Brando's Hatred Part One! The Machine Starts To Form!

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After discovering what truly happened to him over a week ago, Brando was beyond livid with almost everyone around him. Everyone, except for Gia and Spider-Man. Gia couldn't have known, and Spider-Man did save his life and helped him get to the hospital on time. How could he possibly hurt those two after all of that? No.....his main target right now was the Mayor. Wilson Fisk himself needed to pay. He knew exactly how to do just that. 

It didn't take long for the engineer to find an area of highly advanced technology. Especially with how his own technological brain was slowly evolving, learning more and more about the city. What he had learned so far was that he knew even more about machines than he ever did in the past. To the point where he could even communicate with the most secure of technologies without even trying anymore. But he was doing his best to not lose what made him....truly fully human. But with the machines constantly in his head, it was proving to be extremely difficult. Partly because there was a tiny part of him that wanted exactly what was being thought in his mind. Something that he didn't want to admit to.

An hour later, there was an older, worn out lab in the middle of the small city that was left untouched for years. He slowly walked into the building, hearing faint whispers of machines that were older, test subjects that Fisk had made for his police force. Most likely thrown out for being useless for him. However, it wasn't useless for what Brando needed. Or rather, what the voice in his head was constantly telling him. While he was able to ignore most of them, the parts that he couldn't ignore gave his human brain a headache. The first thing he did was go to an X-Ray, sit down, and wait for the X-Ray to turn on. Once it did, the cyborg male was able to see what the X-ray showed through a connection he had with it. In his skull was half of his brain. The remaining half seemed to have been damaged or destroyed. So to compensate, the male had mechanical parts connecting to his brain. The male stared in horror at what he was seeing. Fisk was even more sick and twisted than he had ever imagined. To basically force him to live the rest of his life as a shell, a machine, a monster. It would only be a matter of time before people would notice this. Then again, there was a probability that they already knew this about him. It wouldn't surprise him that the people of New York knew what he was.....all because of the mayor.

Then he started to think about it more and more closely. How people were looking at him differently, like he was a freak. A circus act. It infuriated him even more. But then he'd change his own mind because it felt as if the machine was taking over. The two sides would start fighting for control of the host body, until finally, the machine won. He would lay down on the table nearby, strapping himself in. Machines start to whir and power up, as if ready to be used at any moment. Brando was staring, eyes widened at an older model cybernetic modifier device with several tools that would hurt him now, but in his human state would murder him instantly. Now with his cyborg body, meant to look like his older more frail body, it would be an extremely painful torture for him to endure.

The engineer didn't even need to ask what was going to happen to him, for he already figured it out a while ago. The machine wanted to make him perfect. To upgrade him for more than what he had. How big of an upgrade, was so far unknown. As the enhancement machine started it process, Brando screamed out in torturous pain and agony. Unfortunately for him, this was the fact that Brando would become what he feared the absolute most. All machine......

Several hours later, a larger, more massive looking cyborg would step outwards from the shadows, his figure now standing over seven feet tall, and large whirring happening around him. The eyes a piercing red and teeth showing ever so slightly. As he walked, his feet would cause the ground below him to slightly crack from the weight of his own body. Slowly but surely, it revealed the face of a machine......Brando now more looking more machine than man. While he had his emotions, and his brain, the machine had control of the body. As he heard the voices in his own head again, the formerly dark brown haired male started to silence them, combining aspects of both what the machine wanted him to be, but also what he wanted to be. Now that he had this, he could feel the voices start to fade, feeling him start to gain control over himself once more. Now, with the power he needed, he decided to use it to take down Wilson Fisk himself. He wasn't going to let anyone or anything stop him from getting his revenge. It was time to get revenge for the mayor taking away Brando's chance to have a normal life ever again.

Now preparing his new body for combat, and learning to adjust to what he had currently, the cyborg flies high in the air with his boosters in his feet, searching for possible locations for the mayor. As he flew, the figure sees citizens stare at him, fear showing on their faces. In the end though, he didn't care. He felt nothing for these people now. Those that feared him, should fear him was his immediate thoughts. But after he was done with Fisk, he would be respected, and seen as a hero.....for taking down the corrupt man that ruled the city the way he did, him being the one to destroy him was all he needed to feel human in some way.

Back down in the city, Will watched on with concern in his eyes from the sight of the robot. Fearing for the worst, he looks around from within the crowd, trying to find the perfect place to change into his Spider-Man costume and try to at least get the machine away from the people. Once he finally got out of the crowd, he calls Peter on his cell phone. "Parker. Did you-"

"I saw the robot. I already know who it is." Peter cut him off instantly after answering. "It's Dr. Brando Sanchez, expert engineer. His body was completely destroyed but his mind was left in tact, but damaged. It was put in a cyborg body. But I think somehow the machine in him has effected his mind." Peter explained while seeing pictures of the doctor after his accident. "I just wish I knew what he was after...."

At that remark, Will had a realization. A theory as to what he was after. Quickly changing into his costume, and rushing to get his mask on, the curly haired rookie superhero swung away, chasing after the flying robot. "It's either Fisk or Soundwave! It has to be. The man that destroyed his body or the man that turned you into this.....thing." He told Peter, trying to chase after the mech as fast as he could. Knowing the machine needed to be stopped, and if Spider-Man couldn't do it, then who would?

(Editor's note: This was a very short chapter but the next one will be even better! Hope you're enjoying so far! :3)

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