Helping A Fan Cheer Up! Getting To Know Your Hero!

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On the ground below, Gwen was walking around the city streets hoping to find Will as fast as she could. She didn't know if Will was safe yet, or if that assassin that had just attacked them was still after him, or if Will was already dead now. She had to find out one way or another. She didn't know what to expect, but she refused to give up hope. Not if she could find Will and hopefully make him feel safe after that mess. However, before she could find him, she was halted by Spider-Man suddenly appearing in front of her, hanging upside down on a web, something that caused her to scream in terror before realizing who it was. "'s you. Don't do that!" She shouted out in a panic.

The webslinger stayed on his web line upside down as he listened to her. "Sorry about that. This was the less likely way I'd get hurt, and the least frightening for you." He replied before gently landing on the ground. "Figured I'd check to see if you were okay." He explained to her calmly.

The strawberry blonde girl looked at her savior with admiration, curiosity and intrigue. After what she had experienced and read about the web slinger, she was unsure of how exactly she should be feeling. Well, that wasn't true entirely. She knew she thought of him as a hero without question. However, she wasn't expecting him to check in on her. He seemed like the type that would be so busy trying to help save other people. So she decided to ask him about it. "I appreciate you coming by, but why are you here? I figured the rest of the city would be a top priority for you?" She asked him a little shyly, but also with curious intrigue.

When the web slinger heard her question, he rubbed his shoulder a little. "Oh well uhh, that Richardson kid you were with told me to make sure you were okay so I wanted to check in on you in person. Just to be sure no crazy psycho hurt you or anything." He told her honestly. "But you seem to be okay so I can leave you alone." He said starting to wall crawl by her.

"No!...I mean I am okay, but you don't have to go if you don't want?" She said trying to reassure her hero. "In fact if you don't mind, would you....maybe take me home? Just in case they come back for dad would really appreciate it." She added on casually while waiting for his answer.

The web slinger couldn't help but feel relieved she asked that. This way she'd be safer from whatever threat tries to attack him, or her for that matter. That is if they were after her as far as he was concerned. "Sure. I don't mind if you don't. We can take my usual route if you want to?" He then offered with a slight shrug, soon extending a hand out to her.

The strawberry blonde couldn't help but be stunned by his generosity. Sure she had heard of how nice the spider themed hero was, but she never expected it to be toward her as well. With what she went through and the crazy killer that was after him, she expected him to want to stay away from her. But she refused to decline the kind offer if he was willing to do so. Besides, why pass up the opportunity to swing above New York? Get to see what her hero sees? Maybe she'd get a better perspective on the city- no, the state she lives in. So she climbed on his back, made sure to hold him tight, but not too tight, and prepared to be up in the air.

Will couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he felt her hold onto him. "You don't have to hold onto me so tightly. My body pretty much allows things to stick to me if I want them to. Something the spider that bit me did something where....I guess electrolytes in my body allow it? That's how I make sense of it at least." He explained trying to think about how it works. But he has to focus on his point. "I guess what I'm saying is, I won't let you fall. You're going to be okay." He promised her, soon noticing her grip around his neck slightly loosen. "That and I have super strength basically. I'll easily be able to hold onto you, because my grip is naturally strong." He said with confidence as he gets a running start before swinging up and out to the city.

Gwen was slightly afraid at first because of the sudden rush. However, once she opened her eyes and looked down at the city, she could see it... exactly what Spider-Man sees from above. The city, the people, the lights, even crimes that happen. It all looked absolutely amazing from this perspective. Especially since the sun was starting to set as they swung. Even the buildings from their height were amazing. "So this is what you see every day and's so amazing....." She said practically stunned by the experience so far. She could see him doing flips and tricks in the air and yet, she wasn't slipping out or falling off him. He had told the truth.....or rather he was right about his abilities. It felt impossible, yet here she was. She loved everything about it. Experiencing the people below and the buildings around them, hearing people in the area near them, or cars honking their horns, smelling the air from above which felt clearer up there than down in the city, and the feeling of the sun on her face, wind in her hair as well as her own skin.  It was such an eye opening experience for her, and she felt as if she was learning something.

