're willin to come with me?" He asked, his voice sounding menacing and terrifying.

As the professor scurried away from the firey villain, he soon heard the wall crash behind him, with Core standing above him from the other side. The brimstone monster grabbed his once close friend and dragged him out of his room, the man showing his fear. "You're coming whether you want it or not." He said without remorse, soon walking and crashing through buildings, knowing that none of the soldiers or security guards could hurt him with their weapons. Perhaps this was the only benefit of his powers. The fact that almost no attacks could hurt him.

Meanwhile, a few miles away from the lab, the curly haired superhero could see smoke coming from a distance at a lab nearby. Using his web wings, he glided toward the accident, concern showing under his mask. "That looks like where one of them are attacking!" Will called out to Peter.

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