Meanwhile, Will was having his own learning experience. He never really had a chance to swing the city while carrying someone on his back. It honestly didn't feel that much different from his normal swinging activities. Sure he had to be a little more careful than usual, but otherwise, it was almost entirely the same as usual. Though he couldn't help but feel happy about Gwen being the first person he swung with. As if he couldn't feel more joyous about spending time with her. As it was, he already loved spending time with her, but now that she was this close to him, he couldn't help but feel more....happy. Granted, he knows how he feels for her, but this is more than before than that. It had to be the adrenaline of saving her earlier right? 

Meanwhile, Gwen held onto her savior as he swung, clearly enjoying the view. But she still had one question she couldn't get out of her mind. After some hesitation, she finally gets the courage to ask him. "Why do you think they went after me?" She asked as loud as she could to be heard.

When Will heard her, he didn't look back at her, but he did think about his answer. "Probably for your looks. What guy wouldn't?" He guessed trying to compliment her. While he also said it as a joke, he did mean it too, but in the sense of saying she was beautiful.

Upon hearing that, the strawberry blonde blushed a soft pink. But she quickly regained her composure. "Not quite.....what I meant by that....but thank just seemed like he was targeting me was all." She explained in better detail.

Will then started thinking in more detail about what she had brought up. "You do make a good point there......maybe because you have been rescued by me before? So he came to a conclusion that you should be a target?" He then theorized with what information he had. 

As Gwen thought about it, maybe Spider-Man was right about this? "Maybe....." She said while pondering the thought. She then started to look worried about this. "Do you think I should ask my dad for protection?" She then asked with concern.

Will shook his head, to tell her not to. "Nah, for one thing, this guys seems like a professional assassin type based on his fighting style. It'd be too dangerous to send police officers after him, just based on what I experienced from him." He explained to her. "Most likely, he's now going to be hunting me down without you. If he does find you" He tells her while handing her a small tracer shaped like a spider. "Push the top, and it will point me to where you are at the time, and I'll find you." He promised her seeing they were close to her home.

When Gwen saw them get closer to her home, she pointed to the apartment, seeing the window to her bedroom. "That one there. Just drop me off on the fire escape. I can get in from there." She told him with a smile holding the tracer and places it in her pocket. Once she realized they were on the fire escape, she landed carefully on the ground and smiled at him. "One more question.....why do you do this....? There are some people that don't like you.....that say that you returning....or taking the place of the original is bad....." She said, wanting to hear his answer.

Will heard what she had asked and thought about what she had brought up. He did remember the Daily Trumpet, a news media similar to the Daily Bugle that is almost completely outselling The Bugle in terms of sales. A lot of which talked bad about him and his work. Sure it was bad an annoying. But he knew how to answer her question. "Sure some people believe that trash, and the editor, Diana Jamie talks bad about me a lot...but there are a lot more people that know better. When some say I am making things worse, there are more that see what I am doing as stopping Fisk. Sure maybe I do make some things bad or worse, but there's more I am doing to improve people's lives and safety. Actions speak louder than words, so I intend to keep trying until people see the good I am doing, little by little." He explained to her. 

That answer made Gwen feel happy. She couldn't help but feel relieved to hear how he responded, seeing more of why her father saw him as a hero. She quickly hugged her hero before going to her window once more. "Thank you Spider-Man.....I hope to be able to see you more often doing even more good for New York and more." She told him before opening her window.

The web slinger nodded his head as he jumped off and swung away into the city. After helping the strawberry blonde, he felt accomplished doing the right thing. He may not have won against the assassin that was after him, but he was able to protect her and bring her home safely. Though he would have to talk with Peter, that was something he'd do in person. He then activates the coms that linked him to the older Parker male. "Mr. Parker, I'm stopping by to get information. Maybe we can come up with some information together." He responded to the former her.

"Perfect. I don't like this. I have a feeling this has Fisk's stench all over it." The retired Spider-Man answered as he was watching what Will saw on his lenses. He starts to think about what this meant. If Fisk was involved in this enemy's entrance, then this means there would be a huge war starting. A two-person army against a man with a larger army, weapons and resources....something that the two would have to be extremely careful about.....

(Editor's note: Sorry this took so long to write, but I had the worst writer's block, but I am trying to be more consistent with writing all of my stories! I hope you're enjoying so far though :3)

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